

Monday, March 2, 2015


Let’s face it, I think it can be said, and with some degree of certainty, that were it not for a very sizable segment of our population being of less than average intelligence, the Democrat Party would not be, today, anything other than a political party resigned to being a permanent minority party.  Because if there is one thing that has become all the more painfully obvious over the course of years past, it’s that you don’t need to be particular bright in order to vote for Democrats.  In fact, for years now, liberals have actually come to depend on the stupidity of many voters and have worked very hard to first cultivate and then take advantage of that stupidity.  Liberals are many things; vicious, profane, loud and hypocritical.  But being particularly bright they are not.  After all, if liberals were smart they wouldn’t be liberals.

It was back in 2012 that there was a little experiment conducted that involved sending some folks into Harlem with the specific purpose of interviewing Barry “Almighty’s” supporters.  Since Harlem is mostly black, it was assumed that roughly 96% of Harlem, which was about the same percentage for blacks nationwide, would be voting again for Barry, even though he had been, up to that point, pretty much of an unmitigated disaster as president, and, oddly enough, especially for blacks.  What was encouraging is to hear was how the Harlem residents had made their decision to vote for Barry after listening to both Barry and Romney and logically making a decision based on facts.  Just kidding!  Actually they were planning to vote for Barry for no other reason that because he’s BLACK!  But then, we all already knew that!

If I was to have my way there would be a great deal of people who not have the right to vote until they were able to somehow prove they were not actually a moron, or a racist.  You shouldn’t vote if you can’t name, at the very least, those who represent you in Washington, or the country in which you live.  It’s my estimate that this is what conservatives continue to be up against.  We read, we study, we ponder to find the truth as a way to make educated decisions.  We don’t blankly back candidates because of their political party, sex or race.  That’s for Democrats. With the monumentally stupid constituency in their pockets, Democrats just have to get their comrades in the state-controlled media to spread the lies and talking points in order to wrap up every mindless, clueless liberal voting blocks, the dead included.

I’ve always thought it strange that those on welfare should even be allowed to vote. They’re not contributing in any meaningful way to the system, they’re only taking from it.  So why is it that they then should have a say in anything that has to do with the earnings of others?  For that matter, why should they receive earnings belonging to others?  But that’s where the federal government steps in.  And that’s how the Democrat Party has been able to exist and to gain all of its power!  Without stupid people, America would be a true two party country.  And it also been a notion that I support that when it comes to being allowed to vote, one must also be a taxpayer.  Paying taxes is a way of having ‘skin in the game,’ so to speak.  Because without having a little skin in the game where’s the motivation to keep things afloat?

It was back in 2008 that millions of people came to be only too happy to vote for Barry “Almighty” despite the fact that there was simply so much of his past that was, and remains still today, cloaked in secrecy.  These people simply didn’t care about that in 2008 just as then didn’t care in 2012.  And they seem to be unware of the damage that he has done, and continues to do, to this country, or they think what he has done to weaken our nation, and on every single front, is essentially a good thing.  And what sort of a flawed mentality must one possess to be able to look at what he has done, and to then agree with it?  And now we’re hearing how it is that Democrats are clamoring for Hitlery Clinton to be our next president while at the same time the ‘Clinton Foundation” is receiving millions of dollars from very questionable sources.  

As has been made very clear on more occasions than I care to count, there’s just no way to fix stupid.  Far too often it has been ingrained, either by brainwashing or inbreeding, to the point where no matter what you may say or do there’s no way to reverse what has become its rather long-lasting effects.  Today we have 92 million fewer people in the workforce since Barry first took office. We have 50 million on food stamps and literally millions more on some form of government assistance.  Now while I can’t say that most, or even many, of these folks find themselves in their current predicaments because of stupidity, something does happen to people after having spent long periods of time on the government dole.  It seems to alter their ability to reason, which in turn impacts their ability to make reasonably intelligent decisions.   

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