

Tuesday, July 28, 2015


Well I hate to say it, but it is truly a very sad day for America as yet another one of our finest youth organizations has been forced to bow under what has become the increasing weight this latest leftwing perversion.  And it’s sadder still for the millions of young boys who will now never get to experience the comradery that comes with a part of, what had been up will yesterday, such a wonderful organization.  And I’m sure there is much celebrating going on as gay men everywhere celebrate the possibility of now being able to more easily prey on the innocents in our society.

The Boy Scouts is one of the largest youth organizations in the United States, with more than 2.4 million youth members and nearly one million adult volunteers.  Since its founding in 1910 as part of the international Scout Movement, more than 110 million Americans have been, at one point or another, members of the BSA.  But with this egregious decision having now been made, there will likely be far less of our young people who will come to know what it’s like to be part of this group out of fear for their safety.  And for what?  So gays can try to gain some level of acceptance?

The Boy Scouts of America decided on this past Monday to allow openly gay men and women to be volunteer leaders and to work in the organization’s offices, a major concession by the group in a protracted battle between the Boy Scouts of America and LGBT activists.  The decision, of course, prodded by gay rights groups threatening lawsuits against the organization and has caused consistent infighting in the organization.  Those choosing to go along with this insanity have done nothing but to guarantee that this organization will likely now begin what will be a long, slow death.  

The Boy Scouts of America put forth the claim that the decision allows chartered groups to use sexuality and religion as a factor in choosing a scout leader.  It was a statement released by the Boy Scouts of America that said, “Chartered organizations will continue to select their adult leaders and religious chartered organizations may continue to use religious beliefs as criteria for selecting adult leaders, including matters of sexuality.”  Why must one’s sexuality even be a factor?  Well, because gays want to use our kids force their perverse lifestyle even further down our throats.  

It was this same statement went on to say, “This change allows Scouting’s members and parents to select local units, chartered to organizations with similar beliefs, that best meet the needs of their families. This change also respects the right of religious chartered organizations to choose adult volunteer leaders whose beliefs are consistent with their own.”  I think we all know that gays will stop at nothing until there are no barriers remaining which will in any way prevent them preying upon our young boys.  I’m sure they’re nearly salivating at the prospects.

Look, we already know that the provision for local exemptions has left LGBT groups unsatisfied, claiming that it still allows for discrimination. They’re calling for a complete and total ban on discrimination based on sexuality at every level, including at the local level even for troops sponsored by religious organizations.  It’s never enough for these people.  That’s because they now have our young boys in their sights and they’re not going to stop until there is absolutely nothing standing between them and their prize.  These freaks desire for themselves ever younger sexual conquests.

“Today’s vote by the Boy Scouts of America to allow gay, lesbian and bisexual adults to work and volunteer is a welcome step toward erasing a stain on this important organization,” Human Rights Campaign President Chad Griffin said in a statement. “But including an exemption for troops sponsored by religious organizations undermines and diminishes the historic nature of today’s decision.  Discrimination should have no place in the Boy Scouts, period.”  The only thing “historic” about this decision is its level of depravity.  In that regard it is simply unparalleled.

We’re told that the Boy Scouts of America National Executive Board voted 79 percent in favor of the policy change.  And it was National President of the Boy Scouts of America, and pathetic loser, Robert Gates who announced the decision via video.  I’d like to ask Gates if he would have an issue sending his own young son, or grandson, off and a weekend excursion knowing full well that it would be a gay scout leader watching over him.  But then he’s a liberal so he’d probably have no problem, he would probably encourage the boy to ‘experiment’ a little in order to find himself.

But I would argue that this decision was less about giving those who may be gay a chance to enjoy scouting and much more about providing to gay men a wide avenue that allows them to prey on young boys whose parents had once been able to entrust to this organization so skilled at turning young boys into responsible young men.  Sadly, that is obviously now no longer the case.  Because what responsible parent would ever even consider sending their young son off on a weekend campout knowing that those charged with keeping them safe actually posed the greatest threat? 

In the end there will be only one way to combat this homosexual assault, that being, of course, that we simply refuse to allow sons to participate.  It’s sad that our sons will now be made to miss out on what a valuable organization scouting has proven itself to be.  But the risks have now become simply too great.  Some alternative organization will need to be brought into existence, one that can provide a safe environment of our sons while at the same time instilling in them all that it means to be a responsible, God-fearing member of our society.    

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