

Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Ok, I give up, just who the Hell is Jay Mohr? All I know for sure is that he's someone described as being an actor/comedian which, I suppose, should tell me all I really need to know about this guy. Anyway apparently this Mr. Mohr has chosen to enter into the fray that is the gun control debate. He has done so in the usually way that these brain dead celebrities always to, by way of Twitter and chose to do so after Monday’s deadly terrorist attack at the Boston Marathon. I guess he thought that by doing so, his pathetic argument would be

"What bothers me most about today is that we’re getting used 2 it. ENOUGH. 2nd amendment must go. Violence has 2 stop. Culture MUST change," this brilliant actor/comedian tweeted Monday night. Oh ya, by all means the Second Amendment must go. I must admit, however, to blame the terrorist attack in Boston on the Second Amendment is quite a reach, even for a Hollywood legend like Mr. Mohr, here. Sorry, but I'm just not making the connection here. A terrorist kills innocent people and I'm to automatically blame the Second Amendment?

Then our esteemed Mr. Mohr followed up his first bit of brilliance with yet another tweet connecting the Second Amendment to a "culture of violence." Then following what must have been a little push back on Twitter, Mohr elaborated on his contention further, explaining that he finds it sad that gun massacres are becoming increasingly common. That statement alone makes it rather apparent that he's completely unfamiliar with the facts and is doing nothing more than to regurgitate whatever lies that he's heard from his many Hollywood friends.

"Newtown tragedy was gun violence. Where are u maniacs coming from. I’m just stating that its so sad we’re getting used to watching it on tv," he tweeted. He further stressed that his aim was not to politicize the event, but instead to point out what he described as a cultural numbness to violence. "No politics here at all," he tweeted. "Just sick of watching bloodshed on tv. It’s become reality tv and we’re becoming numb. Amazed at pro gun responses." So what, he's amazed that there remains in this country, outside of Hollywood, those that still believe in the Constitution?

Right, so what we essentially have here is just another Hollywood nut professing that what he's calling for here is in no way based on his nutty leftist politics. That if we would just do away with that pesky old Constitution everything would run just so much smoother and be so much more peaceful. Well I may not know who this guys is, but I really don't need to, to be able to recognize him as being just another flippin Hollywood douche bag who probably has himself pretty well surrounded, when out in public, by people who are very well armed.

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