

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


I don’t believe that I have ever been witness to a more classless American president than Barry “Almighty”.  Even ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton, who was, and remains, a man of very little or no class, and is so in a completely different way.  We once again have heard how it is, and with a general sense of ease, that Barry can continue to blame all of his screw ups on his predecessor.  He knows perfectly well that President George W. Bush won’t defend himself, because he – unlike Barry – does have a sense of decorum, so he quickly tries to put the blame for his own failures on Bush.  And the fact that Barry has proven himself to be such a classless individual should really come as no surprise.  I mean, think about it.  What exactly is it that you see, every time you look at Barry?  Seriously!

Now don’t get me wrong, or start jumping to conclusions, because by no means is it my intent, here, to make this into a left versus right thing, or even a white versus black thing.  What it’s about is something much more basic than that.  Because what it’s about is being a gentleman rather than a bore. And should be very obvious into which of these categories Barry falls into.  Of course it simply isn’t a matter of him just being rude when he behaves in such a juvenile manner, it’s the fact that he’s also lying.  I’ll be the first on to admit that George W. Bush made some mistakes, some of them tragic, but he played no part in the rise of ISIS, that, my friends, is all on Barry. He was informed about the group’s potential a full year before it started its reign of terror, and yet he did nothing.

And I don’t seem to recall Bush ever making mention of the fact how it was that more terrorist attacks occurred on his predecessor’s watch, both inside and outside of U.S. borders, than during any other presidential administration in U.S. history.  You remember: The 1993 World Trade Center bombing that killed 6 and injured 1,000, The 1993 Mogadishu firefight that killed 18 U.S. soldiers, The 1995 Oklahoma City terrorist attack on the federal building by American extremists that killed 168, wounding several hundred others, The 1995 Saudi Arabia car bomb that killed 5 U.S. military personnel, The 1996 Khobal Towers bombing that killed 19 U.S. soldiers, wounding 515, The 1998 bombings of two U.S. embassies in Africa that killed 231 citizens, 12 Americans and injured 5,000 or the 2000 USS Cole attack in Yemen that killed 17 U.S. sailors, wounding 39.

In 2007 George W. Bush took the advice of his military commanders and increased the number of American troops in Iraq to bring security to the struggling nation plagued by violence.  By 2008 the US military had very clearly defeated Al-Qaeda in Iraq after the Bush surge of troops from just a year earlier.  Barry “Almighty” was very vocal in his opposition of that very same surge. In 2007 Barry “Almighty” told supporters, “Preventing a potential genocide in Iraq isn’t a good enough reason to keep US forces there.”  When George W. Bush left office the US military had brought victory to Iraq.  But despite repeated warnings, Barry was determined in his efforts to snatch defeat from jaws of victory and withdrew troops from Iraq. ISIS then proceeded to take over Western Iraq in 2014.

But oddly enough, today it’s Bush that Barry continues to blame for ISIS.  He pinned the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) on Bush’s invasion of Iraq while calling for more investment in diplomacy and education to stop terrorism.  And it was in a recent interview with VICE News that Barry said, “Two things: one is, ISIL is a direct outgrowth of al Qaeda in Iraq that grew out of our invasion.”   To which he then added, “Which is an example of unintended consequences. Which is why we should generally aim before we shoot.” Barry’s direct shot at Bush comes despite the fulfillment of his own campaign promises to pull troops out of Iraq.  Barry completed the troop draw down in 2011, an ‘achievement’ that was touted as a major victory but which left a power vacuum which ISIS was only too happy to fill.

What’s obvious today, or should be to anyone willing to look objectively at the situation, is that Barry, for whatever the reason, simply chose not to take ISIS seriously when it first began conquering land in Syria and western Iraq.  And I’m sure we all remember when he, and now quite famously so, compared the terrorist group to a “JV” basketball team in an interview last January. Since then ISIS has taken over more territory in those two nations while establishing branches in Libya and reportedly forming alliances with other terrorist groups, such as Nigeria’s Boko Haram.  Barry did say that he is confident that the U.S. and its 60 nation coalition will “slowly push back ISIL out of Iraq.”  But he said he is worried about “the underlying problem of disaffected Sunnis around the world.” 

And what might some of those supposed underlying problems be that Barry claims to be so worried about?  Well it’s according to Barry that it is in places like Libya and Yemen that young men with no education and no prospects are gravitating towards groups like ISIS.  He said, “And now you’re giving me a religious rationale for doing this — that’s a problem we’re going to have generally.”  He said that to combat terrorism the U.S. will have to take a more comprehensive approach.  He said, “And we can’t keep on thinking about counter-terrorism and security as entirely separate from diplomacy, development, education — all these things that are considered soft, but in fact are vital to our national security.”  He then added, “And we do not fund those.”  Barry said that the U.S. currently spends just over 1 percent of its budget on those diplomatic measures.

So you may ask, what is Barry’s plan for combating this terror group, ISIS?  Well according to Barry, “We should be thinking about making investments there that ultimately save us from having to send our young men and women to fight or having folks come here and doing great harm.”  So you have to ask yourself, is this really how one would expect the supposed ‘leader’ of the free world to behave?  Under normal circumstances I would say no.  But it has become the norm in this ‘Age of Obama’, and the world has become much worse off because of it.  It’s because of Barry that our friends no longer can bring themselves to trust us, and our enemies, which seem to be growing in number with each passing day, no longer fear us.  And like it or not, if they no longer fear us, then they no longer respect us.  

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