

Saturday, August 5, 2023


After having witnessed everything that we have of at least the last few decades, and especially since the arrival of Barack Obama (BO) arrived onto the political scene, just how unbelievably naïve must one have to be to have blind trust in those who comprise our government? And if you happen to be one of those who happens to be a proponent of ever bigger and more powerful government then I can only assume that you are also likely to be someone who believes that one from the government tells you that they are here to help you, you’re likely foolish enough to believe. Speaking for myself the only thing I want from my government is to be left alone.

And it was on Friday’s “PBS NewsHour,” that New York Times columnist David Brooks, who laughingly refers to himself as a conservative, stated that while deep distrust of the government “probably is justified” by the government’s behavior, looking at D.C.’s “glorious and inspiring buildings, and thinking, that’s full of monsters, all that’s illegitimate, it’s all a fraud. To me, I can’t even imagine that mindset, to be honest.” So is this boob genuinely of the opinion that trust in our government should exist solely because of “glorious and inspiring buildings?” I’m guessing someone needs to explain to Mr. Brooks that unfortunately the glorious buildings are full of crooks.

Brooks said, “Well, to me, the number one most important statistic in my life covering this stuff has been, two generations ago, you asked people, do you trust government to do the right thing most of the time? And 75 percent said, yes. And now, what is it, 12 percent, 19 percent? It bounces around, but it’s phenomenally low. And so, imagine walking around the city where I live in Washington, D.C., looking at all — what I think of as glorious and inspiring buildings, and thinking, that’s full of monsters, all that’s illegitimate, it’s all a fraud. To me, I can’t even imagine that mindset, to be honest.” How nice it must be to live in the land of unicorns and rainbows.

And this dolt then went on to say, “But it is a mindset that a lot of people have, and, frankly, because of things that have happened over the last 30 or 40 years, a lot of people feel is justified. It probably is justified, because of the failures of a lot of things that have happened in this country over that time.” The diminishing of citizens’ rights, and on so many different levels, was once unheard of in America, but not anymore. The endless persecution of a candidate the leftists don’t like amounts to their attempting to nullify the votes of the people. Do these fake intellectuals ever crack open a book? This country was founded on the inherent mistrust of government.

Brooks can’t imagine being one of those insufferable hicks who doesn’t want to be invaded by Latin America or overtaken by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). When you’re living in DC and are beholden to ‘The Swamp,’ and all the benefits that can be derived from it, it probably seems fine. But if you’re in the hinterlands and are on the boot end of the government, you’ve learned to have a much different perspective on things. People don’t trust the government because those in the ‘fake news’ media, like Mr. Brooks, don’t hold those in government accountable. These people were intended to be the watchdog of the powerful, instead they’ve become the lap dogs.

What would ever possess anyone to distrust their government? OK, sure, we all have no option but to pay our taxes, unless you happen to be Al Sharpton. And just what is it that they do with all that money? Well, for one thing they use it to indoctrinate our children into hating their own country. They use it to import millions of people who care nothing about our values or our history, and who, in some cases, outright despise us and who possess a murderous intent. They send aid to countries who genuinely hate us while law and order breaks down here in our own country. But golly jeepers, those buildings are so nice! How could anyone think they house evil people?

Our Constitution, and the other founding documents that gave rise to our nation, are nothing but words on paper. It’s the people in government who are responsible for making government work. If they are corrupt and are not weeded out, the disease will only continue to fester until it is too late. And it has been Mr. Brooks, and those like him, who have been negligent when it comes to playing their part in the weeding out of those who have no place in government. Brooks is a 40-year fake ‘Republican,’ used by the ‘fake news’ media to fool the gullible public into believing that normal Republicans are all ‘radical,’ when it’s the Democrats who have become radicalized.

And what I have a problem with is trying to understand mindset of Mr. Brooks, and those like him. Yes, Washington, DC is most definitely a beautiful city, with beautiful architecture. It holds our founding documents for all to see, documents by which we are supposed to be governed. Documents which bestow upon us our inalienable rights. Rights which the current administration is destroying before our very eyes. And again, it’s Mr. Brooks, and those like him in our ‘fake news’ media, that keep protecting those people. And I say, shame on them. Our government is no longer a friend and/or a servant, but is instead an untrustworthy and self-serving big brother.

America was not founded for the benefit of those who think and believe as the Leftists do today. Self-government has never been a concept that Leftists could understand and embrace. The American experiment in self-government had never before been attempted in human history. The Left wants to take us back to familiar ground where tyranny, despotism, dictatorship and anarchy reign supreme. Honesty should cause every citizen to distrust the government. Everything the government does, or says, should require complete accountability to the people. That accountability is supposed to be where those in our news media come in, and where that have failed us.

Finally, even Mr. Brooks should realize that all government is inherently evil by its very nature, and when it is populated by the scoundrels and traitors who are able to spend decades in power it does things that are abhorrent, and the level of trust in it by we the people drops precipitously. The absolutely scandalous and shameful ongoing witch hunt to eradicate Donald J. Trump comes immediately to mind. There has never been such a thing in all of American history and one would have to be willfully blind not to see it and know it for the pure corruption that it is. Our current government is railroading the American people right now. No sane person should trust it.

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