

Friday, November 8, 2019


After having watched more than a few presidential campaigns over the years, it’s become increasingly easy to recognize when it is that a campaign is slowly, even begrudgingly on the part of the candidate, coming to a rather unceremonious, and somewhat anticlimactic, end.  That time when the candidate comes to the realization that they really don’t have a snowball’s chance in Hell of winning.  And, of course, there are always those who run never really expecting to win, doing so only as a means of obtaining for themselves a little name recognition or to perhaps have some impact on directing the platform of their party in their desired direction.

Now for the life of me I have not yet been able to figure out whatever possessed Ms. Kamala Harris, a first term Senate Democrat from the Not-So-Golden-State of California, to think that she is in any way capable of being president.  Being black, female and someone who quite literally hates ALL white folks, and to have gotten where she is by having spent a lot of time on her knees does not qualify one to be president.  And I’ve never heard her articulate, in any way that made much sense, why it is that she even wants to be president.  And it has been she who, even more than Hitlery, has taken pandering to what has been near stratospheric levels. 

So, Harris appeared on MSNBC this past Thursday and it was during her interview that she made the claim that President Trump is “probably the most corrupt” president America has ever had.  She said, “It is sad to see the level of desperation that some people are willing to go through to protect someone who has been probably the most corrupt, unethical, most unpatriotic president we’ve ever had.”  She later tweeted out a clip from her appearance saying that President Trump “has been the most corrupt, unpatriotic president we’ve ever had.” In the text of her Tweet, she did not use the word “probably” and instead said “Trump has been the most corrupt.” 

And it was in this tweet that Harris sent out a clip of herself from that MSNBC interview of her saying, “Donald Trump has been the most corrupt, unpatriotic president we’ve ever had, so it’s sad to see the level of desperation congressional Republicans will stoop to protect him.”   And it was also during this interview that Harris stated that she would stop campaigning in Iowa and return to Washington, D.C. in order to be able to attend Senate proceedings if the House did actually move to impeach President Trump.  She said, “Listen, I’m running for president. I need to be in Iowa full time.”  But she implied impeaching the president was more important.

She said, “I will tell you, if the impeachment inquiry gets to the United States Senate, I will be there against my political interests to be in Iowa every day.”  So I guess she wants us to believe that she sees impeaching the president as being more important than getting herself elected?  She said, “This has to be a moment where everyone says that we took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.”  And she said, “The underlying issue here is that a foreign government was invited to interfere in our election for the highest office in our land.”  Before going on to add, “This is so basic. This is so basic."

Here is an excerpt from Harris’s idiotic interview with even more idiotic MSNBC where she talks about what she will do if the House succeeds in impeaching President Trump:

“Listen, I’m running for president. I need to be in Iowa full time. I will tell you, if the impeachment inquiry gets to the United States Senate, I will be there against my political interests to be in Iowa every day.

“This has to be a moment where everyone says that we took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.

“The underlying issue here is that a foreign government was invited to interfere in our election for the highest office in our land. This is so basic. This is so basic.

“And, you know, so it is, it is sad to see the level of desperation that some people are willing to go through to protect someone who has been probably the most corrupt, unethical, most unpatriotic president we’ve ever had. You can disagree with policy, but this is a whole other thing.

“And, again, this is not like we don’t know what happened. We know what happened. It happened in plain view. So, what is this process about? And, you know, I do believe that this is a moment that certainly our Framers anticipated, and the question for each of us—and particularly those of us that took an oath—is to look in a mirror and ask whether knowing what are the foundational ideals of our country are we willing to fulfill our constitutional responsibilities or are we going to play a political games?”

So once again we have in Ms. Harris yet another Democrat trying to make the case that the only motivation for the Democrats’ continuing their attempts to impeach President Trump is the oath they have taken to protect and defend our Constitution.  But sadly, in truth such a claim is something that could not be further from the truth.  Think about it, since when is it that ANY Democrat, least of all some leftist bimbo like Harris, ever gave a squat about the Constitution or took seriously their oath to protect and defend it?  And when was the last time you recall seeing the American flag used as a backdrop at any Democrat function? And it’s President Trump who’s unpatriotic?  

It’s not really all that surprising that Harris would resort to telling such blatant lies!  It's just another telltale sign that her campaign is going nowhere!  If she were truly interested in identifying the least ‘patriotic’ President in U.S. history, she would need to look no further than that span of U.S. history from 2009-2017.  It was then that one of her own, a Democrat, made quite clear his open hatred and obvious disdain for this country.  Yes, Ms. Harris, took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, against all enemies, both foreign and domestic, and it is has been on any number of occasions that she has made quite clear how little that oath actually means to her.

And what Ms. Harris does is to very conveniently leave out of her little diatribe just how it is that she has absolutely no qualms whatsoever to ignore the oath, when necessary, that she took as a member of Congress and how her allegiance to that oath is somewhat flexible to say the least.  Because it’s whenever that oath stands in the way of some attempt by her party to force down the throats of the American people some new Democrat policy that robs them of something else which the Constitution very clearly guarantees, that the Democrats have no problem casting the Constitution aside while standing firmly in favor of whatever is sought by the party.  

Excuse me, but can someone please explain to me what it is that this woman actually stands for, other than simply hating President Trump?  I have yet to hear what she plans to do for me if she's elected.  Oh wait a minute, I'm a self-sufficient, older white guy so she plans to do pretty much nothing for me other than to likely have no problem raising my taxes so that she can then provide more ‘free’ stuff for those who agree to vote for her.  And to be honest, I find her hypocrisy a bit over the top. She's not exactly a person who should be talking about corruption.  She's so desperate now that she will say absolutely anything to get a little positive press. 

Desperation has now descended upon the Harris campaign.  She's already benched she just doesn't know it.  Democrats under the influence of political desperation has now reached epidemic proportions.  President Trump “has been the most corrupt, unpatriotic president we’ve ever had?”  How ironic that such an accusation could come from someone who is without a doubt one of the most corrupt, unpatriotic people in government today.  And this is the caliber of those behind the ongoing farce that is the impeachment being pushed against the president that we’re all just supposed to accept is being pushed all in the name of protecting our Constitution.

And as much as the Democrats might wish it were so, you can’t impeach a president simply because you hate him, which is really all this continuing impeachment saga is all about.  And ask yourself where were many of these very same people now claiming to be acting in the name of the Constitution during the entire eight long years that O-Bummer, someone who was genuinely corrupt and who routinely exceeded what fell under his purview as outlined in the Constitution, was in the White House.  Or is it that the only time Democrats feel it necessary to claim the Constitution is being threatened is whenever there happens to be a Republican in the White House?

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