

Thursday, October 17, 2019


Well, I woke up this morning to news that was, to my way of thinking, long overdue and what I considered as being pretty good.  That of course was the news that Elijah Cummings had died.  We were told by his office that Cummings had died at Johns Hopkins Hospital at 2:45 a.m. Thursday morning from “complications concerning longstanding health challenges.”  However, the likely cause of his demise was most likely the fact that he had spent most of his adult life literally consumed by what was a rather intense level of hate, hate for those whose only ‘crime’ was that they were of a different skin color.  And it was that intense hatred that ended up killing him. 

The only possible downside that I can see going forward is that we will now likely be forced to tolerate, for God knows how many days on end, all manner of drivel about how what a great man Elijah Cummings truly was.  But sadly, nothing could be further from the truth.  In truth Cummings was nothing more than just another run of the mill corrupt politician, and one who never shied away from abusing the power of his elected office.  And he was also a very devout racist, to the point where I doubt that he ever met a white person he didn’t hate.  And if we’re being honest he really didn’t seem to care all that much for his fellow blacks either, at least those in his district.

And so try as I might I can’t help but be glad that he’s gone.  How much pain and suffering against his own people was this pathetic, and corrupt, individual responsible for?  And I have no doubt that old Teddy Kennedy was saving a seat for him in Hell.  This is no great loss, one less crooked Democrat in the House, although he’ll likely be replaced with yet another.  But at least this vindictive old racist will no longer be walking this Earth spewing his own rather unique brand of racial hatred. He spent the last 32 years of his life living off the taxpayers, spreading what was nothing but pure hate.  He was a vile and disgusting human being and, yes, I’m glad that he is gone.

However, it’s when a racist dies that the fact he was a racist doesn’t change. Cummings was precisely that and damn proud of it.  And his death does not alter my political opinion of him.  He was a racist in life and that’s the way he should be remembered in death.  This man was elected due to his race and his liberalism, not because he was particularly bright or possessed any particular skill or talent.  He was little more than a radical do nothing partisan political hack.  And if we’re being honest the people of Baltimore are far worse off for having chosen him to be their representative in Congress.  But they really have no one to blame but themselves.

Because those in his district knew exactly what they were getting when first they elected this hate-filled old buffoon and when they continued to re-elect him.  So one could argue that they essentially got exactly what they deserved.  And there is nothing about his passing that could ever make me respect his ‘life’s work.’  Because his life’s work was the all about the destruction of the country that I love.  And it is today that the remains of buildings burned down in the 1968 riots still stand as mute testimony to this useless and rather insipid brand of “leadership.”  With Cummings it was always about putting the needs of the party above the needs of the people.

And I guess what it is that I so telling when it comes to so many of our ‘elected’ officials, is how so many of his ‘colleagues’ from there within ‘The Swamp’, and on both sides of the political aisle, reacted to Cummings’ untimely death.  Because, you see, it was many of them who chose to praise him by describing him as being a “determined public servant” and going so far as to call his passing “a devastating loss” for the country.  Seriously?  On the contrary, the country now stands a much better chance of being able to survive with this bitter old racist planted firmly in the ground!  He hated this country and was determined to ruin it for future generations.

Let’s face it, Cummings’ death is in no way a “devastating loss” for the country, with the exception, I suppose, of his expectant and now anxious donors who didn't fully realize what they had paid for and may now not receive. The attendant posturing by the dishonest ‘fake news’ media and the usual play-acting politicians is revolting.  His wife, who's reportedly under federal investigation, will likely be appointed by the state's governor in order to continue the flow of bribe money to her so-called nonprofit, and thereby ensure a continuum of favorable support and purchased votes on behalf of donors who contributed to her nonprofit slush fund.

And Cummings’ so-called legacy of having spent nearly 24 years in Congress, and his time spent on the House Oversight Committee is one of stark partisanship.  In opposition, he had virtually no problem with defending the many, and very obvious, abuses of power committed by ex-president Barry O-Bummer; when in the majority, he had continually tried to damage President Trump by any and all means necessary.  All his years spent in ‘public service’ were spent in service to no one but himself and those close to him.  And for anyone to claim otherwise is to try to portray him as someone he most definitely was not.  He could not have cared less about this country.

So am I glad that he’s gone?  Most assuredly!  Do I care what people may think of me for saying so?  Or, do I care that by doing so I will be accused of doing exactly what those on the left do whenever someone of prominence on the right dies?   Nope and nope!  I love my country, and I will never be able to say something positive about anyone whose sole purpose in life was to destroy it.  Cummings was truly a sick individual, and I am truly glad that he is dead!  And it is my fervent hope that he gets to spend all of eternity rotting in the Hell that he created for himself.  I’m sure he won’t be lonely, as he will likely enjoy the company of many other Democrats.

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