

Tuesday, February 20, 2018


You know, it just never fails.  Every time we have one of these tragic shooting events everyone on the left somehow feels entitled to chastise those of us law abiding citizens who one a gun.  You know, like we’re children and we need to be careful with our toys or we’ll end up having them taken away.  It’s always in the wake of mass shootings, where inevitably the shooter’s weapon of choice was a rifle with a high-capacity magazine, that leftists always harp on their nonsensical “he wouldn’t have killed as many if he only had a knife” narrative.  And while I hate to sass my self-proclaimed superiors, it’s according to the FBI that knives are used in far more killings than rifles each year, and it’s not really even close.

You see, according to a FBI report, “[R]ecent statistics from 2016 show that knives actually kill nearly five times as many people as rifles that year.”   In 2016, 1,604 people were killed with a bladed instrument, while rifles were only used in 374 murders.  In 2013, the numbers were similar: 1,490 killed by knives, 285 by rifles.  Yet, the Left screams “ban assault rifles now!”  These “military grade” weapons must look a lot scarier to Democrats.  The dramatic looks of the weapon are equally matched by the dramatic rhetoric of the Left which demonizes this particular firearm above all others.  Banal-looking handguns are much further down their lists even though deaths due to handguns are the highest of all.

And then we can add to that the blatant propaganda now being peddled by the Communist Broadcasting System (CBS) that puts forward the idiotic claim that here in Florida it’s much easier to buy an “assault rifle” than anti-diarrhea medicine, in bulk.  They had to emphasize the buying in “bulk” because buying small quantities of the medicine is as easy as walking into the store, grabbing the package, paying for it, and walking out.  However, as any intelligent person knows, buying any kind of rifle entails walking into the store, picking out the rifle wanted, filling out ATF form 4473, handing over one’s ID, wandering around in the store while they call the FBI and do a background check, then paying for the gun and walking out.

The diarrhea medication scenario and that of purchasing a rifle are nowhere near comparable.  But never fear, CBS News lists four other things which they believe prove that it’s way too easy to acquire an “assault rifle” in Florida.   Those four things are the purchasing of medical marijuana, the use of which is against federal law, purchasing 25 pounds or more of fertilizer, obtaining a marriage license, and purchasing the types of cold medicine used to make methamphetamine.   CBS News points out that those wanting a marriage license in the state of Florida have to wait a “mandatory three days” before the license is valid.  They acknowledge that out-of-state residents face no such waiting period.

And in order to make their fertilizer comparison work, these geniuses at CBS had to go with 25 pounds of fertilizer or more because you can walk right into your local fertilizer store, pick up 24 pounds or less, and walk right out.  The cold medicine scenario doesn’t hold up under scrutiny because such a purchase simply requires showing one’s valid ID.  So, in reality, buying a regular pack of anti-diarrhea meds, 24 pounds of fertilizer or less, eloping to Florida to get married, or buying a package of cold medicine are all far easier than buying an “assault rifle.”   The making of such nonsensical claims by those in the media is precisely the reason why fewer and fewer people are paying any attention to those in the media.

In truth, other than spending an inordinate amount of time on the brainwashing of our children regarding how it is that our constitutional republic is actually designed to function, our schools also spend a great deal of time teaching our children how to be little more than victims in all aspects of their lives.  Going on offense has become completely foreign to them. They hear a shot and they drop to their knees to be executed.  Sure a different attitude than what I grew up with.  Fight back. Fight for your life in any way you can.  Let teachers be armed that want to be armed, but don't advertise who is and who isn't.  Uncertainty will likely deter most criminals. I'm sorry but being a pacifist when it's your life at stake makes me sick.

When was the last time we heard of a mass shooting where the perpetrator used a bona fide fully automatic weapon?  Never!  At least none that were purchased as such.  Why? Because they've been banned for decades.  So, those bent on such destruction simply move to the next most deadly legal weapon.  So suppose we ban AR-15s.  What will these homicidal types do then?   Well, what they always do, move to the next most deadly legal weapon, most likely just another semi-automatic rifle.  Ban those, and they move to semi-auto handguns, and so on and so forth.  Some laws may cut off certain avenues of action for these criminals, but pretending we can magically stop shootings with a few NEW laws is the height of naïveté.

Look, there are roughly 300,000,000 guns in America.  Of those, only approximately 11,000 will be used to commit homicides, this year.  That’s .004% of all guns that will end being used to commit homicides, this year.  And yet, if you spend any amount of time listening to those who comprise our state-controlled ‘news’ media you’d think things were far more grim.  And all of this ‘fake news’ is coming from the same leftwing cast of characters.  Now I can only assume that they must think that if they continue lying to us over and over again, about anything political, that we will eventually come to accept what they’re telling us as true.  If that is in fact what motivates these producers of such propaganda I have a surprise for them. 

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