

Monday, November 18, 2019


So, who better for nut-job Democrats to be taking advice from than good old Danny Glubber.  Seriously, it’s in Glubber that we have a fella who hasn’t made a decent movie in decades and so is now seeking whatever time on the spotlight that he can in his waning years.  He is also one of the many Hollyweird loons, such as Sean Penn for instance, who have made numerous trips off to Venezuela to meet up with their then BFF, Hugo Chavez who, as we all know, is now no longer among the living.  Glubber has also paid a visit to the new ‘leader’ of that same cesspool, Nicolas Maduro.

And it was just this past weekend, on Sunday, during another idiotic broadcast of MSNBC’s “PoliticsNation,” that Glubber actually touted his support for Bernie Sanders regarding those on the Democrat side now vying to run against President Trump in 2020.  Glubber insisted Sanders was a true believer in his message and pointed to his journey to the 2020 Democrat presidential primary contest. He insisted that based on that, Sanders was the only one who could challenge President Trump.  His support for Bernie should come as a surprise to absolutely no one familiar with this boob.  

Glubber said, “[A]ll these candidates are good candidates.”  And he said, “We can certainly look at their records and them and understand they provide a great deal of knowledge and character in order to perform this work that has to be done. But there’s no one that can challenge, I believe, Donald Trump. And there’s no one who has been on the road and on the path that Bernie has been throughout his whole life as a citizen, or as a legislator, as someone who has been in front of the public.”  I would recommend to Glubber that perhaps he lay off the booze and or the drugs.

Glubber said, “He’s been consistent with his messages his entire career.”  He continued by saying, “And, certainly, we have to take that into consideration. I was here with the Senator in 2016. And basically, people didn’t know who he was. You know, they hadn’t come to know and really follow his trajectory of his life and his work, as well. But now we’re here — right here in 2019, and it’s a different story. And certainly, momentum is building. He’s worked hard of the staff whether they make it in New Hampshire or in Iowa or be in South Carolina has been very strong.”

The trajectory of his life, is he serious?  Glubber must somehow be unaware of the fact that old Bernie has been sponging off the taxpayers for his entire adult life, and yet he’s managed to become worth millions. And what is it, exactly, that Bernie can present to the voters as being his claim to fame after having spent decades in the U.S. Congress?  And I mean anything serious?  Let’s face it, Bernie has done little more than to take up space, and has done absolutely nothing for which he will be remembered for any longer than 5 minutes after he has finally departed this world. 

And you’ve got to ask yourself, since President Trump continues to screw things up so badly and things are going so absolutely swimmingly in that Socialist utopia, Venezuela, to the south, one wonders why it is that he and the rest of the Hollyweird elite don’t simply choose to relocate.  Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that Venezuela is less a utopia than it is yet another unmitigated disaster that socialism continues to be for humanity and one where citizens of the country must walk to the neighboring countries to buy such luxuries as toilet paper.

So we know that Bernie is a Marxist, in fact he’s been bragging about it as being a reason people should vote for him.  He defends this lunacy despite the fact that Marxism was responsible for the death of over 200 million people in just the 20th century alone, while at the same time also putting hundreds of millions into poverty and misery.  So how many more dead and victimized people does Glubber think is needed before those like himself come to realize that Socialism is not a good idea and has never truly worked anywhere.  I mean Glubber truly can’t be that stupid, can he?

Glubber exposes his serious lack of knowledge when it comes to the history of our nation, and therefore the fact that we are a constitutional Republic.  Our Nation has thrived for 240 years.  Meanwhile, every communist nation, and I do mean every single one, has failed and rather spectacularly so.  Red China, who some will point to as being a success, is a hybrid of sorts, and while for the time being it may have an expanding economy, it remains one of the most oppressive countries on the planet, and as such is not a country that Americans should want to choose to emulate.

A list of Bernie’s heroes would likely include those who are known for little more than being leaders of various failed communist states.  You know, great guys like Castro, Chavez and now Maduro as well as any of those first ruled the Soviet Union and those who have since ruled Russia.  Why would you want to change from what makes our country the envy of every nation on Earth, and why would any American citizen want to give up their freedoms that make us who we are?  Bernie is a crackpot, to say the least.  He believes people are too stupid to make life’s truly important decisions.

Glubber, clearly, doesn’t have a clue what he’s talking about.  But then he is an actor, so we need to keep our expectations rather low.  After all, his is a profession in which people get paid for doing nothing more than to read words that were written by others.  They need to restrict their cockamamie opinions to that which they may actually know something about, that being, of course, acting.  Their opinions on anything that is in anyway related to politics or to the running of our country, have about as much value as a plumber's opinion on proper brain surgery techniques.

And let’s just say for the sake of argument that there will be enough Americans who agree with Glubber and Bernie not only succeeds in getting the nomination but also, through some bizarre stroke of luck, also succeeds in defeating President Trump to become the next president.  What is it, exactly, that Glubber expects to see happen?   Well here’s a little clue for you, Mr. Glubber.  Between Election Day and inauguration day, Americans would likely get to witness the greatest transfer or flight of money leaving this country that has ever been witnessed before during any civilization.

In the wake of a Bernie election we would see all manner of small businesses simply closing up shop with hundreds of thousands of jobs being lost as a consequence, causing more Americans to once again become dependent on government.  Which would suit Bernie just fine.  As for the health insurance industry, it would render the largest bankruptcy in American history after Bernie gets through with them which would likely end up sending foreign stock market exchanges into chaos and a world-wide depression will hit the likes that has never been experienced on this planet.

There are few things more pathetic than washed up, unemployable, has-been actors who spent their entire working lives playing ‘Let's Pretend,’ frantically grasping for publicity of any kind.  The communists have always been able to count on the weak-minded who call Hollyweird home.  Hollyweird, home to those who were, and remain to this day, only too happy to use their influence to assist in what is nothing short of a communist takeover of this country.  Either they don’t know they’re being used, or they simply don’t care, as they continue in the proud tradition of all useful idiots.

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