

Saturday, June 6, 2015


I’m sure most will remember all of the talk, even from the floor of the U.S. Senate, about the evil Koch brothers during the lead up to the 2014 midterm elections.  But during that time the very same ones who were busy preaching the evils of these two men, were strangely silent when it came to the billionaires on the left.  And you know who I’m talking about, men like George Soros, Tom Steyer and Mike Bloomberg to name but a few.  There was silence, you see, because these men are the financiers of the Democrats’ war on America. 

Which brings me to Democrat Sugar-Daddy, George Soros.  According to news reports Soros has agreed to spend upwards of $5 Million on Democrat court battles against voting laws passed in recent years by Republican-controlled state governments.  It was in describing these legal battles that Soros said, "We hope to see these unfair laws, which often disproportionately affect the most vulnerable in our society, repealed."  And he would go on to describe himself as being "proud" of his involvement in this matter.

Soros political adviser, some guy named Michael Vachon, said the billionaire has given $1 million so far this year to the liberal ‘research’ super PAC American Bridge.  Backers of Democrat presidential candidate Hitlery Clinton, who has made these types of voting laws a cornerstone of her campaign, have been pushing Soros to commit millions of dollars to her super PAC.  Soros has not done so thus far.  The lawsuits against the states are being led by attorney Marc Elias, who is Hitlery’s campaign general counsel.

Most, I’m sure are well aware that this is far from being the infamous Mr. Soros' first involvement in issues such as this.  His first major push into American politics included the America Coming Together voter-mobilization drive back in 2004, in what was his all out effort to defeat President George W. Bush. The lawsuits include attacks on voter ID requirements, time restrictions on early voting that make it difficult to cast ballots on the weekend before Election Day, and rules nullifying ballots that are cast in wrong precincts.

It has been reported that Soros was in contact with Elias back in January 2014, while the attorney was then exploring federal lawsuits before the midterms and before the 2016 cycle.  Elias himself refused comment this past Friday regarding the funding behind these lawsuits. So it should come as no surprise to find out that as part of Soros’ effort to destroy this country, we find him supporting lawsuits filed in Ohio and Wisconsin last month, and is helping finance a case Elias and other groups filed in North Carolina last year.    

Hitlery and the Democrats have done, and continue to do, their best to advance the argument that these voting laws affect poor, minority, and young voters unfairly. Republicans on the other hand say, and rightly so, that the new laws, enacted since 2010, serve as protection against what has become the growing problem of election fraud. Further, Republican opponents point out that the lawsuits, also expected in Georgia, Nevada, and Virginia, are politically motivated, filed only to attract minority voters to support Democrats.

Vachon, though, said it is "disingenuous" for Republicans to say the laws prevent voter fraud, which he claims is "nearly nonexistent," but instead, they are "meant to give Republicans a political advantage on Election Day.”  But on the contrary, the purpose behind these laws is really two-fold.  It is to make it so that only those who are entitled to vote, get to vote, and by doing so to creating a level playing field for both parties by preventing the dozens of examples of Democrat voter fraud that we hear about after every single major election.   

It was in a speech in Houston this past week that we heard Hitlery attack many of her potential Republican opponents for the presidency by name, including Chris Christie and Scott Walker, who fired back.  Christie responded by telling The Record of Elmwood Park, New Jersey, "Secretary Clinton doesn't know the first thing about voting rights in New Jersey or in the other states that she attacked."  And he went on to say, "My sense is she just wants an opportunity to commit greater acts of voter fraud around the country.”

And it was Walker who commented that it’s Hitlery's push against laws that make it "easier to vote and harder to cheat" defies logic and most Americans' wishes. Vachon said in an interview with the New York Times that Elias first approached him last year about a lawsuit against a North Carolina law that says student identification cards are not acceptable to use as a photo ID for voting, and which ended a program allowing teenagers to fill out a form that automatically registered them to vote on their 18th birthday. 

With all this talk of lawsuits, I think it would be important to take note of a new poll by Rasmussen Reports.  It’s a poll which finds that a strong majority of Americans favor a requirement for voters to show a photo ID before being allowed to vote.  Following several years of similar results, the June poll finds that Americans overwhelmingly support Voter ID laws.  Rasmussen found that 76% of respondents favor voter ID laws and even a majority of Democrats, 58%, agree that voter ID is a good idea.

So it would appear that Democrats like Hitlery, and they’re big money backers like Soros, don’t’ really care that a majority of Americans are of the opinion that one should have to prove who one says one is when showing up to vote.  So you have to ask yourself, why is it, exactly, that the Democrat Party opposes such an idea?  And why is it that someone like George Soros would be willing to spend $5 Million in an effort to prevent such an idea from becoming a reality?  I think we all know the answer to that.

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