

Friday, July 14, 2017


You have to wonder about an entire race of people who, for the most part, have no interest whatsoever in listening to any of those voices, from within their own community, that espouse the need to be reliant upon oneself, to expect nothing for ‘free’ and to work for those things that you want.  And also by whom very little attention paid to those who point out how it is that the Democrat Party, the party of slavery, segregation, the KKK and of Jim Crow, has been very successful in its efforts to destroy the black family and in so doing essentially created a modern day version of slavery, not one that involves any kind of forced labor, but is a form of slavery just the same.  Race relations were better 40 years ago then they are today.  All the Democrats can do is divide and conquer. The Black community has been screwed over for decades by the Democrats.  Life has not gotten better, it’s gotten worse, much worse.  Obummer pushed Blacks to the back of the bus again.  Hitlery would have kicked them off completely.  And yet they remain foolish enough, or ignorant enough, to keep voting Democrat.  

Which brings me to an event this past Thursday in Chicago, the ‘Murder Capital of the Country’, which was the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition convention where Jesse ‘The Extortionist’ Jackson made the ignorant claim that Democrat nominee Hitlery actually won the 2016 presidential election only to have it “stolen” by President Donald Trump.  While introducing Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez, Jackson said, “To have a head of our party who is sensitive to the plight of working people is the order of this day. Don’t forget when you lose; you tend to amplify ‘would’ve, could’ve, should’ve.’ When you win, you cover up your sins. Let nobody fool you. We worked last year; we won the election. It was stolen.”  He added, “From John F. Kennedy to Nixon to Carter to Ford to Clinton to Barack if any of them had to face the impact A: of Russian interference in such a bold way— had to face the foolishness of the electoral college and the interference of the FBI, none of them—  Hillary won in spite of having a three million vote lead. So we are not going to let anybody break our spirit. We are going to keep fighting back.”

I’m guessing someone should once again try to explain to this moron the principles behind the Electoral College.  If ‘The Founders’ had wanted mob rule then we would be a democracy, where bastions of left-wing lunacy, such as New York and California, would get to elect all the people to any nationwide office.  As it is, those states give the Democrats a leg up in the Electoral College. Jackson needs to realize that his side lost because it’s seen as being little more than a criminal enterprise (hopefully to be exposed as such sooner rather than later) and it nominated, through what is seen as being a very flawed system, she who was a seriously flawed candidate.  She did not appeal to the entire country, only to the east and west coasts, and of course the bankrupt People’s Republic of Illinois.  Hitlery called half the voters in America deplorable, has a "career" with no actual accomplishments, she's married to a rapist, she was so disrespectful of state secrets that she should be in jail, yet this moron actually thinks she should be president!  Nobody stole the election from Hitlery, her own corrupt past simply caught up with her.

So tell me Jesse, since you’re so smart and seem to have this whole thing figured out, just how, exactly, did Trump steal the election, by winning the Electoral College?  The reason the Democrats are so shocked that Trump won, is because they cheated so badly with illegal alien voters, fake registrations, voting in multiple districts, etc., and yet STILL lost!  You can complain about the Electoral College, but it is what it is.   The last election used the same system that has been in place in this country for centuries.  The results were that Trump won.  To claim that it was stolen is nothing but liberal rhetoric that has nothing to do with reality.  What is really at play here is that the Democrats cannot bring themselves to believe that with all the votes they fraudulently created, bought, or filled out for other people, and all the money they spent paying people to vote for the Hitlery, they still lost. They are revolting against the legal citizen voters, who overwhelmingly rejected them, and elected someone who cares about this country and its people.  Every objection to Trump they voice, is an anti-America voice rejecting the choice of the people. Do we really want people like that in power ever again?

Face it Jesse, Trump won and your side lost.  No one wanted a criminal under investigation and a pathological liar as leader of our country.  President Trump worked hard during the campaign with boundless energy.  Hitlery kept holed up.  And when she did venture out she did little more than scream at the American people and call them names.  In addition, raising taxes on the middle class, letting in more unvetted people by the thousands, and not trying to create jobs didn't help her either.  Neither did Benghazi or her sleazy foundation.  In truth, Jackson is nothing but a race-baiting poverty pimp, hustler and extortionist who has never worked an honest day in his life and who sucks up to trashy corrupt people in an effort to get his cut.  The fact is that Hitlery stole at least five states and came up short in other states, they miscalculated how much the needed to steal vis a vis Trump's popularity and turnout.  This is why these same pieces of corrupt garbage are now opposing the commission looking into election practices and fraud.  They are thieves who do not want to be stopped. Their only hope of winning is robbing.

