

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


The focus of this the next chapter in the “Gasbag Chronicles” is on how it is that with each passing year, especially in what has been this era of Barry “Almighty”, but arguably well before that, I continue to ask myself how it is that anyone with a conscious, with even the slightest level of self-respect or the slightest level of intelligence, personal motivation or initiative, or even with the slightest level of commonsense, could ever find themselves willing to vote for any Democrat.

As I am sure most everyone is aware that there has been, of late, much discussion about abortion primarily because of a number of rather disgusting videos bringing to light many things that, while we may not have known for certain were going on, we have certainly long suspected, about the organization of Planned Parenthood.  Videos that have caused the groups many supporters to bend themselves even further into pretzels in their continuing effort to defend the group against these horrific videos.

And the most recent example of these extreme political contortionists in action was exhibited by the star of this continuing series, Steny Hoyer. And it’s Hoyer’s opinion regarding these videos that should come as a surprise to no one since he is one who hails from that bastion of leftwing depravity, the People’s Republic of Maryland.  You see, Steny recently refused to say whether he thinks an unborn baby with a human liver and a human heart is actually a human being.  How incredible is it that?

At Hoyer’s weekly little get together with members of the press on Capitol Hill a week ago, he was asked what was a very basic, dare I say simple, question: “On the abortion issue, do you think that an unborn baby with a human liver and a human heart is a human being?”  Steny responded in typical liberal fashion saying, “Look, I’m not going to get into the medical questions on that very, very controversial and very tough issue for people. They have to make their determinations.”  Tough issue?

Steny was then asked a follow up question: “If it’s not of the human species, what species is it?”  To which Steny then chose to respond in the manner that pathetic leftists always choose to do whenever confronted with a question they don’t like.  He ran away saying, “I’m done. I’m done here.”  And really, just how difficult would it have been to answer a question that simply asks if an unborn baby with a beating heart is a human being?  Apparently very difficult for those who support infanticide.

And so it was then that just yesterday, September 22, that the Senate voted 54-42 to block further action on the Pain Capable Unborn Child Protection Act.  In the end pro-life senators fell just six votes short of the 60 needed to end debate and vote on a bill, which would have banned the barbaric practice of performing abortions after the 20th week of pregnancy.  Meanwhile, it was back on May 13 that Hoyer proudly voted against this same bill in the House, where it passed by a vote of 242-184.

What we saw in the Senate was nothing more than another example of McConnell’s unwillingness to oppose those on the left who seem to be so fixated on the rather ghoulish practice of killing innocent babies.  That we have in this country now killed nearly 50 million babies by way of the most heinous of methods imaginable is something that not only the Democrat Party should be ashamed of, but our nation should be as well. To say that the Democrat Party is the party of death would be an understatement.

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