

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Sometimes I find myself wondering just how much of a sick fuck our president really is. I mean at a time when we are being inundated on a daily basis with some of the most horrific descriptions of absolute brutality regarding illegal abortions, performed by someone described as a doctor, but who is, in reality, nothing more than a serial baby killer, I just think it a bit unseemly that Barry "Almighty" would agree to deliver the keynote address at Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s annual fundraising dinner scheduled to take place this Thursday.

Now oddly enough the theme for this little gathering of sadistic ghouls, which is to be held in Washington, is a "Time for Care." Caring for who exactly, the millions of babies who have been essentially butchered since Roe versus Wade came into being?. Planned Parenthood President and head ghoul, Cecile Richards, said Barry has done more than any president in history for women’s health and rights so she is delighted to have him help promote the gala dinner with his presence. I do have some difficulty connecting the mass-murdering of defenseless babies with women's health.

You know, I just don't get people who can, in any way, justify the murdering of innocent babies. This rather twisted old bitch went on to say, "He understands that access to birth control and preventive health care are economic issues for women and their families." Adding that, "We fought alongside him to ensure that women’s health access was expanded in the landmark Affordable Care Act, and now we have to fight hard to ensure that the full promise of health care reform is realized for millions of women." What a crock of unmitigated BULL SHIT!

It's no surprise that abortion opponents quickly seized on the news, arguing that Barry should rescind his agreement to speak or even attend the dinner, considering the gruesome revelations emanating from the trial of Philadelphia abortion doctor/mass murderer, Kermit Gosnell. "These accounts by former clinic staff have shell-shocked the nation, and it is incumbent upon the president to reconsider his support for the abortion industry and Planned Parenthood, which last year profited from abortion $87 million committing over 300,000 abortions," said Lila Rose, who heads Live Action, an anti-abortion group.

Barry’s new health care law included a new mandate requiring most U.S. employers, including religiously affiliated hospitals and schools, to provide health care plans that cover contraceptive services for female employees free of charge. The abortion-rights community and Barry "Almighty" hailed the guidelines, first proposed in August 2011. But the Catholic Church and other religious organizations, which oppose some forms of contraception, tried to lobby for a clear exemption of affiliated institutions from the new rules, but was less than completely successful..

Also scheduled to take place at this gala dinner, the pro-abortion rights group plans to bestow upon that senile old hag, Dr. Ruth Westheimer, its highest honor, the Margaret Sanger Award for her "lifelong commitment to empowering women and men to talk openly and honestly about sex and sexual health. Margaret Sanger, that devout racist and promoter of eugenics. And Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will also be honored with the "Care No Matter What" award for his dedication to 'protecting' women’s health care in the City of Los Angeles.

I'll tell you what. Barry "Almighty," together with every other scumbag who'll in attendance at this disgusting little event, are all folks for whom there will be, no doubt, some very special seating arrangement being made in Hell. And they will most assuredly be finding themselves in some very friendly company. First of all, there will be everyone who has the last name of Kennedy as well as every person whom these people have ever viewed as being a hero of their cause. My one wish for these people is that they be made to spend eternity on the receiving end of all manner of excruciating pain, just like the millions of babies that they have murdered.

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