

Monday, September 29, 2014


Anyone who still stubbornly refuses to believe that Barry is a racist, has either not been paying attention to all of the racist things that Barry has said, or has simply chosen to willingly ignore all of the evidence that Barry himself has provided that makes the point painfully clear. It’s either that or they are naïve to the point of being comatose. And it is once again that Barry has provided us with yet another glimpse of his inner racist as he went about the preaching of pure "divisiveness" to those described as being black ‘leaders’ present at a recent, and very swanky, awards dinner. Barry confidently declared that America is basically a racist society.

Barry told the mostly black audience in attendance at the Congressional Black Caucus dinner, that police nationwide "are to blame" for community mistrust. He said, "Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness." Barry indicated that it is his understanding that "most Americans" believe the American justice system suffers from institutional racism, while giving examples ranging "from enforcing drug policy to applying the death penalty to pulling people over."

Wouldn’t it have been better, and totally unexpected, if Barry had been able to see his way to acting a bit more presidential and used this very same black-tie event to talk optimistically about race in America. I mean what better opportunity than with a slew of prominent black lawmakers, lawyers and entrepreneurs there in the audience. If he had I might, today, have a slightly different opinion of him. But instead Barry, as is usually the case with this racist ‘community agitator’, insisted upon taking the low road and really accomplished little more than to make the job of law enforcement just that much tougher.

Barry's comments came on Saturday evening and, as it just so happened, on the same night that a police officer was shot in Ferguson, Missouri. The shooting followed an encounter with two men, most likely a couple of men robbing while black, at a community center who ran from him and then opened fire during a foot chase. The shooting incident comes in the aftermath of the race riots in the St. Louis suburb that erupted after 300 pound black ‘teen’, and convenience store robber, Michael Brown was killed by a white police officer, Darren Wilson as Wilson was trying to prevent himself from being killed. Which I’m sure Barry would have preferred.

After Barry had informed his dinner audience that Brown's parents were guests in the audience, he made the patently idiotic claim that he didn't plan on talking about the federal investigation into the 18-year-old's death. But then he went on to say, "I know that nothing any of us can say can ease the grief of losing a child so soon. But the anger and the emotion that followed his death awakened our nation once again to the reality that people in this room have long understood, which is, in too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement."

And he went on to say, "There are significant racial disparities. That's just the statistics. One recent poll showed that the majority of Americans think the criminal justice system doesn't treat people of all races equally. Think about that. That's not just blacks, not just Latinos or Asians or Native Americans saying things may not be unfair. That's most Americans." This guy is so pathetic, and on so many different levels. And it wouldn’t be so bad if people were a little smarter and were therefore able to see that the image that Barry is so desperate to paint for them, has far more to do with politics than with anything else.

Barry added, "And the worst part of it is it scars the hearts of our children, that it leads some youngsters to unnecessarily fear people who do not look like them and others to constantly feel under suspicion no matter what they do." So it would seem that, at least to Barry and most likely the vast majority of blacks in this country, that the color of a man's skin is far more important than is the content of his character. Barry, our Divider-in-Chief made a conscious decision to stoke the dying embers of the racial tension in Ferguson just in case he could cash in on a late campaign issue ahead of the midterm elections.

Rather than talk about all that unites the races, at least for Barry, America just keeps getting worse and worse. And let’s be honest here, that's exactly as he wants it to be. For only by dividing Americans by race, sex and class can his pessimistic worldview ever have a chance to take hold in the manner in which he, and his fellow Democrats need it to. Voters will go to the polls in little more than a month and we can only hope that a majority of Americans will vote against just the kind of divisiveness that Barry preaches every single day. But I can’t say that I’m all that optimistic about things, but then I’m always up for a good surprise.

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