

Wednesday, April 5, 2023


After all that has been made to transpire in this country over just the course of the last two years you have to wonder, is there still a point that the American people would consider as being too far, that point to which when pushed would stir within them the urge to save their country. Or, have we now gotten to a point where we no longer care whether we live in freedom or not. And too, do we no longer care about the future that now lies ahead for our children, a future that is rapidly being made very dark and very dangerous on so many different levels. If anyone had ever told me that this is what America would become in my lifetime, I would have laughed in their face. And yet, here we are.

And when you compare where we were, as a country, less than 28 months ago, or roughly 850 days, to where we are today it becomes all the more frightening when you consider just how far we have been made to fall. Our so-called leaders, who have always been known to be rather ethically challenged, have now become some of the most corrupt politicians to be found anywhere on the entire planet. And yet, oddly enough, it’s still millions of Americans who seem to be in favor of the desperate attempt by Democrats to now make an example of one of the few men who has taken it upon himself to slow, if not to try to prevent entirely, the Democrats’ ongoing mission to totally destroy this country.

And if what we are now witnessing take place in this country is not enough to make people rise up in defense of it, then I’m very much afraid that there is now nothing that might do the trick. Which, in short, I guess means that the Democrats, and their many radical leftwing supporters, have won. President Trump cannot take on this fight alone, and yet it would seem that there are far too many within his own party who would rather stand with the Democrats than to stand with him. And what’s most embarrassing, at least for me, is the fact that have I chosen to vote for some of those who have chosen to abandon the country and to stand with the Democrats in exchange for but a few pieces of gold.

And anyone who can look on at what is being made to take place, and very much on purpose, in this country and not be infuriated by it, is clearly part of the problem. And I say on purpose because there is no other way to explain how all that has been, and continues to be, made to occur could have taken place any other way. Our government has now been made into a weapon to be used against all who dare to oppose the direction in which it is now headed. And so an effort is now underway to make an example of the man who is viewed as standing in the way of those who seek nothing more than the complete and utter destruction of this country. So I ask you, will he be left to stand alone?

Now don’t get me wrong, in no way am I advocating violence, although if we were to follow the example set by those on the left it might go far in convincing those who apparently think that there is no limit to what we can be made to tolerate. As far as I’m concerned, things have already been made to go way too far. What I’m really talking about is taking action via the ballot box, at all levels of government, and in numbers that would make any amount of cheating done by the Democrats a nonissue. The Democrat Party must be reduced to being nothing more than a fringe party, reduced to numbers that would make it harmless and to where it would have little, or no, say in the everyday running of this country.

And finally, I guess what I find most frustrating is how to go about convincing someone of the benefits of actually loving one’s country. Of course, the task is made all the more difficult because from kindergarten on up through high school, and then college, our children are brainwashed into hating their country. But just think how very different this country would likely look if the majority of those living in it, actually loved it. I mean, if that were the case fewer people would listen to the ‘fake news’ outlets and, most assuredly, far fewer would ever vote for any Democrat. Choosing to do either of those would likely improve the overall condition of this country significantly. But don’t go holding your breath.

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