

Monday, October 7, 2019


It is in Colon Powell that we have a man who was all too willing to put all manner of reason aside in deciding to cast his vote for a man running for president based solely on the color of the candidate’s skin.  And we now have Colon joining the ranks of those who claim to be putting country above party in calling for the impeachment of President Trump.  But in truth those calling for the president’s impeachment are involved in what is the complete opposite.  Democrats view those in their own party now running for president as having little chance of defeating the president in 2020. So they have concocted a plan to remove him from office before the next election in the hope of being able to avoid what will likely be another humiliating defeat. 

And it was this past Sunday at ‘fake news’ headquarters, on CNN’s “Fareed Zakaria GPS,” that ex-secretary of state Colon Powell took what was yet another opportunity to slam both the Republican Party and President Trump.  After once again hilariously describing himself as being a “moderate Republican,” and with a straight face no less, Colon proceeded to criticize the Republicans and describe U.S. foreign policy as being in a “shambles” under President Trump.  Colon declared, “The Republican Party has got to get a grip on itself.”  And added, “Right now, Republican leaders and members of the Congress, in both the Senate and in the House, are holding back because they’re terrified of what will happen to any one of them if they speak out.”

And Colon went on to say, “Will they lose a primary? I don’t know why that’s such a disaster, but will they lose a primary?”  And he continued by saying, “And so, they need to get a grip, and when they see things that are not right, they need to say something about it because our foreign policy is in shambles right now in my humble judgment.”  So I guess I would ask of old Colon, if he does genuinely see himself as a Republican, moderate or otherwise, how was it that he was able to support O-Bummer not once, but twice?  This guy most definitely is not someone who Republicans should be taking advice from.  In fact, he’s likely one of the LAST people who the Republicans should take seriously, or be paying any amount of attention to.

And I guess I’d like to know whose definition of “shambles” Colon might using.  Because it was during the eight years when American foreign policy was headed up by two of the worst secretaries of state in our history, Hitlery and John Kerry-Heinz, that it came completely off the tracks.  So Colon has a lot of nerve in describing how our foreign policy is now in a ‘shambles’.  It’s under the current leadership that we have gone from getting our butts handed to us on nearly every front, to having crushed ISIS, to getting NATO ‘allies’ to pay fair share, to arming allies to defend against Russian and Chinese aggression and to dominating international economic issues.  His rather odd definition of “shambles” would seem to include ‘exceptional successes.’

So I can only assume that Colon must have thought it nothing less than an excellent idea when O-Bummer withdrew our troops from Iraq despite multiple warnings that it would likely result in allowing ISIS to rise.  Was it a mere coincidence that O-Bummer did so on advice from the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), yes, the same ISNA that the Muslim Brotherhood has described as being most useful in helping to topple America from within.  And as I recall, it was Colon who endorsed O-Bummer’s Muslim Brotherhood/Arab Spring foreign policy. The Middle East was, and still is, a shambles.  Libya collapsed. Syria was caught up in a civil war. Egypt ousted two leaders. ISIS went on a rampage.  I’ll take President Trump’s America first foreign policy anytime!

And I beg to differ with Colon in that I think President Trump's rather unconventional, even unorthodox, approach to American foreign policy is a much needed change and, dare I say, is just what the doctor ordered.  The foreign policy, advanced by Hitlery and John Kerry-Heinz, of essentially bending over and grabbing our ankles really wasn’t working. President Trump's approach of making NATO members pay their fair share, shredding the horrible Iran deal, pulling out of the ridiculous Paris accord, and renegotiating job killing trade deals is exactly what we needed to do.  And I’m sure it all seems like it is in a “shambles” to Colon, after all, he was one of the star players during the decades of stupidity that our current president is now trying to rectify.

If nothing else Colon makes very clear that the ‘Deep State’ is a strong supporter of ‘Affirmative Action’ by allowing into its ranks someone like Colon.   But to be honest, we need to be taking anything that we might hear from this boob with a sizable grain of salt as he has long been part of the problem, not the solution.  And unlike how it was under O-Bummer, it has been under President Trump that Russia hasn't invaded any of its neighbors, the terribly destructive Arab spring didn't happen leading to millions invading Europe, no illegal war in Libya has occurred, we have left no American Ambassadors to die, and Iran wasn't given the bomb plus $150 billion.  A “shambles?”  No, I think not!  Colon obviously knows not of what he speaks!

And if we’re being honest, were it not for Republican presidents starting with Ronald Reagan, most people wouldn’t even know that Colon Powell had ever even existed.  And it was only because of these Republicans that he made it all the way to Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, as he was most certainly no military genius.  And how is it that he demonstrates his appreciation to the presidents and high ranking officials responsible for fast tracking his career to the top?  Like any good liberal, by kicking them in the groin and supporting America's first genuinely socialist President, Barry O-Bummer.  And why did he do it?  For no other reason than O’Bummer was black and Colon didn't want to be viewed as being an ‘Uncle Tom’ within the black community.

And apparently Colon would rather have us continue with an interventionist foreign policy than to go in the direction that President Trump desires to take us. The continuance of military alliances financed by the U.S. when the others involved are perfectly capable of financing and providing for their own defense makes no sense.  Nor does allowing every nation we trade with to engage in predatory mercantilism as a means of entangling them as an element of our foreign policy regardless of the domestic consequence. It also appears that Colon is indifferent as to the security of our borders and the integrity of our immigration system.  Colon is very clearly just another anti-America, Democrat trying whole hardheartedly to destroy America.

Otherwise, Colon would have to concede that President Trump is doing the right things despite the fact that it is unsettling to the status quo and therefore, by definition, may result in temporary disorder as the deck chairs are rearranged.  Call it a “shambles” if you wish, Colon, but it still needed to be done.  The ‘Deep State’ is quite busy trotting out all manner of losers, of which Colon is one, thinking they can persuade woke ‘patriots’ with the same old drivel. None of them are worth a seconds’ notice.  What should be of primary concern is getting these traitors into the requisite orange jump suits.  Colon has been supporting Democrats for decades but still pretends to be a Republican because he thinks his criticism will carry more weight.

So why is it that we should really somehow care what it is that old Colon might think about either our current president, or his foreign policy?  Colon Powell, the useless ‘General,’ the guy who functioned so poorly that Norman Schwarzkopf sent him out of theater in 1991 because of his pathetic performance, the same guy who 'guaranteed’ us, via Power Point’, that he knew where the weapons-of-mass-destruction were, only to then retire and proceed to mouth off against the son of that same President he served under by making the claim that our ‘return to Iraq’ was done under ‘false pretenses’, pretenses that HE himself justified to the American people.  In truth, this guy differs very little from your very average used car salesman.

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