

Monday, October 22, 2012


And then we have yet another brain dead Democrat who just refuses to go quietly into the night. Of course I'm talking about, none other than Jimmy Carter, that pillar of sanctimonious bull shit who said just today during a visit to Jerusalem that the prospect of an Israel-Palestinian peace accord is "vanishing," and guess what, he’s blaming Israeli settlements of the West Bank. Carter, a longtime critic of all things having to do with Israel, called the current situation "catastrophic" and blamed Israel for the growing isolation of east Jerusalem from the West Bank. He said a Palestinian state has become "unviable." "We’ve reached a crisis stage," babbled Carter, now 88. "The two-state solution is the only realistic path to peace and security for Israel and the Palestinians."

Carter is currently taking part in some imbecilic two-day visit leading a delegation comically referred to as the "The Elders." This unique little clique of the slightly demented also includes the former prime minister of Norway and the former president of Ireland. Now there some folks that bare listening to. The group met with Israeli President Shimon Peres and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas. But, they didn’t choose to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, who most likely would have declined the invite. Carter said that the delegation didn’t request a meeting because they haven’t been granted meetings on previous visits. Netanyahu has pledged support for a Palestinian state but peace talks with the Palestinians have been frozen for most of his tenure.

Carter continued to criticize Mr. Netanyhu for not doing enough. "Up until now, every prime minister has been a willing and enthusiastic supporter of the two-state solution," Carter said. The Palestinians say they will only return to the negotiating table if Israel freezes settlement construction on occupied lands claimed by the Palestinians. Israel says talks should resume without preconditions. As president, Carter took credit for the historic peace treaty between Israel and Egypt. But it was Sadat and Begin who deserve most if not all of the credit. But since leaving office, he has become increasingly critical of Israel. In his idiotic 2006 book, "Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid," he claimed that Israel’s settlement of Palestinian land was the primary obstacle to Mideast peace.

Carter and this group, "The Elders", also expressed some concern about the ongoing divisions between the main Palestinian parties, Fatah and Hamas, and vowed support for a Palestinian observer state status bid at the United Nations General Assembly in November. Next stop for this group is Egypt departs for Egypt on Tuesday, where they will meet with newly elected Islamist President Mohammed Morsi. Now I suppose we do have one thing for which we can give thanks to Jimmy Carter. It's very likely that without Carter we would have never had Reagan, which makes struggling through the malaise of Carter almost worth it. Our goal must be the same thing this time, we must elect Romney to make having lived through Barry’s presidency worth it.

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