

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Now I’m quite sure that it comes as quite a shock to most Israelis when on this past Tuesday, they heard former Barry advisor David ‘My Mommie is a Commie’ Axelrod inform an Israeli television channel that Barry “Almighty” considers himself “the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office.”  Barry’s deep and abiding connection to Jewish identity is obviously rooted in his ethnic background, connected to Jews via (?); his ideological ties to Jews, such as (?); and a profound connection with the state of Israel as evidenced by (?).

Let’s face it, in reality, Barry is about as Jewish as George Wallace was black.  But Barry spouted this drivel in order to whine about his treatment at the hands of commentators who, not having undergone full frontal lobotomies, can identify his animus for the Jewish state. “You know,” he allegedly told Axelrod, “I think I am the closest thing to a Jew that has ever sat in this office. For people to say that I am anti-Israel, or, even worse, anti-Semitic, it hurts.”  Come on, he can’t be serious.  I mean really, how crazy is that? 

And oddly enough it was on the very same day that Barry’s former top advisor announced that Barry’s rabbinic degree could be expected in the mail at any moment, that Barry saw fit to threaten Israel with abandonment at the United Nations. Barry then said that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s realistic assessment of the status of negotiations – Netanyahu said there could be no deal to create a Palestinian state with the current leadership of the Palestinian Arabs – created a threat to the “credibility” of Israel.

Barry said that Netanyahu’s position, which is that Israel’s enemies ought to be forced to acknowledge its existence and disown terrorism prior to negotiations, “has so many caveats, so many conditions that it is not realistic to think that those conditions would be met at any time in the near future. So the danger is that Israel as a whole loses credibility. Already, the international community does not believe that Israel is serious about a two-state solution.”  If that’s true then those who comprise the international community haven’t been paying attention.

Obviously, at least Barry’s way of thinking, Israel will only be credible when it accepts an Iranian nuclear threat, as well as a terrorist Palestinian state on its borders.  Few seem to recall when in 2000 it was Prime Minister Ehud Barak who agreed to nearly every demand made by Yasser Arafat only to have Arafat walk away and deliberately turn to terrorism.  That act alone should have been enough to convince the entire world that neither Arafat nor the Palestinians had any real interest in achieving peace.  Their mission then was, as it is today, the complete annihilation of Israel.

Netanyahu indirectly responded to Barry’s patently idiotic comments as any real leader would.  He said, “When it comes to Israel’s security, I rely, first of all, on ourselves.”  Thus is the difference between having a man as your leader who actually possesses those leadership traits necessary for the job and having someone like Barry who even on his best day is in no way whatsoever someone who can even remotely be described as being a leader.  What he is, is all he has ever been, a two-bit community agitator and a purveyor of hate.  It’s all he knows how to do.   

It’s obvious that he despises Israel.  And he does so because to him, it represents a Judeo-
Christian colonialist outpost in an oppressed, Third World, Muslim area.  So why the nonsense about being a member of the Tribe?  Because Barry sees himself as all things to all people.  Barry once said that he was a blank canvas on which people could project their thoughts and dreams, but he thinks of himself as an honorary member of every minority. He has Muslim roots, and thus understands Muslims better than Islamists. He is black, of course.  He is also white, and understands the racism of his “typical white person” grandmother.

Now he’s Jewish, which allows him to lecture Jews about “Jewish values,” which he did again just last week.  This is the beauty of thinking about the world in little subsets of humanity operating through ethnic solidarity: if you appoint yourself an emissary of each of those groups, you can speak to each of those groups as an insider, and never be challenged for having other interests at heart. Sadly for Barry and for the world, however, he has no relationship to Jews, no kinship with Jews, and certainly no love for Judaic values. The result: the most anti-Israel, anti-Semitic administration in American history.

But you know, this really this goes far beyond just being about Barry.  The Democrat Party of today, and nearly as a whole, is no friend to the Israel.  And if Hitlery is in fact our next president the adversarial relationship that currently exists will likely continue and get even worse, which does not bode well for the long term survival of the Jewish state.  And I’ve never been able to figure how why it is that so many Jews insist upon voting for Democrats and against Israel.  I mean how do they sleep at knowing that they have been willing accomplices in the destruction of the homeland?

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