Poor old Jesse, like so many of his kind, remain in denial and still seem unable to grasp the concept of how our Constitution's Electoral College process really works.  So once again Jesse, repeat after me: "We don't elect Presidents in America by popular vote - we elect them according to the results of the Electoral voting".  Now if you would please go out and repeat that to all of your kooky leftwing crybabies.  And while I’m sure Jesse will choose not to agree, the best thing ‘The Founders’ ever did was to put the Electoral College in our Constitution.  Had they not done so liberal states like California and New York would be the only one deciding who get to be president, and we would have long ago ceased to exist as America.  Thank God Trump is our President and Hitlery is not!!!  And you know, while I guess it can be said that Jackson may have been a good man once upon a time, obviously that would a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, because those days are long gone.  He no longer walks with dignity but lays in the filth of greed, corruption, ignorance and lust for power. It’s way past time to say bon voyage to this old boy. 

Today Jackson is nothing more than another one of those black con men who are directly responsible for destroying black kids chances of growing up with a father, as Democrat 
welfare programs have pretty thoroughly decimated the black family.  And such a claim is indisputable.  The whole Congressional Black Caucus, along with race pimps like Jackson, and that other faux preacher Al ‘Not So’ Sharpton seek only to enrich themselves by buying black votes with our tax dollars, courtesy of what is nothing more than a slavery ponzi scheme.  Hitlery had millions who voted for her illegally which is precisely why all the corrupt liberals are against President Trump’s voter fraud commission and is precisely why Democrat are against voter ID laws so that all of our illegal aliens, i.e., not eligible to vote, can cast illegal votes for Democrat candidates.  No one is fooled, we aren't now and our Founding Fathers weren't back in 1789, either. You are a racist, an evil person who has essentially sold his soul to the devil.

The fact is that Hitlery was losing the popular vote with 99% of voting precincts reporting, and then just six hours later she ‘won’ the popular vote.  Perhaps we should investigate that.  The Democrats cheated heavily in their strongholds, and therefore didn't plan on such a massive electoral loss.  We have zero arrows in the quiver to counteract the Democrat Party race/giveaway/envy appeal.  The dimwits and lazy people who buy into that are congenitally unable to conceive of success based on self-reliance and are therefore impervious to reason.  Ergo, to me anyway, it is advantageous to have the most repugnant, stale, shallow and corrupt con man possible out in front of their operation.  God forbid they should stumble upon a reasonably credible centrist.  I am 100% in favor of them rolling out the same cloying cast of characters they have now, indefinitely.  Bring on the crazy old Socialist who never worked a day in his life, and the Botox addict from SF; crank up the black guy from Atlanta who thought Guam could "capsize"; empty the clown car of every Debbie Wizzerman Schultz and Chuckie Schumer and Al Franken you got.  Hillary 2020!

And on a final note, have you ever stopped to wonder why it is that those on the left are trying so hard to stall the president’s commission on voter fraud?  Might it at least have a little to do with the number of Illegals as well as the number dead people, together with those who voted multiple times, all of which allowed Hitlery to claim victory in the popular vote?  The purpose of voter ID laws in the U.S. is not to disenfranchise any voters.  And if Jackson believes that the elections were stolen than he must become a supporter of voter ID laws and other measures to secure honest elections.  He would also be demanding that only legal citizens be allowed to vote, he would also demand that the military voters get counted in time for the elections and not lost or delayed. He would emphasize how over 6 million illegals voted for Hitlery so far have been uncovered from just 4 states.  So if you really believe what you say Jesse, help do something about voter fraud.  But of course we all know that Jackson has no interest in reducing the amount of voter fraud taking place, for the very simple reason being that Democrat have come to rely pretty heavily on it. 

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