

Thursday, October 10, 2019


I have never quite been able to figure out why exactly it is that these pathetic old ‘rock stars’ we have are never really able to simply fade away.  Instead it would seem just the opposite.  Because it’s as they grow old that most, but not all, become nothing more than angry, bitter old curmudgeons who seem to be going through some sort of withdrawal once the crowds have stopped showing up and no one seems to recognize them anymore.  Case in point is but the latest ‘entertainment’ dope to make yet another last ditch attempt to garner for himself some measure of attention, good or bad, that being the venerable one hit wonder, Mr. Peter Frampton.

Pete recently took it upon himself to speak out on something that I’m quite sure he knows very little about.  That being the desperate attempt by the Democrats to impeach President Trump before they are made to face him in the next election.  Pete said attempts by Democrats in Congress to subpoena Trump administration officials are a waste of time, suggesting that they should perhaps instead just “raid the fuckers” to find evidence against the president.  Pete was apparently reacting to recent reports that Democrats in Congress have issued subpoenas against multiple White House officials as part of their impeachment ‘inquiry’ into President Trump.

And it was in taking to twitter that this limey said, “What is the point of a subpoena if, when handed it, you can just say “No” and we go, “Ok, sorry to bother you.”  He went on to say, “Raid the f_ckers and get what we are asking for!”  Frampton later celebrated the number of “likes” his tweet had received, which, if we’re being honest was the primary purpose of his stupid little outburst in the first place.  He said, “Wow, I think I almost have as many likes here as @KateBeckinsale‘s bare left toe might get.”  I’m guessing any publicity is better than no publicity?  But then we shouldn’t be surprised, that’s how all of these ‘entertainment’ types operate.

So what we have here is just another drug addled old hippy with the I.Q. of a pencil eraser expressing his deranged notion of justice. I’d say shut up and sing but his voice is every bit as annoying as his opinions.  He’s just another has-been marginal entertainer with a dead career trying to ‘jump start’ it just long enough to grab another 15 minutes of fame.  He really does need to come up with a new shtick instead of being a ‘copy cat.’  Another old loser trying to be cool going against President but ending up as just the opposite.  He’s trying to be relevant in a world that has passed him by but being anti-Trump may lose him more fans than he gains.

Now having never really been a fan of Mr. Frampton, if I remember correctly it was from his ‘Frampton Comes Alive’ album that only two songs came anywhere near to being bona fide hits, and it has been since that time that he has produced very little of any consequence during the remainder of what has been his lackluster, and rather sordid, career.  He had his 15 minutes of fame but, again if I remember correctly, it was during the late 1980's that he couldn't even fill a 2,000 seat venue and was going to call it quits.  He should have!  Frankly, I'm amazed he's still alive!  There you go, instead of Frampton Comes Alive, it’s Frampton Is Still Alive!

And since he is in reality a foreigner in our country, perhaps Pete is completely unaware of how it is that in this country that people are not guilty until proven innocent.  Obviously he needs to educate himself a little more regarding how it is that our constitutional republic is designed to work.  It does so a little differently than does the monarchy that he is likely much more familiar with.  Americans are not subjects to be ruled over.  Which makes one wonder, was this boob actually ever made to pass some sort of citizenship test?  Sounds like he might have had the same sort of teachers who taught economics to Alexandria Occasional-Cortez.

Why is it that entertainers, of nearly every stripe, feel they have some kind of divine wisdom when it comes to politics, humanity, the world at large or almost any other topic other than their professional skill set?  Having an audience for one thing doesn't entitle you to pontificate on another.  It’s like being trapped in a room at a timeshare presentation, you thought it was just a couple cheap nights at a nice hotel for a short presentation, and BAM, it turns into a more than a few hours being on the receiving end of a hard-sell about something you didn’t expect.  Think how great it would be if every loudmouth in the entertainment business simply stuck to what they know best.

Look, none of this is really about President Trump, it’s about an attempt by the left in this country to squash traditional Americans. These leftists hate this country, pure and simple.  President Trump is hated for the very simple reason he represents traditional Americans, and their values, and it’s because of that that he, and those of us who continue to support him, have been branded by the socialist left in this country as being far right extremists when in actuality we are just mainstream Americans.  President Trump has been, and continues to be, our public voice and, despite his billionaire status, has shown that he too is a mainstream American.

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