

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Little has changed since last we left our intrepid representative from the People’s Republic of Maryland, Steny Hoyer. It was on the topic of Barry’s ability to legalize those in this country illegally that Steny was sounded, then, pretty much the same as he did when we recently caught up with him again, just yesterday. Prior to yesterday Steny had said that Barry could not legalize those in this country illegally, but could "implement the laws as he believes they should be implemented." And then yesterday Steny refused to say whether the Constitution authorizes Barry to make good on the statement he made last Friday that he would use executive power to let illegal aliens "be legal."

So what we had yesterday was yet another attempt to get Steny to clarify exactly what his position is. He was asked: "President Obama said on Friday that ‘in the absence of congressional action,’ he will take unilateral action so that illegal aliens can ‘be legal.’ Where specifically does the Constitution give the president the power to make illegal aliens legal?" Steny responded in typical fashion. He said, "Well, look, he hasn’t taken any action, so I don’t know what action he’s going to take." First of all, one has to be pretty stupid to believe that Steny has no idea what sort of action Barry intends on taking regarding those in this country illegally. Of course he does!

Steny went on to play dumb by saying, "He didn’t articulate specifically what action beyond what he’d said." Adding, "And, furthermore, he said he wasn’t going to take action in the near future, meaning before the election. So we’ll have to see what action he proposes and we’ll have to make a judgment on that." Steny must think the rest of are as stupid as the imbeciles there in the People’s Republic of Maryland who keep re-electing this pathetic boob. Look the ONLY reason Barry has backed off from taking his unilateral action is politics, pure and simple. I know that, you know that and Steny knows that. And we all know what Barry is going to be pushing for as soon as the election is over.

So just to remind everyone, here’s what Barry said during a press conference in Wales back on Sept. 5:

"What I’m unequivocal about is that we need immigration reform; that my overriding preference is to see Congress act. We had bipartisan action in the Senate. The House Republicans have sat on it for over a year. That has damaged the economy, it has held America back. It is a mistake.

And in the absence of congressional action, I intend to take action to make sure that we’re putting more resources on the border, that we’re upgrading how we process these cases, and that we find a way to encourage legal immigration and give people some path so that they can start paying taxes and pay a fine and learn English and be able to not look over their shoulder but be legal, since they’ve been living here for quite some time. ...

But I want to be very clear: My intention is, in the absence of action by Congress, I’m going to do what I can do within the legal constraints of my office -- because it’s the right thing to do for the country."

Now as a little refresher course for everyone, including Barry and the Democrats, because one appears to be needed, it’s the Constitution of the United States that gives ‘Congress’, and not the president, authority over immigration. More specifically, it’s Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution that says: "Congress shall have power … to establish an uniform rule of naturalization." So there’s really no gray areas here, it’s all pretty cut and dry. And wouldn’t you think that a guy who was supposed to be some big-time ‘senior lecturer’ and who supposedly taught the Constitution to the young and impressionable, would have a better understanding himself of what it actually says? I guess not!

Now like I said, it was back in July when Steny was asked, "Article 1 of the U.S. Constitution states that Congress has the power to make laws governing naturalization. Given this, does President Obama have the unilateral power to legalize illegal aliens?" At that time that Steny responded, "I don’t think he does." And he claimed, at the time, Barry could choose how to implement the laws. He also said, "And there have been a lot of scholars, and I’m not going to go through the quotes now, who have said the president clearly has broad authority to decide how he’s going to implement the law." Steny added, "But that does not mean he can legalize people." Steny then said, "He can’t make them citizens. Not according to the law."

So here we are at the end of another ‘Gasbag Chronicles’ with Steny saying pretty much the same thing he was saying when last we saw him back in July. If anything, Steny has shown himself to be even more vague on the issue of what he thinks Barry can, or can’t, do with respect to those in this country illegally. Even if you didn’t know that there was an election just around the corner, it wouldn’t be all that difficult to figure out just that by simply listening to how it is the Steny dances around the issue of Barry taking his much threatened "executive action." Steny simply can’t bring himself to say that the Constitution is quite clear regarding under whose purview is the granting of naturalization. He wouldn’t want to offend those here illegally.

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