

Monday, November 4, 2019


Let’s face it, if one thinks like a Communist, spews nonsense like a Communist, and lies like a Communist, then there can be virtually no doubt that one is a Communist.  And having said that, anyone who is able to look at any of our hardcore extremist Democrats now running for president, and see within them anyone who possesses even the slightest love for America, such an individual can very correctly be said to be either totally blind, terminally ignorant, or both.  Because let’s face it, not one of these ‘candidates’ has presented anything, by way of their policies, anything that would result in anything other than a complete, and epic, implosion of our economy.

Let’s take presidential wannabe Bernie Sanders.  Here’s a guy who likes to refer to himself as a Democratic Socialist and it was as such that he recently showed up on the campaign trail in Minneapolis, Minnesota with fellow lunatic Ilhan Omar in tow.  It was during what was apparently some sort of campaign event that Bernie attempted to convince those in attendance that he would be a far better choice for president than would be our current president.  And how was it that Bernie set about doing so?  Not by advocating any policies that would strengthen America, but instead by doing what those on the left have always done, by proceeding to simply slander President Trump.

Bernie claimed, “This is, in addition to all of that, a president who is a racist, who is a sexist, who is a xenophobe, a homophobe, and a religious bigot.”  And it was from there that Bernie went on to say, “This is a president who is trying to divide us up based on the color of our skin, where we were born, our sexual orientation, or our religion.”  No, Bernie is far from being the first ‘candidate’ to hurl such accusations in the direction of President Trump.  And I continue to find myself wondering just what it is that the president has said, or done, that makes any of these clowns on the left view as acceptable the labeling of him such a manner with absolutely zero proof.  

But Bernie has made similar statements regarding President Trump before, in fact it was just last month in a tweet that Bernie proclaimed, “Trump is a racist, a sexist and a xenophobe. Despite all of that, he will be a very formidable opponent.”  And it was in stressing voter turnout that Bernie continued by saying, “We can beat him and we will beat him. But we cannot take anything for granted.”  And he added, “To win, we have got to create the largest voter turnout in the history of the country.”  So I can only assume that Bernie must view those of us who continue to support the president as all being nothing more than a bunch of racists, sexists and xenophobes.

Yup, racists, xenophobes, homophobes, white supremacists, Nazis and the list goes on and on.  The Democrats have been beating the very same drum for longer than I can remember, to the point where every single one of these ‘terms’ no longer holds much meaning, at least the same meaning they once did.  Bernie unloaded his entire clip in a single burst of your standard left-wing pejoratives. And we’re all supposed to assume from this burst of invectives that Bernie is not any of these things and is therefore virtuous?  All they have are accusations; the same old tired accusations and from their Marxist bag of offal.  Get a new script you dull witted, boring old fart.

The only thing Democrats, and Socialists like Bernie, have to run on is intimidation, all courtesy of their constant name calling and bullying of anyone who they think might dare to support President Trump.  But it’s the Democrats who have revealed themselves, time and time, again to be exactly what it is that they claim the president to be.  And all you really have to do is to compare the size of the crowds that show up to their rallies.  President Trump’s rallies are ten times bigger than any of those seeking to take him on.  So all you have to do, is to do the math.  The only way the Democrats can win is through voter intimidation and massive voter fraud.

Think about it; if the Democrats were unable to buy elections using billions of our hard-earned tax dollars, which then allows them to offer all manner of limitless/endless entitlements, they would NEVER again win another election.  The Democrat Party has become so hate-filled and so hostile to opposing points of view while at the same time moving further and further to the left.  So, the real question that needs to be asked is why in the Hell would any God-fearing, Law-abiding, Family oriented, Honest, Hardworking, Taxpaying, Responsible, Liberty loving, Proud, Patriotic American EVER choose to vote for a Democrat again?

Democrats have totally adopted the failed Socialist platform! The only thing they are promoting is HATRED of President Donald Trump.  That's it and nothing else!  NO accomplishments, only HATRED!  Lots and lots of HATRED!  Meanwhile, the list of President Trump’s accomplishments in spite of the massive headwinds he has been made to face has been nothing less than incredible. From economic growth to employment, to an increase in take home pay to massive deregulation, tax cuts, to combating opioids, supporting law enforcement, Border Security & Immigration, fair trade and energy independence, President Trump has made good on so much!

So, as a voter in the upcoming elections, let me ask you a simple question: what's more important to you; 1) your touchy-feely HATRED for Presidents Trump's style, or 2) President Trump's successful list of accomplishments, his promises kept, increased prosperity for all and “Making America Great Again!”  The choice is pretty simple.  I don’t give a crap if you like President Trump or not. I don’t care if you don’t like his tweets, or the way he combs his hair or his rhetoric.  That’s just NOT important. What’s truly important is what he has been able to accomplish in his continuing effort to make life better for all Americans.  Results are what’s important!

This next election will determine the fate/future of our great Republic once and for all. Voters will have the clearest of clear choices.  It will not be between Republican versus Democrat, or Right versus Left, nor even Conservative versus Liberal.  This next election will be about the very survival of our country.  The next election will be crystal clear to every American, your choice between Capitalism versus Socialism!  It's only a matter of time before one of these Democrat jerks crosses the line and ignites a fuse that will bring about a new Civil War!  There is no doubt that Donald Trump is the right man, at the right time, doing the right job for ALL of the American people.

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