

Wednesday, May 4, 2022


As if we didn’t already know that Barack Obama, ‘BO,’ is one twisted, radical, leftwing nutjob, his most recent, and rather longwinded, rant about the potential Supreme Court decision regarding Roe v. Wade should leave absolutely no doubt in that regard. And you really do need to wonder about someone who is so fixated on the allowing to take place something as heinous as the coldblooded murder of those who are the most helpless among us, up to, and even after, the moment they enter this world. You see, it was on Tuesday that ‘BO’ reacted to the ‘leak’ of a draft opinion from the Supreme Court suggesting it would rule to overturn Roe v. Wade.

‘BO’s rant took the form of a 719-word statement released to reporters in which he went so far as to warn that Americans would face the loss of their personal rights to privacy if Roe v. Wade was overturned. And it was in that statement that he warned that the federal government could ultimately meddle with “personal decisions involving who we sleep with, who we marry, whether or not to use contraception, and whether or not to bear children.” The difference is that choosing who we sleep with doesn’t kill a child, choosing who we marry doesn’t kill a child, choosing to use contraception doesn’t kill a child. Choosing to have an abortion kills a human being.

He wrote, “[W]hat Roe recognized is that the freedom enshrined in the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution requires all of us to enjoy a sphere of our lives that isn’t subject to meddling from the state.” But overturning Roe simply means that instead of a dictated solution by nine un-elected Justices, each State would now be free to draft its own law. If some of them are too restrictive, Americans are free to move to other States, or to vote out those State legislators and elect new ones who will pass a different law. A “free society” doesn’t mean one is free to murder. And it also doesn't mean one is free to steal, burn, loot, rape or assault either.

‘BO’s statement featured a loquacious defense of the leftist view of the Supreme Court, that it did not have the right to overturn abortion rights. ‘BO’ said the draft opinion removed the “constitutionally recognized interest” of “folks” who wanted to make decisions about whether, or not, to have an abortion. He wrote, “The consequences of this decision would be a blow not just to women, but to all of us who believe that in a free society, there are limits to how much the government can encroach on our personal lives.” ‘BO’ expressed concern that poor people would face the brunt of any future decision by the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Now I may not be as smart as ‘BO’, but how, exactly, is it a blow to all who believe in a free society? In a free society you can move to a state that will perform abortions. It would be easier to use the many forms of contraception that are available today or, call me crazy, don’t have sex until you’re ready to deal with the possibility that you’ll get pregnant. No matter how free a society is, you are NEVER free of the consequences of your actions. Also, a free society would allow the people to decide the abortion issue. The Supreme Court would essentially take the decision out of the hands of a few and give it back to all of the “folks” in each individual state.

‘BO’ warned, “Illegal abortions, inevitably pose grave risks to their health, their future ability to bear children, and sometimes their lives.” And he warned about supporters of Roe v. Wade growing complacent with the court’s decisions on abortion, reminding them of the people who would suffer as a result. He said, “[S]ome of those who support Roe may feel helpless and instinctively turn back to their work, or families, telling themselves that because this outcome may have been predictable, there’s nothing any of us can do.” He argued women deserved “the dignity and freedom of making a decision that is right for their bodies and their circumstances."

‘BO’ said, “You might be one of those people.” And he went on to say, “Or you might know some of them by name.” He urged Americans to join pro-abortion activists to protest and work in local politics to prevent the pro-life movement’s momentum. And he wrote, “[I]n the end, if we want judges who will protect all, and not just some, of our rights, then we’ve got to elect officials committed to doing the same.” Those who are pro-abortion will still have the freedom to choose which state they want to go to in order to have their abortion, is that not sufficiently pro-choice? Democrats talk a lot about freedom, but their actions reveal something quite the opposite.

And if those on the left want the “right” to an abortion to be part of the Constitution, then there is a process already in place to do that! They get their amendment proposed by a two-thirds vote of both Houses of Congress, or convince two-thirds of the States to request one, by a convention called for that purpose. The amendment must then be ratified by three-fourths of the State legislatures, or three-fourths of conventions called in each State for ratification. Good luck with that! This isn’t rocket science, or at least it shouldn’t be, especially for a ‘Constitutional Expert’ like ‘BO.’ And since when are the Democrats interested in the rights of the common folk?

This decision, if it in fact does come to pass, will not outlaw abortion. It will simply go back to the states to decide, which is the way it should have been in the first place. Why are women having a meltdown? Is it because they’re so conditioned by Democrats that they can no longer think for themselves? Are they puppets that can be easily riled up whenever Democrats need a distraction? Do women not realize how they are being used? What is being done is nothing less than barbaric. Only seven countries do abortions as late during pregnancy as America does. And now we know they are selling the baby parts. And it’s none of this that seems to bother ‘BO.'

We’re in big trouble if we truly believe freedom means society has the right to decide to snuff out the lives of the unborn. There’s no dignity in the act of killing babies because their prospective mothers and their partners shirked their responsibility to prevent unwanted pregnancy in the first place. And so, as inflation rages, the economy tanks, the southern border collapses, a food crisis explodes, hunger spreads, and WWIII looms, Democrats will be screaming about protecting the right to kill babies up until the moment birth. Sounds like a winner to me! I guess we get to see how well that works for the Democrats come this November.

And finally, just how is it that by giving states the power to make choices regarding abortion by their elected representatives, rights are somehow being denied? What about gun control efforts and anti-gun laws? They try to regulate and deny an actual right named in the Constitution that guns are clearly protected from government interference. But those rights don’t matter. Roe is a stretch of the imagination and denies facts. All powers not specifically granted to the Federal Government by the Constitution belong to the States. That is how our government was founded but the left conveniently doesn’t remember that unless it helps their cause.

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