

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


It will likely be that not so rare, these days, combination of low IQ and the level of hatred that one might possess for America that will determine the level of enthusiasm one might feel regarding the recent news that, at least as this particular point in time, ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden does fully intend to for ‘re-election’ in 2024. This, despite the fact, that he will turn 82 years old just weeks after the election. Already showing clear signs of his advanced age, you would have to call into question the wisdom of anyone who would choose to vote for a man who so often seems to simply wander off and who so often seems to be totally unfamiliar with his surroundings.

Now granted, if President Trump does decide to run for re-election, it’s he who will be 78 years old on Election Day. But that said, the differences between these two men could not be more stark. ‘Creepy Joe’ appears feeble, even fragile, and seems to shuffle rather than walk and often seems to look as if he has absolutely no idea where he is. Meanwhile, it’s President Trump who appears to be a man much younger than his years, often giving speeches that are hours long without a teleprompter in sight. Also, he doesn’t need to be instructed on whom it is that he’s to call upon during press conferences, when he is permitted to take questions from reporters.

But back to the topic at hand here, it’s now official, according to White House press secretary Jen ‘Circle Back’ Psaki, that *president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden is not giving way and fully intends to run for reelection in 2024. She made this announcement just this past Monday. It was then that ‘Circle Back’ told those reporters aboard Air Force One, “That’s his intention.” And in so doing she underlined varied reports that the 79-year-old ‘Creepy Joe’ has been telling advisers and staff he will be back. ‘Creepy Joe’ was already the oldest presidential candidate to be elected as commander-in-chief when he cheated his way to ‘victory’ in the November 2020 election.

‘Creepy Joe’ will be a mere 15 days shy of his 82nd birthday come 5 November 2024, the next time voters in the U.S. will go to the polls to choose their leader. News of ‘Creepy Joe’s desire to once again seek the approval of voters comes amid a steady downward trend in the *president’s approval ratings amid inflation and supply chain issues and rapidly rising gas prices all being played out against a backdrop of intra-party fighting over key aspects of the *president’s agenda. Voters are already registering their displeasure at the prospect of his return as polling shows. I mean, he couldn’t be screwing things up more if he was doing so on purpose!

When ‘Creepy Joe’ was asked back in March if he would run again for the presidency, he responded in the affirmative. It was then that ‘Creepy Joe’ said, “The answer is yes, my plan is to run for reelection.” And he added, “That’s my expectation.”  ‘Creepy Joe’ recently underwent his first physical examination, on this past Friday, since ‘taking’ office in January. We’re told that doctors found that he has a stiffened gait and attributed frequent bouts of coughing to acid reflux. The medical examiners claimed that he remains fit to serve, a medical opinion that, quite frankly, seems very much at odds with public perceptions of his current cognitive ability.

It was the current White House physician, Kevin O’Connor, who actually stated, “The President remains a healthy, vigorous, 78-year-old male, who is fit to successfully execute the duties of the Presidency, to include those as Chief Executive, Head of State and Commander in Chief.” Now I’m no doctor, nor do I play one on television and neither did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night, and yet it seems very clear to me, at least, that to describe ‘Creepy Joe’ as being “a healthy, vigorous, 78-year-old male” is more than a bit of a stretch. Anyone who has spent even the slightest amount of time watching ‘Creepy Joe’ would not describe him as “vigorous!"

But to be honest I suppose he has to say he’s running or he simply ends up spending the next three years as being little more than a lame duck. On the up side, though, it’s the longer he chooses to maintain the charade of running for ‘re-election,’ the longer it is that other, and perhaps more viable, potential Democrat candidates will be hamstrung from running. Or, might this all be a smokescreen, of sorts, to deflect from the reality the fact that the Democrat Party has NO viable, competent, rational candidates to run in 2024. The Democrats can only compete by using their wholly-owned media to run interference by spreading disinformation and suppressing facts.

And you know, the fact is he didn’t run for election the first time. Instead, he was propped up as a stand-in for ‘BO’, so he could run for ‘BO’s third and possibly fourth terms. ‘Creepy Joe’ spent almost his entire last campaign at home in his basement, and yet we’re still supposed to believe that he somehow got over 80 million votes. It’s so embarrassing to have as *president a man who can’t speak, answer questions, or control his bodily functions when around foreign dignitaries. Even worse, a *president who abandons Americans in a foreign country, forces our country to once again become dependent our enemies for energy and throws open our border.

So you have to wonder, just how freaking stupid do these people think we are. Now granted, there are those who will have no problem voting for this dementia ridden, meat-sack, caring very little about the damage he has done, and continues to do, to this country. ‘Creepy Joe’ has made it very clear, and in near record time, what happens when you allow a man who so very clearly hates his country to be ‘selected’ as its leader. And as I said, there are those among us who seem only too happy to sit idly by as this man, and those in his party, wreak all manner of havoc upon our country, working to forever change it not for the better, but for the worse.

And finally, there is now much excitement about the supposed red wave coming in 2022 and 2024. But I fear that we may be creating a false sense of security for ourselves, for it is once again that this bunch has had the taste of what it essentially absolute power, and they will not give it up easily. And it is they who own the media, the intelligence services, and are working to take control of the military. And it’s Communist China who is assisting them to create a circumstance for justifying an excuse for election fraud and population control. Act II will be coming before 2022. Who knows, they might even drum up something to justify a suspension of elections.

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