

Thursday, February 21, 2019


So·cial·ism:  a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
•policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
•(in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of Communism.

Let me start by saying that to ignore the very obvious appearance that the Democrat Party has now moved pretty significantly, and dare I say very sharply, to the left, to where we now have a majority of Democrats who are now openly advocating positions that are very clearly socialist in nature would, in fact, require a willing suspension of disbelief.  And to deny such a thing, or to assume that most Americans are simply too stupid to recognize what is taking place right before their eyes, is disingenuous to say the least, and makes quite clear just how dishonest Democrats have become.

But that didn’t appear to keep Rep. David Cicilline, Democrat from Rhode Island, from appearing at ‘fake news’ headquarters, the Communist News Network (CNN), this past Wednesday, to rather strenuously deny any and all claims that his Democrat Party is lurching toward Socialism in the wake of Bernie Sanders entering the 2020 race for the Democrat nomination.  I will admit that in a sense he’s right, because his Democrat Party began steadily moving sharply to the left with the election of Barry ‘O’ back in 2008. And it has only picked up considerable speed since that time.

And it was the host of “CNN Newsroom,” Poppy Harlow, who asked Cicilline if he believes the Democrat Party is moving toward socialism.  Cicilline responded saying, “I think all of the announced Democratic candidates for president are capitalists.”  And he then went on to say, “We don’t have socialist candidates running for president in the Democratic Party.”  In making such a statement, I suppose one could argue that Cicilline was technically correct, other than Sander there are no ‘socialist’ running for the Democrat nomination.  But they are all running on what are socialist positions.

Cicilline continued, “I don’t see any movement in the Democratic party towards socialism at all. I know the president is making that argument. I think it’s a silly one. I think he thinks it’s politically advantageous, but there’s just no evidence to support it.” Cicilline then noted Sanders is not a member of the Democrat Party.  And he said, “I wouldn’t attribute too much significance to how he self-identifies.”  To say that Bernie is not a member of the Democrat Part is really little more than an issue of semantics.  Because he IS a Democrat in every way except what he calls himself.

Right, so these aren’t the droids you’re looking for, says the shyster, Cicilline, to the ‘fake news’ media and the not-so-bright Democrat base.  And granted, state run healthcare, the Green New Deal, open borders, no requirement that one PROVE they are a citizen to vote, free college education and forgiveness of current student debt are not straight party line Socialist views, on that we can agree. But they most certainly are not ideas that stem from a belief in free market capitalism either.  Call it what you will but it’s a Hell of a lot closer to State control then I ever want to get. 

And to tell you the truth, I’ve grown pretty tired of all the nonstop denials coming from these Democrats, and of all their claims of: ‘voter fraud is a myth,’ ‘there is no border crisis,’ ‘Trump is Hitler,’ we’re not socialists,’ and on and on and on.  The left thinks the facts are whatever they say they are, and they never back up their claims with evidence and usually only slander those who dare to disagree with their idiotic claims or false narratives.  They are little more than spoiled brats with incredibly low IQs, no valid education and a severe allergy to reality; it's just that simple.

Personally, I think of it more as an attempt to ‘rebrand’ the party as a way to repair ‘brand erosion.’  After all, you don't name a ship the Titanic, or a car the Edsel, because those brands are in some way tainted.  Similarly, Communists eventually were able to figure out that they had become as popular as pedophiles, thanks to folks like Stalin, Khrushchev, Mao, Castro, etc., so they started calling themselves ‘Socialists,’ until they eroded that brand, then they were ‘Liberals’ and now have settled on ‘Progressives.’  But the bottom line is, they’re all still Communists.

It makes you wonder what color the sky is in, this idiot, Cicilline’s world.  The Democrat Party has been on a very steady push towards the hard left ever since the '60s, with the extreme swing towards Socialism coming under Barry ‘O’.  He is the ultimate disciple of Saul Alinsky, made more dangerous with a race-baiting twist.  Now with the recent advent of several out-of- the-closet Socialists, they represent a much younger generation of children brainwashed into believing this nonsense.  At its heart is the legalized theft of anything of value or production in our society.

It was in the early 1900's that ‘progressive’ was one of the main descriptors for those in the Socialist party. That term went underground for a number of years until the Democrats revived it and started using it, figuring most people wouldn't remember the rather nasty connotations that went along with it.  As far as I know, every single elected official on the left is proud to be called Progressive, aka Socialist, and their platform absolutely accords with Marxist goals.  And where Democrats were once more covert in what they were up to, today they operate much more out in the open.

And the worst part of it all is the fact that Cicilline was actually able to make such a claim with a straight face!  The strange thing is that today’s Democrats really do see themselves as being centrists. Yet they push free college, free medical, free daycare, free whatever, all paid for by confiscatory taxes from successful business people by dictate and fiat. Sounds like socialism to me. And people who believe in Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness are said to be the ‘extreme’ right.  Especially if they are white, Christian cisgender married with children and employed males. 

Of course most of these candidates are themselves capitalist as always with politicians pushing socialist ideology. They do not want it for themselves or intend to be a part of any the policies they will push on the nation. They have no intention of giving any of their wealth away and you can bet their wealth grows at a far greater rate than their government salaries. The policies coming from these people are socialist ideas, that is not debatable and many Democrats are in no way shying away from it.  And that will become all the more apparent as the campaign wears on.

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