

Friday, April 5, 2013


Ah yes, it's official, another major milestone has now been achieved toward the accomplishing of that which our stellar president, Barack Hussein Obama, has said is necessary, that being, of course, the "fundamental transformation" of America. You see, according to some newly released data from the Social Security Administration we now know that the number of American workers collecting federal disability payments has climbed to yet another new record, 8,853,614. That was accomplished in March, and is up from 8,840,427 in February. Slowly but surely we are allowing ourselves to be made into what is really nothing more than a nation of pathetic freeloaders.
Another way of presenting the magnitude of what is actually occurring here, and one that I assume will put it into terms simple enough for even the dumbest of liberals to understand, is to point out that what that means is that there are now more than 3 times as many Americans collecting disability payments than there are people living in the city of Chicago, which according to the Census Bureau has a population of 2,707,120. Now I don't know about anybody else, but that all seems just a bit incomprehensible. I mean, is this what it now mean to be an American? To be a leech, a parasite, someone who is perfectly comfortable with sponging off of their fellow citizens?
Another obvious indicator of the continuing downward spiral in which we currently find ourselves is the fact that March was the 194th consecutive month where we saw the number of American workers collecting federal disability payments increase. The last time the number of Americans collecting disability actually decreased was more than 16 year ago, in January 1997. That month the number of workers taking disability dropped by a whopping 249 people, from 4,385,623 in December 1996 to 4,385,374 in January 1997. And as the overall number of Americans collecting disability has increased, the ratio of full-time workers to disability beneficiaries has decreased.
Look, back in December 1968, we had 1,295,428 Americans who were collecting disability and, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), we also had 65,630,000 Americans who worked full-time. Thus, there were about 51 Americans working full-time for every person that was collecting disability, at that time. Now fast forward to January 1997, again that being the last time the number of disability beneficiaries had declined, and we were up to 4,385,374 Americans who were collecting disability with 104,900,000 Americans working full-time. Thus, we were then down to about 24 Americans working full-time for each person collecting disability.
Then we move onto March 2013 and a 8,853,614 Americans who are now collecting disability, with 115,841,000 Americans working fulltime, and that equates to only 13 Americans working full-time for each person collecting disability. Now come on, it doesn't take a genius to look at these numbers and to recognize the fact that what we have here is a rather disturbing little trend. And it should also be painfully obvious to just about anyone with a brain, that if things continue on their present course things are going to end very badly. For EVERYBODY! And oddly enough, it is the very policies that have served to accelerate this downward spiral that a majority of Americans voted for in 2012.
So in March we saw what was the biggest monthly increase in people dropping out of the labor force since January 2012, when the BLS did its census recast of the labor numbers. The number of people who left the labor force, in the month of March, soared by a staggering 663,000 taking the total number of Americans who are no longer even looking for work to a record of 90 Million. And even worse, the labor force participation rate plunged from an already abysmal 63.5% to an even worse 63.3%. And that's the lowest since 1979! You know, back when Jimmy Carter was in charge. Then we had Reagan to turn things around, this time we have nothing but four more years of the same.
So I guess it can now be safely said that Barry has met with a considerable amount success when it comes to his little endeavor of "fundamentally transforming" America from what was once a very prosperous nation and into what is essentially the equivalent of a third rate European-like nation. And along the way it seems to have become the new American way to, instead of being proudly independent and self-sufficient, sit back and collect disability and other various forms of welfare and entitlement checks rather than to work. Especially since it now seems that such a practice seems to pay just as well as working. Yup, this whole "fundamental transformation" thing is a pretty nasty business.

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