

Friday, April 10, 2020


According to he who has obviously never, and I do mean NEVER, managed to miss a single solitary meal, it’s Mikey Moore who has now attempted to chastise all ‘white’ all the guys who actually dared to vote for Donald Trump.  And he’s apparently also of the opinion that we have a Hell of a lot to apologize for.  But I must admit that I am more than just a bit perplexed.  I mean has the old ‘Chubster’ somehow earned a pass for being a white guy himself because he’s fat or because he’s another dumbass liberal telling everyone else just how stupid they are for voting to elect Trump? 

Our supposed ‘documentary’ filmmaker and far-left political activist recent lamented the rise of Donald Trump, saying, in a recent podcast, that white males must be made to “make amends” for the current administration.  But I’m thinking that what ‘The Chubster’ really means is that whites, in general, need to abase themselves for daring to wrong-think.  But what if Mikey is the one who’s wrong, and voting Trump into office was the right thing to do?  In that case white men have a responsibility to re-elect President Trump, and not vote for his mentally defective, geriatric alternative.

But then I suppose I digress.  Because it was the ever brilliant Mikey who devoted a significant portion of his Thursday podcast, ‘Rumble with Michael Moore,’ railing against we who are ‘conservative’ white men.  And it was then that he said, “Men — especially white men have a big responsibility to make amends for the Trump era.”  He went on to say, “Those amends will happen. People will see the error of their ways.”  Now I think it worth noting that, in the 2016 election, Donald Trump won 52 percent of white women votes and 52 percent of the male vote overall.  Just sayin’.

Mikey also said the days of white men being the dominant demographic in the U.S. are numbered saying, “They will be the minority. They’re already the minority.”  And the ‘Chubster’ also touched on abortion during his rather meandering podcast, going to so far as to actually threaten certain members of the U.S. Supreme Court with removal.  He said, “It will have taken years to get some of these people off the Supreme Court. Some may need to be impeached.”  Mikey seems to take some level of joy in the fact that the days of white men being the dominant demographic may be numbered.

But Mikey needs to understand that dominance is not always driven merely by numbers, it’s also driven by productivity, inventiveness and creativity.  For instance, for eight long years we had, as our president, a man who possessed neither the necessary aptitude or, dare I say, the necessary skillset required for the job.  Enter a bona fide white guy into the same office and it’s in very short order that things began to turn around and remarkably so.  And were it not for a totally unexpected ‘crisis,’ the source of which does not involve whites, things would still be humming along.    

Anyway, in getting back to Mikey, he also spent a portion of Thursday’s podcast mourning the demise of the Bernie Sanders campaign, doling out harsh words for Democrats who engaged in verbal smears against the socialist candidate.  He said, “Shame on all of you who would say those things about this individual.”  But he also offered words of encouragement to those who supported the failed candidate: “Don’t despair about this. Bernie has laid the groundwork for this movement, for a better life, a better country, a better planet.”  A better life, country and planet?  Seriously?

So in reality it’s in Mikey that we have someone who is very much a pathetic, misguided, hateful, prejudiced, and truly sick individual.  He has what are some truly twisted ideas, which should come as no surprise knowing, as we do, the caliber of people with whom he likely surrounds himself.  When it comes to people like him everything is always about race.  Personally, it’s people such as myself who couldn’t care less about his whiteness and we don’t even really care about his fatness.  The only thing that truly matters are his ideals which indicate that he’s quite nuts!

And to be perfectly blunt, we who chose to support this president and who intend on doing so again this November have no amends to make.  In fact we’re going to do everything we can to ensure that we elect President Trump again and then we’ll begin our search to find someone as close as possible in qualities such as his and work just as hard to ensure we elect him or her, next.  So Mikey might as well get used to it.  Or better yet, I understand Venezuela is nice this time of year. Why not burden them with his very ample presence since we’ve grown quite weary of his whining.

And frankly, as far as I’m concerned it’s everyone else, including Mikey and the rest of his Hollyweird clique, who should be making amends to we white guys.  We made this country.  Everything in it, they owe to us.  Slavery would still exist in this country were it not for white men while modern medicine or advanced technology would not.  White men owe absolutely nothing to anyone, but everyone else owes everything to us.  Much gratitude needs to be shown us for our not still living in the stone-age or for still having a life expectancy in the mid-30s.  I am just so damn tired of all this crap.

As I have asked on numerous other occasions, of what use to their fellow man are people like Moore?  It’s no one from that world who has anything to offer to those of us who live our lives in the real world and not in some make-believe world.  They spend so much time in their alternate universe that they’ve lost all connection with those in the real world.  They tend to equate stardom with intelligence, but that is hardly the case, since making a movie has no connection to intelligence.  We see that every single day.   Folks, these people need to be ignored, and ignore completely.

By the way, whites were 70% of voters in 2016 and Donald Trump won them, 58% to 38%. He also won a majority of folks over 40, folks who made $50K or more, married people and a huge percentage of those who live in suburbs and beyond.  These people are the backbone of America, the makers and not the takers.  And with luck President Trump is going to get even more of those folks in 2020, as many stayed home in 2016. But they have now seen his economic miracle and understand this virus is due solely to the globalism of and the selling out of America to China, by the left and the RINOs.

Self-hatred seems to be a prominent trait on the left and there is much to hate and be disgusted about in them, but you mustn’t hate them back ‘for hating,’ because that is bigoted.  Hate is only a virtue when it is ‘woke’ hate.   They are a mass of contradictions and generally ugly.  Mikey is a race hater. I will not use the trendy suffix provided because it is a superfluous concept.  Anyone can be a race hater, but, apparently, only white people can be racist, which is another sophism of the left’s race agenda, argued about not for the sake of clarity but to obfuscate and misinform.

It’s as a white man, but not as someone wanting to toot my own horn, that I would like to ask how many people today would be living in tyranny of one form or another, were it not for millions of ‘white’ men just like me?  And what great medical discoveries or advancements would have gone undiscovered, or unadvanced without ‘white’ men?  And what technological wonders would have never even been brought to the drawing board had it not first been dreamt up by a ‘white’ guy?  Sorry, like it or not, that’s just the way it is.  And saying it isn’t so doesn’t alter the fact that it is.  

Our proud history is the resume that made this country free, and has kept it free.  It was primarily white men who first defeated British imperialists and who much later would defeat Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan and, in a different way, the Soviet Union.   And if the country is to remain free, then the American people had better hope and pray that there are still enough white men around willing to do what’s necessary to keep it that way.  This is a very dangerous world and becoming more so with each passing day.  And our enemies must realize that we’re not afraid to take them on.

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