

Monday, February 12, 2018


Well, it’s these days that it’s getting increasingly difficult when trying to determine just which of congressional RINOs represents the bigger thorn in the side of conservatives.  Most, if not all, are vocal ‘NeverTrumpers’ but more recently one of the more vocal of these folks would have to be Arizona’s junior senator, Jeff Flake, who this past Sunday made another appearance on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” during which he put forward his idiotic notion that President Trump’s claims of fake news and jokes about Democrats who did not stand for positive news at his State of the Union being treasonous gave “aid and comfort to authoritarians around the world.”  

Flake said, “I think the president stops — needs to stop calling Democrats or Republicans or others who don’t stand or applaud at every line that he has, that they are un-American. He also used that term, or treasonous. Words matter, and when he talks about fake news, for example, I gave another speech where I talked about how that gives aid and comfort to authoritarians around the world who are labeling their position or dismissing real dissent as fake news.”  And this boob went on to say, “So those things matter. I don’t think it’s a joking matter to say that somebody is treasonous and he ought to stop it.”  Spoken like a true RINO snowflake. 

Frankly I can’t wait for the day when we’re finally rid of this boob, Flake.  Last time I looked he had an approval rating of 11% and still he’s the very first guy that our state-controlled media shoves out front whenever they’re in need of a Republican willing to slam President Trump.  Flake is but one wrung above your basic dumbass liberal Democrat rooting for the collapse of America.  And it’s in that regard had the ever corrupt Hitlery been elected she would have, likely with support from Flake, finished the job begun by Barry ‘O’.  But instead it was President Trump who one and who now has got this nation up and running again by creating jobs for forgotten Americans.

And it’s RINOs like Flake, along with his mentor from Arizona and any number of other RINOs, who seem to be more than willing to side with the Democrats in preferring the rather anemic economic growth produced courtesy of those policies put forward by Barry ‘O’.  Flake and his Democrat allies seem unable to grasp that “We The People” are ready to defend this nation at all costs, and that we will go to whatever extremes we feel are necessary in our effort to do so.  Flake has been on the wrong side of everything. Just like his liberal friends. President Trump is not a fascist and he’s not the one shutting down free speech. That’s the domain of elitists like Flake.

Flake seems completely unable to allow a single day to go by without doing all that he can to fan the flames of Never-Trumpism.  And it is in so doing that this loser never came across a microphone he didn't like.  But all that he says is so toxic sounding.  Sad that this is the type of behavior that we have come to expect from far too many in the Republican Party.  No wonder a growing number of conservatives have essentially chosen to distance themselves from Republicans like Flake and have become more willing to embrace the Party of Trump.  Flake is one of the better examples of all that is wrong with the Republican Party and he needs to go away.

And speaking of ‘authoritarians’, they are the ones who tell you that you must embrace an illegal invasion, and that you must embrace any attempt to turn your city or state into a sanctuary.  Oh, and you should be willing to pay, courtesy of higher taxes, for all that’s involved in doing so.  And authoritarians tell you that you must pay for a health plan that stinks and that you can't afford, or the full force of the IRS will rain down on you.  An authoritarian can destroy evidence of wrong-doing and get off Scott-free, while you, the common peasant, would go to prison for the same offense.  Authoritarians are what we seem to have far too many of in Washington.

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