

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


So I ask you, who better than Hiterly to make the best possible poster child for what the Democrat Party of 2021 has now become, as well as for the hatred all Democrats seem to possess regarding those things that we know as being so uniquely American. And it’s becomes a bit more clear, every single day, how it is that she has become so completely consumed by her hate, to the point where she has actually been made to morph into something that is truly inhuman. But then, you can’t spend all your time mired in hate to the degree that she has, and for as long as she has, and not expect to experience some level of adverse effects. And yet she continues with her hate.

And it’s very clear that her opinion regarding those of us who love America and who continue to support President Trump, remains unchanged. We’re still the same “deplorables” that we were back in 2016. And also, it’s quite clear that she has no interest in trying to convince us of the righteousness of her ‘noble’ mission to destroy our country and, instead, works to incite against us those mind-numbed little robots who agree with her and comprise her devoted followers. And it is in so doing that she has left we ‘deplorables’ with very few alternatives regarding how it is that we may choose to peacefully respond going forward. Which may actually be her intent here.

And so it was then, that two-time loser of the presidential sweepstakes, Hitlery, claimed just this past Tuesday, during yet another appearance on MSDNC’s “The Rachel Maddow Show,” that it’s those of us who continue our support of President Trump who fear “civil rights and human rights, the cultural changes.” Hitlery said, “I do think that we are facing a crisis of democracy, a crisis of legitimacy, a crisis that really goes to the heart of what the future of our country and many others around the world will be. So I spend my time trying to figure out what we can do about it. I am not ever going to give up because there’s just too much at stake/"

She continued, “I think that the role of disinformation, the way that propaganda has been really weaponized, and the increasing ability to manipulate people through algorithms and other forms of artificial intelligence will only make this harder to combat. so I don’t want to be pessimistic about it because I think this is a worthy and necessary battle.” And she added, “We have to hold people accountable for their actions, particularly when those actions threaten our way of life, our rule of law, our future as a democracy.” It really is quite remarkable that she is able to say such things while maintaining a straight face, proving again she skill as a liar.

Hitlery went on to say, “So I am determined to continue to speak out, to do whatever I can. In fact, in the book I wrote, State of Terror, as you know, there is a plot against the country by people who truly want to turn the clock back. They believe that the progress we’ve made on all kinds of civil rights and human rights, the cultural changes that have taken place, are so deeply threatening that they want to stage a coup. Now, think about it because that’s truly what is behind Trump and his enablers and those who invaded and attacked our Capitol.” But where was Hitlery when our cities were being burned during the summer of 2020 by supporters of her party? Nowhere!!!

And she said, “They don’t like the world we’re living in, and they have that in common with, you know, autocratic leaders from Russia to Turkey to Hungary to Brazil and so many other places, who are driven by personal power and greed and corruption but who utilize fears about change to try to get people to hate one another and feel insecure and, therefore, be easily manipulated by demagogues and by disinformation.” She speaks of “demagogues” and their use of “disinformation” to influence or exploit those whom she refers to as being those easily manipulated. But who is it that is more easily manipulated than those who vote Democrat?

Democrats, such as Hitlery, would like you to believe that “civil rights” somehow equate to meaning that you can murder the most helpless, innocent, and defenseless humans for absolutely any reason, and to have their body parts then sold to Big Pharma to be surgically implanted into lab rats for drug testing. Or that you must also inject minor children with permanently life-altering hormones because you taught them gender was like a feeling or a favorite color. And that you should expect the government to give you money, housing, and provide everything you need, because it first takes it from others who created wealth through hard work and creativity.

This is yet another example of how those on the ‘Left’ consistently project their evil deeds onto the Right, as though it’s those of us on the Right who are working so hard to totally dismantle our civilization. Let’s face it, ‘misinformation’ is Hitlery’s stock-in-trade, she is incapable of telling the truth and would be unable to do so even if her life depended on it. Meanwhile, it’s Hitlery, if we’re being honest, who has accomplished virtually nothing for the American people. I dare anyone to point to anything positive she has done for America, or that has benefited anyone other than herself. She is, and will always be, nothing but a boil on the ass of humanity.

And to be clear, I’m not about to be lectured to, about anything, by this vile, despicable traitor who injected Russian disinformation into a political campaign, who helped to stage what was a four year coup attempt to kneecap a duly elected President and cripple his Administration, a woman who facilitated the sale of uranium to the Russians, who ineptly allowed a U.S. ambassador and three American citizens to be killed in Benghazi, who intentionally destabilized the Middle East and who was responsible for countless other malfeasances. Hitlery should be in prison, not being interviewed on MSDNC and provided with a platform from which to spew her bile.

And for the record, it’s not we “deplorables” who fear “civil rights” as much as Hitlery and her minions fear the idea of a meritocracy, the concept that rewards accomplishment, ability, and actual effort. And what those on the ‘Left’ refer to as “civil rights” is nothing more than a system of rewarding skin color, gender, perversion, gender confusion, and refusal to assimilate. Instead of ‘merit’ their yardstick for advancement is stupidity and self-imposed ‘victimhood.’ No society in history has EVER succeeded by rewarding, ‘victims,’ especially when those victims are "victimized" ONLY by their own irresponsibility, decadence and poor decisions.

Personally, I still prefer a system that rewards ability, talent, effort and achievement. That is what BUILT this nation that Hitlery and her disgusting minions are trying so hard to tear down. It’s now, at least according to Hitlery and her fellow loons on the ‘Left,’ that white Americans played absolutely no role in the building of our country. It seems the Democrats’ message is that the entire country was built solely by Blacks only. Black, White and all people built this country. No one group can claim that. And no one group has the right to tear it down. This creature is so unremarkable, and so predictable. Her narcissistic attitude likely stems from her humiliating loss in 2016.

How easy life must be for Democrats, to have those in the ‘fake new’ media who are only too happy to pedal their propaganda on a daily basis and to never challenge any of their obviously dishonest claims made against the opposition. According to Hitlery we’re now supposed to believe that Republicans, who sometimes get supported by perhaps 3 percent of the media, are somehow spreading lies and propaganda? I’m so sick and tired of these talking heads using the First Amendment as cover for their own lies and deceit. When will it all STOP? NEVER! I find it sad that it’s none of these devils who will get close enough to the fight they started to draw a bead on them.

Finally, it’d ol’ Hitlery who is quite the card. When she’s not thieving hundreds of millions via some phony charity, she’s maligning normal people who choose not to vote for her, by calling them “deplorable.” And when she’s not selling out our nation's uranium deposits for personal gain, she’s coercing doctors and pharmaceutical companies to help advance a government takeover of the entire medical/pharmaceutical/insurance industry. And when she’s not dreaming up a KGB-style disinformation campaign of smears against Donald Trump, she’s inventing new and innovative slanders to launch against supporters of Trump. She’s a never-ending source of political sewage.

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