

Saturday, November 9, 2019


Just when you think old Bernie couldn’t come up with yet another reason for folks to vote for him, damned if he doesn’t prove us all wrong.  And just what might this latest reason be?  Well what Bernie now says is that if the American people are crazy enough to elect him he will halt deportations for all illegal immigrants now in federal custody, including those who are convicted murderers, sex offenders, sexual assailants, and drunk drivers.  What a deal, right?  I mean this even tops his promises to wipe out all college debt, of Medicare for all, to support the ‘Green New Deal,’ his promise for stricter gun control and any of the other idiotic promises he’s made.

For sure, that is some serious thinking outside the box and demonstrates Bernie’s seriousness for wanting to do whatever it takes to make this country even better!  Yes sir, diversity is our strength and therefore the more foreign murderers, pedophiles, rapists, etc that we welcome in, the better our country will become!  Right?  And I literally can’t wait to fork over even more of my hard-earned money to pay for endless list of freebies that Bernie, if elected, will make a reality.  After all, it’s my duty to do so as a means of paying for past indiscretions that I had absolutely nothing to do with.  I’m also looking forward to waiting in lines for toilet paper too!  You?

It was in his national immigration plan released just this past week that Sanders, who once actually disavowed open borders and endorsed more detention space for border crossers, is now vowing to halt the deportation of all illegal immigrants currently in deportation proceedings in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody, regardless of their criminal history.  Keep in mind that it’s in any given year that more than 6,600 convicted murderers and sex offenders are arrested by ICE and placed into deportation proceedings. Under Sanders’ plan, they would have their deportations halted, allowing them to remain in the United States for an extended period of time.

In December 2018, there were more than 6,100 “Level 1” convicted criminals in ICE custody. These are some of the most violent, career criminal-types.  Sanders’ plan would ensure that none of those scumbags are deported.  At the same time that ICE would be banned from deporting even the most violent convicted criminal illegal aliens under Sanders’ plan, new arrests by ICE agents would pile up and potentially cause a shortage of detention space for the agency.  One particular case, for example, involves 59-year-old Amir Abdelghani, a convicted terrorist, who was deported this year by ICE. Sanders’ plan, though, would have halted his deportation.

And it was in wasting little time that Elizabeth Warren jumped to copy Sanders’ plan. She too has promised to decriminalize illegal immigration, and said this past week that she may halt all deportations of illegal immigrants until Congress passes an amnesty for the 11 million to 22 million illegal immigrants living in the U.S.  Are there really enough people who would actually support such a notion?  I know there are a lot of wacky Democrats, but are there really enough of them, in places other than your typical bastions of complete leftwing lunacy, who would actually support such a cockamamie, and even dangerous idea?  I would like to think that there are not!

Now you would think that, if anything, Sanders and Warren both continue to remind the American people that the Democrat Party, if nothing else, is America’s terrorist party and, if our country is to have any hope of surviving, every single Democrat must be forever purged from all levels of government, local, state and federal.  And what it is that they, as well as the rest of the Democrats all vying for the same ‘honor’, are proposing here in their effort to gain their party’s nomination for president has little to nothing to do with actually improving the country.  In fact, I dare say that what they are promising will do far more harm to this country than any level of good!  

It seems logical to me that any Democrat in their right mind would want to ask a few questions about this latest idea of Bernie’s, and with which Warren seems to agree.  Such as, why would Bernie, Warren and whomever else, actually promise to do such a thing? What’s the motivation behind doing such a thing?  There can be only one explanation possible.  To garner potential votes!  Anyone who buys into such insanity is absolutely insane.  If ‘we’ can give these ‘illegals’ a ‘free pass’ regarding any crime they commit, isn’t it only commonsense to expect more, and perhaps even more violent crimes, to be committed?  Think about what they're really saying here!

So I would like to pose a question.  Suppose, just suppose, that Bernie, and perhaps even Warren don't really want to win.  Wouldn’t that explain the offering of stuff that no one, except those on the extreme left of the party, even want?  What reasonable Democrat, of the few that may remain, want their guns taken and want illegal immigrants flooding into the country any more than the rest of us do, with them taking their jobs and living off the taxpayers.  And I’d like to think that there are those within the party who are neutral on abortion and who certainly don't want babies murdered shortly before or after birth. Or am I completely wrong on this?

So might this actually be about something as simple as a deliberate attempt on the part of Bernie to get himself eliminated from the contest?  And might Warren be doing the same thing?  As moronic as Sanders and Warren are, they can’t actually be THAT stupid.  Personally, I’m thinking that they both know they’re not going to get the nod because Hitlery still owns the DNC. The Clinton foundation took over their debts in 2015 and are still effectively in charge. Sanders and Warren are deliberately running the primaries far to the left and scaring Democrat voters so that when Hitlery rides in at the last minute the Democrats will be so relieved that they’ll beg her to run.

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