

Thursday, July 9, 2015


Now I’m pretty sure that those who are now, or soon will be, running for the Republican nomination in 2016 couldn’t care less about I would do were I in their shoes.  After all, a political tactician I most certainly am not, I’m just an average guy who fears for my country.  But having said that, it’s because of my status as pretty much of a nobody that I can be seen as being relatively immune to any and all criticism that may come my way when stating the first thing I would do were I a presidential hopeful.

Step One of this little strategy of mine to which I refer, would involve candidates heading into inner cities all across the country, and with cameras rolling, in an effort to point out not only how badly liberals have failed at the running of our cities but to also make clear the net result of decades of liberal policies.  That being, of course, the fact that our cities have been turned into cesspools of violence and corruption.  Next would be to make crystal clear that if our country continues on its present course, it will most certainly come to look the same way.   

But, obviously, simply pointing out the failures, or shortcomings, of liberalism is not going to be enough. That’s why Step Two in this strategy of mine would be to point out that the amount of black rage that exists in a lot of our inner cities, not just the ones like Baltimore, St. Louis or Chicago, but Washington D.C. and Los Angeles as well, is essentially well founded, as our inner cities of today have become little more than combat zones.  There are no jobs, they have lousy schools, there's no safety and half of the people live on welfare.

And then, I would ask that all important question, who is it that has been running these cities for what, in some cases, has literally been decades?  Let’s take Detroit just as a for instance.  In Detroit it has been made painfully clear what happens when you just let liberalism run amok.  What happens is that you turn a once thriving city into what is now a modern day wasteland.  The last Republican mayor in Detroit was Louis C. Miriani, a son of Italian immigrants, who served from 1957 to 1962.  So for over 50 years Detroit has been run by Democrats.  

And to my way of thinking, keeping in mind that I’m no ‘Architect’ like Kark Rove, that's where the Republicans could make for themselves a real opportunity.  But it would require them go to these places and say to bona fide black leaders, black ministers and go to the churches, schools and neighborhoods and say we're going to fix this thing.  That includes such commonsense things as creating more opportunity and improving education.  Republicans needn’t bother wasting their time seeking out the race baiters like Sharpton or Jackson.

What Republicans must do is to make very clear how it is that they intend to improve things. They have to say, “we're going to bring you jobs through our economic programs, we're going to give you school choice so you don't have to go to these lousy schools, we're going to make the streets safe because 90 percent of the blacks who live in these neighborhoods, they don't want this, they're the victims of this."  Republicans must reach out to these potential constituents and say it's liberalism, and those who practice it, who have created these unlivable conditions.

So there you have it.  And anyone who chooses to use my strategy can do so absolutely free of charge.  Consider it as being my little gift.  After all, we have to get this country back on track and do all that we can to correct, to the greatest extent possible, as much of what has been done over the course of the last eight years.  And I’m not saying that convincing those who live in these dilapidated cities will be easy, but the evidence, which is really quite staggering, if presented correctly, should be quite convincing and rather difficult to refute.

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