

Friday, May 20, 2022


There is probably no one, other than perhaps Adam ‘Pencil Neck’ Schiff, more adept at blowing smoke than he who was, most likely, the most corrupt individual to ever serve as Attorney General, Eric Holder. In fact, if you were to ever take the time to Goggle ‘corrupt piece of shit,’ you would very likely be taken to a picture of Holder. But then the same goes if you were to Google ‘racist’ or perhaps even ‘wing man.’ And Holder, like so many others within his little circle of radical leftwing creeps, appears more than a little desperate in his ongoing attempts to prevent President Trump from running in 2024 and so is out telling every lie that might need to be told.

I can only assume that President Trump continued to have these folks plenty spooked, and if that is in fact the case then, by all means, President Trump is definitely the guy who we all need to vote for when next we are given the opportunity. And it was Holder who was once again provided with a platform from which to spew his idiotic drivel. It was this past Thursday during an appearance on MSDNC’s “All In,” that our less than stellar ex-Attorney General, Holder, revealed his rather bizarre pipedream when he went so far as to actually predict that there would most definitely be “high-level” prosecutions of people who were close to President Trump.

And it was when he was asked about the Department of Justice that Holder said, “After the revelations from the January 6 Committee and the great job that journalists have done in revealing a whole variety of things, I think you get a sense of the direction of this, and I think you are going to end up with high-level prosecutions of people close to Donald Trump. I think people at the Justice Department are going to be examined, certainly, people involved in the matter, people actually there on January 6, and people who directed them.” And it was from there that Holder went on to say, “The question ultimately is what happens to the ex-president."

Holder went on to add, “My guess is going to be that they are going to have significant, substantive proof they are going to be able to show that you have the intent, and as what I said before, I have said he has to be held accountable.” Political prosecutions are the hallmark of any communist run government. However, the true insurrection that actually occurred on November 3, 2020. But anyway, Holder continued, “We cannot allow what happened on January 6 to go unpunished because it would invite something like that to happen again in the future. Future people who would consider doing something like this have to be deterred."

Holder added, “I think a non-prosecution would divide the nation as well. And if we don’t have that deterrent impact coming out of the consideration of what happened on January the 6, we put this republic at risk in the future.” Holder is right this time, though. We cannot allow what happened on January 6, to ever happen again. The certification of a fraudulent election by a bunch of treacherous politicians committing treason against our nation. This most definitely should never happen again. People being held without due process for a year-and-a-half now. That should never happen again. Everyone in Congress who certified this election is guilty of treason.

Holder was the first sitting member of any president's cabinet to be held in contempt of Congress in entire history of our country. He refused to hand over documents regarding his and ‘BO’s gun running scheme, ‘Fast and Furious.’ Let’s talk about that. What might it have been that he was trying to hide? Holder is nothing but a criminal, a racist and a deep state commie. He has no credibility. Holder is man of no ethics, morals or integrity. A fraud complicit in the vitriol spewed by the ‘fake news’ media and government agencies. It’s appalling that these criminals in government are immune from prosecution for their crimes or pass a law that legalize their crimes.

Personally, I’m thinking that the Democrats are now in what can only be described as being full blown panic mode. They’re terrified because 90-plus percent of those candidates endorsed by President Trump keep winning, which is proof that President Trump remains very much a major political player and maintains his support of the American people. Democrats are terrified for 2024. Hence the reason the Democrats keep on swinging, only to keep on missing. It must be very frustrating for them. Holder is nothing more than the clown prince of kangaroos and kangaroo courts. The racist Holder is very much involved in the running of this illegitimate regime.

And we mustn’t forget that Holder too has been investigated. However, that investigation was one carried out by professional investigators, not the gutless, corrupt corporate media types. And it was these investigators that found convincing evidence that Holder illegally sold weapons to members to various Mexican Drug Cartel members. Further evidence revealed that those guns were then used to murder a U.S. border guard. The House Oversight Committee, in 2010, also found that Holder regarded the family of murdered Border Patrol agent Brian Terry as little more than a “nuisance.” The question is why isn’t Holder now wearing an orange jump suit?

Democrats continue to politicize what were intended to be non-partisan officials in order to advance their ‘America Last’ agenda. There is no interest in enforcing our immigration laws that are on the books, or even exiting gun laws that are already on the books, because doing to is viewed as being counterproductive. Also, we see no prosecution of the leftists storming the homes of Supreme Court Justices. Just as we continue to see no prosecution of those who took part in the “mostly peaceful” demonstrations of 2020. All we continue to hear from the radical nutjobs on the left is how the police are somehow out of control. Insanity now reigns supreme.

Holder is a forgotten ‘no one of importance’ who has crawled out from under his rock to again make the rounds to spread his poison, hoping that perhaps he will be rewarded with a shot at the White House in 2024. What’s next, the dusting off of Jimmy Carter for a second run? After ‘Shitbag Joey’ they've got no one who can carry water. Holder is playing the role of respected elder AG, carrying the banner of justice and moral indignation at the thought of President Trump being free to roam the fruited plains. Don’t be misdirected, there’s no honesty in this grifter, only treachery. Remember what he said of the Right, “When they go low, we kick them.”

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