

Thursday, February 1, 2018


I find it all more than just a little sad that when voting for their political leaders blacks seem totally incapable of looking past the skin color of the candidates.  And in so doing blacks end up doing themselves a great disservice.  And it is once they have elected someone that seldom, if ever, regardless of how horrendous a job their candidate of choice has done, as long as the candidate is black, and liberal, they seem virtually guaranteed to be reelected for as long as they want to be.  For instance, had Barry ‘O’ been permitted to run for a third term, regardless of the fact that he was the worst president in recent memory, blacks would most certainly have voted for him again, and in massive numbers.

I mean, look at the caliber of individuals that black folks insist upon sending off to Washington to represent them.  Folks like Shelia Jackson Lee, Hank Johnson, Frederica Wilson, John Lewis, ‘Mad Maxine Waters, Elijah Cummings, and that’s just a few.  The combined IQ of this bunch would barely make it out of single-digits.  This is what you call “willful ignorance.”  And the way I was brought up, to base who one votes for almost exclusively on the skin color of the candidate, is really nothing short of racism.  I know, blacks can’t be racist, only victims of racism.  Now I hate to be the one to break it to anyone, but that’s simply a myth.  Blacks are the main reason why racism still exists in this country.

And then we have Missouri Democrat Emanuel Cleaver.  In Mr. Cleaver we have a racist who apparently sees absolutely no reason to give any amount of credit to Donald Trump for the low unemployment rate among blacks and Latinos.  And it was in trying to somehow conceal his own racism toward this president, that it was when asked after the State of the Union Tuesday night if he could point to anything the president has done to bring down the black unemployment rate, he said nothing, just as Barry ‘O’ had likely done nothing.  In responding to being asked what it was that Barry did, Cleaver said, “To tell you the truth, probably nothing–probably nothing, just like Donald Trump has done nothing.”

Cleaver continued, “Presidents take credit for good economies. I mean, they just do and they take the credit for a lot of things. You know presidents don’t draft legislation. Most people in the public believe they do. The so-called Obamacare was drafted by three committees in the house.”  The only people who actually believe that the president, any president, drafts legislation tend to be those stupid enough to vote Democrat, or those who are beyond being merely stupid and who insist upon voting for black Democrats.  Because it’s these very same black Democrats who do little more than take advantage of those within their own community in order to do nothing more than to line their own pockets. 

Cleaver took issue with Trump’s proclamation about the black and Latino unemployment rate now being the lowest that it has ever been.  He claimed that the president was not being truthful and that the unemployment rate had been going down since the beginning of Barry’s first term.  He said, “What he should have said, if he was going to be truthful, ‘is there is a seven-year trend line going down and I am pleased to have been able to keep the economy running humming and improving and it has stabilized–you know the black unemployment levels.’”  Cleaver added, “This is not new it started a long time ago and it’s been dropping.”  Again we see the Democrat penchant for the rewriting of history.

And let’s not forget that it was Cleaver who was one of the liars who once slandered the Tea Party claiming that he was spat on and called the N-word as he crossed the Congressional Plaza.  He’s black racist, a liar, and a victim-pimping race-grifter.  And he’s yet another who just can’t bring himself to admit that Barry ‘O’ did absolutely nothing for those in the black community, except to make matters worse.  But then, when one can do nothing and still get virtually 100% of the black vote, why the hell would one put any amount of effort into trying to improve anything?  Perhaps blacks should quit voting identity and start voting reality.  Not that that’s likely to happen anytime soon.  After all, old habits die hard.

And what Cleaver fails to address, or refuses to be consider, is how the president has lifted many onerous regulations on businesses that has in turn led to the low unemployment among minorities.  So, whether he wants to admit it or not, it has been the current president who is primarily responsible for the surge in hiring and the reduction in minority unemployment.  Contrast that with Barry ‘O’ and his endless claims about how the best was behind us and we would never again see the level of prosperity that we have had in the past.  Oh, and those jobs that were not coming back because it would take a magic wand?  Well, it would seem that President Trump has it and is making very good use of it.

Political correctness, diversity policies, and multiculturalism have all been proven to be detrimental to black freedom in America.  For over fifty years we have had misguided government intervention into the lives of blacks by allowing Democrats to make pets of them and undermining their independence and chance at social cohesion.  The moral to the story is that other minorities overcame prejudice and worked their way up, Blacks should do the same without any special favors.  But Democrats don't want conditions for blacks improved. They want to keep the blacks on the plantation, subservient to the Democrat Party for the subsistence handouts while a select few black politicians make millions and parade around like royalty!

The progressive ideology doesn't work without a permanent underclass.  That’s why victimology has become thoroughly ingrained into black culture and why the left wants as many uneducated illegals as possible coming across our border.  The more they have on the government dole, the more their power increases and the larger their voting base becomes.  Barry never worked to create jobs. He worked full time to undermine this country by decreasing jobs, increasing debt and encouraging bad elements around the world, as well as importing as many as he could.  Trump does not work to increase black employment. He works to increase employment for all. Yes, that includes both blacks and whites.  Race is irrelevant!

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