

Tuesday, April 18, 2023


I’ll start out by saying that while all Democrats are not perverts, I think we can all agree that all perverts, or at least 99.9 percent of them, are either Democrats or vote for Democrats. And it’s Democrat politicians who love to portray themselves as being those who care far more about “the children” than those who do not happen to share in their uniquely perverted political persuasion. And the most recent Democrat to make that very same, yet easily disprovable, argument was none other than ‘Slick Willy’ Clinton. So, the very same people who continue to demonstrate that they couldn’t care less about “the children” again profess to care so much about them.

What Democrats so seem to excel at is their rather bizarre willingness to repeatedly exploit “the children” in what is always nothing more than yet another sick attempt to advance that which is their twisted agenda. Anyone who uses the death of children to advance their agenda is a garbage human being. We don’t have a gun problem in this country, what we clearly have is a mental illness problem, and one that clearly involves those on the left. We have a failure to parent problem and a lack of personal responsibility problem. Most of all we have a lack of leadership problem, because the people we continue to elect are unwilling to deal with the aforementioned issues.

Anyway, old ‘Slick Willy’ once again makes the argument that the so-called gun debate can only be solved if some kind of consensus is reached on how to do it. If was earlier this week during an appearance on MSDNC’s “Morning Joe,” that the ‘Slickmeister’ explained how he believed it would be done. However, he called the status quo “not rational.” He said, “One thing that is pretty clear is whatever we do, we need to it more together.” And he added, “And I think we need to start talking across this divide.” And it was according to old ‘Slick Willy,’ that those who broke away from long-held beliefs on Second Amendment issues faced consequences.

He said, “It is not rational that we should have a dramatically higher death rate among school-aged children because of gun violence than any other country in the world.” And he went on to say, “And you know, a lot of people get mad about this thoughts and prayers. But if you believe that you have to — if you believe you are compelled to let kids die in order to keep your freedoms, that’s sort of the way this debate is.” So says the face of the party whose Number One priority is the completely unfettered murder of babies in the womb, and the neutering of preteens which tends to leads to their early demise thinks he’s knows what’s best for our children.

Spoken like a true Democrat. Pharmaceutical drugs for everyone, no mental hospitals, victim and oppressor obsession pushed on children, no armed guards at schools equal recipe for mass shootings created by the left. ‘Slick Willy’ says the children will keep dying until we give up our Second Amendment rights. He never once mentions the fact that the last five school shooters have been gender-challenged Democrats, or that the laws already in place were not followed and the weapons were legally purchased or stolen from a relative. Democrats tell us that we don’t need guns, then Democrat voters take to the streets and remind us exactly why we do need guns.

Yes, and how ironic is it that the same leftist morons who condone, and dare I say even demand, that it be legal to murder babies up to, and even beyond, the moment of birth are the very same ones who now claim to be so “concerned” about our children’s safety. Democrats seem compelled to allow children to die to keep their freedom to indoctrinate, groom, and corrupt other people’s children, rather than to give parents a refundable tax credit so they can educate their respective children in a safer setting where their moral values are reinforced, not undermined. How dare parents be permitted to raise their children according to their own beliefs!

If they were truly worried about our children, Democrats would aggressively prosecute criminals for gun violence and put them away for a very, VERY, long time. Instead, what do Democrats do? Well, they release criminal scum back into their various communities so that they can then gun down children on the streets, they downgrade felonies to misdemeanors, they open borders so fentanyl poison gets in the hands of children, so the revolving door of drugs, violence, and mayhem spins away unhindered all under another Democrat administration. And yet we are somehow expected to believe that Democrats are all caring when it comes to “the children."

If Democrats actually cared about our children, they would protect them in the same style that is used to protect politicians, movie stars, professional athletes, airports, and the money in our banks. And that would be with armed security guards, what a novel idea. Keep in mind that Democrats are also the same people who ‘defunded the police,’ went soft on crime and released violent criminals. They refuse to prosecute criminals and refuse to enforce the law and pardon felons. They’ve done just about everything in their power to promote and encourage crime and criminal activity, then they have the audacity to call for ‘gun control’ in a lawless world that they’ve created.

Democrats are always pushing to take away individual liberties based on the lie that it will somehow improve personal, and public, safety. Taking guns from law-abiding citizens will do nothing to improve our safety. Every city in America with strict gun control laws is absolute proof of the fallacy behind this lie. Gun free zones are one of the main problems. That puts a target in everyone’s back. Bad people don’t follow the laws and the mentally ill sometimes are looking to die after their carnage so why not speed up the process. If our kids are in need of being protected, and they are, then make the schools safer. Telegraphing that it is a gun free zone doesn’t do that.

The Democrats’ only solution, regardless of the issue being discussed, has always been to reduce our freedom. Unless, of course, you happen to be some pervert or criminal, then allowing such creeps to remain free is what then becomes imperative, even crucial. It is not an exaggeration to say that Democrats have made our public schools a target-rich environment for any crazy with a psychotic urge. And they have done so very much on purpose by denying teachers and, and other staff, who wish to be armed, their Second Amendment rights. Sadly, Democrats are perfectly willing to allow our children to die if it can be used to further their gun control aims.

And finally, once again we have this creepy old letch trying to lecture us on what’s the best way to protect “the children.” Yet how many schools have been protected with security? How many were beefed up after a shooting? Democrats love to pretend they do so many good things for the American people. Their mission to disarm us is paramount if their plan to destroy America is to be successful. They are already attacking people who don’t agree with them. Interfering with elections so nefariously that I would be surprised if Republicans ever again win an election. This is truly scary stuff, and we ill afford to surrender any more ground to an increasingly radical left.

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