

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


So, you may ask, just how much of a nutty ideologue is James Carville? Well, far from mellowing in his old age, apparently, if his recent comments are any indication, Jimmy remains a pretty damn nutty one. And, as is no surpise, he's another one of those loony progressives who seem to think that we can simply go on spending like there’s no tomorrow. The Democrat campaign consultant and one-time advisor to ‘Slick Willie’ Clinton, went so far as to actually ask on Friday, in referencing the Republicans in Congress, "Why do they want to cut anything? The debt is going down." Earth to James, Earth to James, come in, James. The debt is going down? What numbers is he looking at? I mean it sounds to me like maybe old Jimmy he's been spending a bit too much time hanging out with his buiddy, and fellow loon, Paul Krugman. Because Krugman spews the same drivel.

Putting on quite the demonstration of the malignant form insanity that has so compleely permiated those on the left, to ask such a ridiulous question pretty much at the same time our national debt is ontrack to reach $17 Trillion, was a little odd. An amount which, by the way, reflects an increase of more than $6 Trillion just since Barry "Almighty" took office in 2009. So it just seemed to be a rather bizarre comment to make, even for a screwball liberal like Carville. During an interview by Sean Hannity on Fox News, Carville spoke as if he were living in some weird alternate universe, as he said there’s no need to cut spending. No need to cut spending? Really? Spoken like a true Democrat. Why it is, exactly, that he think we were forced to suffer the embarrassment of our credit rating being downgraded for the very first time in our history? SPENDING! We have a spending problem, and if it is not addressed, we're toast.

Obviously one of those who holds the opinion that all we need to do is to keep printing more and more money, this moron asked, "Why do they want to cut anything?" He then went on to make the insane statement, "The debt is going down. We can't have a long run problem. The health care cost numbers are looking good. Right now, we have to keep to the extent to have a recovery and keep it going. The best private forecasts, macroeconomic advisors, says it's going to take a half percent off of GDP. We don't half a percent to give right now, Sean." Ok, and why is it that we don’t have it right now? Might that be because of Barry’s reckless spending the likes of which we’ve never seen before? Sean should have asked him to name one policy, just one, that Barry has aggressively worked to put into place that had even the slightest purpose of stimulating the economy or encouraging job growth.

Proving once again that he’s obviously been out in the sun too long with that bald head of his, Carville actually claims that the economy is recovering and actually denies that even with our $16 Trillion debt, everything is just hunky-doory and we’re not robbing from our kids to pay for anything. He does nothing more than to spew the party line and sounds like a broken record as he repeats ad nauseam how all of the numbers are looking so good, right now. Even if he was right about the numbers, which he most assuredly is not, to assume that we can go on spending at current levels is nothing short of pure madness. And regardless of what this buffoon may say, the future of our children is truly at stake here. Guys like this senile clown like to refer to supply-side economic as "voodoo economics." Obamanomics is the equivalent of fairytale economics. Only there ain't no happy ending.

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