

Saturday, October 28, 2023


Actors, and dare I say singers to an even greater extent, are such insignificant people. I mean, they do absolutely nothing that results in the betterment of either society or the world and, in fact, it’s a great many of them who spend a good deal of their time trying to make matters very much worse.  But then, should we expect anything different from those who are some of the most self-centered, amoral, narcissistic, and egomaniacal people on the entire planet? And what’s truly funny, and I mean damn near hysterical, is the fact that these people actually believe that they are somehow deserving of being listened to by all of those who happen to reside on the outside of their own personal fantasy world.

You see, it’s this rather odd assortment of uneducated, or barely educated, buffoons who seem to have a rather high opinion of themselves, and who therefore think themselves qualified to lecture the rest of us when it comes to all they perceive as being all that ails this country. But oddly enough, rarely it is that they ever follow their own advice. They lecture us on such things as ‘climate change’ from the steps of their private jets, or about gun control while surrounded by their private security, all carrying guns. In short, the vast majority of these people are nothing more than hypocrites. But that’s ok, because, you see, they are considered the special people among us, so they’re allowed to be hypocritical.

And you have to wonder how it is that someone who has made, continues to make or is currently attempting to make, a career out of playing make believe would have the audacity to those of us living out here in the real world when it comes to how it is that we should go about living out our daily lives for the sake of the planet and/or for the sake of our fellow man. Meanwhile, they are to be able to live their lives as they see fit. Now I don’t know about anybody else, but there’s something about that that just doesn’t really sit well with me. And too, while most of these people have been able to amass for themselves substantial wealth, they’ve chosen not to use their great wealth to improve anyone’s life other than their own.

And it’s also many of these people who seem to go to great lengths trying to portray themselves as being great defenders of American values, as well as being pillars of virtue. But it’s all bullshit. In fact, the majority of these people are some of the most twisted individuals you would ever want to run into. Drug addicts, drunks, sexual deviants, outright perverts, you name it, the behavior exhibited by these people is so far removed from that which most Americans view as being acceptable. And yet they have the gall to malign those who dare to oppose such things as abortion, men participating in women’s sports, drag queens in our public schools, the fact that there are somehow more than two genders, and so much more.

And so we are, in a place that many of us thought we would never be here in America, with those in charge seemingly doing their best to destroy what’s left of this country, and with their know-nothing cheerleaders cheering them on while at the same time applauding all of the damage being done. All the while it’s the rest of us who continue to be told how selfish we are because we’re tired of how those who do not belong here continue to be encouraged to flood into our country or because we think that we have done more than our fair share for the people of Ukraine. And we’re also tired of being told that there is absolutely nothing to worry about by those responsible for having brought our country to the very brink.

And finally, I supposed what pisses me off the most about these people is how it is that just because they hate the one man who is the only hope for this country, we’re supposed to hate him too. Again, these people are so very far removed from what average Americans are forced to contend with on a daily basis, yet they think themselves able to convince the American people that the path we are now on as a country is somehow a vast improvement from just three short years ago. But everything that has been made to transpire over those same three years has had very little impact on their lives. Meanwhile, the impact things have had on average Americans has been horrendous, and nothing they can say will change that fact.

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