

Monday, November 16, 2015


I often wonder what people in other countries must be thinking about us here in America when we can, not once but twice, elect someone who is as anti-America as Barry “Almighty”.  Do they think that we have completely lost our minds?   And I can’t say that I’d blame them because I’m not really sure what scares me more about Barry, that he likely does what he does on purpose, or that he is so completely clueless that he has no idea, whatsoever, about what it is that he should be doing.

Take for instance his approach to Islamic terrorists. Barry, aka the ‘One’ we were told we had all been waiting for, has been quite busy of late refusing to acknowledge that there is any need to alter his current strategy in as it applies to bringing about the defeat of ISIS.  This even after the deadly terrorist attacks in Paris.  And what I find as being rather peculiar is the fact that he feels justified in defending his actions as “robust” and “constant.”  Man, talk about looking through rose-colored glasses.

And Barry rather emphatically denied any suggestions from the press that he might have somehow underestimated ISIS, and hasn’t done enough to root the group out of Iraq and Syria.  He said, “The strategy we are putting forward is the strategy that ultimately is going to work.”  But I’d be interested to know on what he bases such confidence.  Barry has said that when it comes to ISIS, what we are faced with is a generational problem, which sounds more like an excuse than it does a strategy.

Barry maintained that he would continue working with such stellar ‘allies’ as the Russians and Iranians in order to help combat the threat of ISIS.  He also defied those critics who dare to question his strategy, asserting that “typically the things they suggest need to be done are things we are already doing.”  And he rather pointedly defended his imbecilic comment that he actually had contained ISIS, a comment which he uttered just hours before the terrorist attacks took place in Paris.

Barry said, “When I said we are containing their spread in Iraq and Syria, in fact, they control less territory than they did last year.”  And then he went on to claim, “And the more we shrink that territory, the less they can pretend that they are somehow a functioning state.”  And he grew somewhat frustrated, as he sometimes tends to do, when members of the press repeatedly questioned his detached demeanor when speaking about the attacks in Paris and his commitment to root out ISIS.

And it was Jim Acosta of the Communist News Network (CNN) who drew a bit of the patented Barry ire when he said, “I think a lot of Americans have this frustration that they see that the United States has the greatest military in the world, it has the backing of nearly every other country in the world when it comes to taking on ISIS”  And Acosta then went on to ask, “I guess the question is, and if you’ll forgive the language, is ‘Why can’t we take out these bastards?’”

Barry scoffed at the question, repeating that he had already laid out the proper strategy for dealing with ISIS.  And instead he told reporters the terrorists were able to succeed because of their ideology.  He said, “If you have a handful of people who don’t mind dying, they can kill a lot of people.”  And he went on to say, “That’s one of the challenges of terrorism.”  On three other occasions, Barry pointed to the terrorist’s proficiency on social media as part of the reason they were so successful.

Barry sternly warned his critics who dare to suggest that more troops on the ground are what’s needed to root out the terrorist group, reminding them of the human costs of war.  He said, “What I’m not interested in doing is posing or pursuing some notion of ‘American leadership’ or ‘America winning.”’  He then added, a bit defensively, “It’s best that we don’t, you know, shoot first and aim later.”  He said, “It’s important for us to get the strategy right and the strategy we are pursuing is the right one.”

Barry’s actions since day one of his presidency have made it painfully clear just whose side it is that he’s on in this ongoing conflict.  And he stubbornly refuses the taking of any action the specific purpose of which is to keep the American people safe.  And you know, you shouldn’t have to tell people your strategy is working, it should be obvious to everyone whether it is or it isn’t.  And Barry’s strategy most definitely is not working, if the purpose of that strategy is actually to defend the homeland.

So while Barry spends an ever increasing amount of time trying to convince us that things are going exactly according to plan, those who wish to kill us are growing in both power and stature.  Which begs the question, just whose side is Barry, and a good many of his fellow Democrats, really on?  I mean when not one of the Democrat candidates for president can even bring themselves to utter the words, “Radical Islam,” what the Hell does that tell ya?  It tells you all you need to know!

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