

Monday, September 28, 2015


There was a time, not all that long ago, that I felt the biggest obstacle, or at least one of the biggest, to a Republican being able to win the White House in 2016, was the fact that we had leaders, in the person of Boehner and McConnell, who were nothing more than abject failures in charge of what were far too many RINOs in Congress.  Well, regarding our leadership team is concerned, we are now half way home in fixing that problem, having recently removed one of those two impediments.  But Boehner has announced that his next month will be a very busy one as he has made clear he plans to enlist Democrats to join with the RINOs to stick his finger in eye once more before he leaves.  But we have yet to see who will replace Boehner and if it turns out to be Kevin McCarthy, well then, we’ve succeeded in nothing.

Now as far as old Mitch McConnell goes, there now seems to be at least one senior Republican official who is urging McConnell to resign from his job as the Republican leader of the Senate.  Roger Villere, the chairman of the Louisiana GOP, recently said, “Mitch is a good and honorable guy, but the base is leaving our party.”  He went on to say, “I’ve worked for 12 years as chairman to build this party, and I just don’t want to see it all go down the drain because the [leaders] aren’t willing to fight for what we believe… Our base is demanding we do something or they’re going to leave us.”  He added, “The GOP brand is being damaged… everybody is so furious at the leadership.”  First of all, and I don’t mean to disparage Mr. Villere’s judge of character, but I view McConnell as being neither good nor honorable.

But I do very much agree with Mr. Villere when he says, “Mr. McConnell could have suspended consideration of confirmations for all presidential appointees, except for those who are essential to national security, until the president rescinded his unconstitutional executive action on amnesty.”  And when he goes on to say, “This would have been a constitutionally appropriate response to the overreach of the executive branch.”  And there is also much truth in what he says when he makes the point that, “It would have transformed the political environment, greatly encouraged Republican donors and grass-roots activists, and positioned us to refuse to confirm replacements for any Supreme Court openings that might occur during the remainder of the Obama administration.”  But McConnell has proven himself to be gutless!

There were many promises made, as I’m sure many will recall, in the lead up to the 2014 election.  And as Mr. Villere said, “Not trying to repeal Obamacare, not defunding Planned Parenthood, not trying to stop illegal immigration… That is what Republicans ran on and once they were elected they did not follow up with their promises.”  And he’s absolutely right!  Why should any of us trust any of these losers the next time around.  If they’re going to lie to us like Democrats, then we might as well vote for Democrats.  We simply cannot afford to choose as our candidate someone like Bush, Christie, Graham, Pataki, or even a Kasich or Rubio.  I’m not really a Trump guy, I’m not crazy about Huckabee, and I’m still not sure how I feel about Fiorina.  I was a Perry guy who now finds himself leaning toward Cruz.

We will need to make sure whoever our candidate is, be it Trump, Carson, Cruz or someone else, is of OUR choosing and not someone foisted upon us by either the Republican Establishment or the state-controlled media.  Right or wrong, the choice must be ours!  No more wishy-washy, middle-of–the-road, self-professed moderates who are nothing more than a less progressive version of your basic Democrat socialist.  And those running must be made to understand that it is they who will likely be made to pay the price for the way we were screwed over in 2014.  Many are already treading on what is some very thin ice.  We are in search of a bona fide conservative, and simply invoking Reagan’s name ain’t gonna be near enough to validate one’s claims of being a true conservative.  Reagan was then, this is now. 

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