

Monday, August 28, 2023


Like the proverbial gift that keeps on giving it’s once again that we have another loudmouth Democrat demonstrating just how little it is that Democrats know about the very document which they all took an oath to protect against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Of course, I suppose it does become a bit more ‘complicated’ when that document that you’ve sworn to protect is the U.S. Constitution. Because, let’s face it, when it comes to Democrats the only interest that they seem to have when it comes to our Constitution is how best to come up with what are ever more inventive ways to undermine it or, if they happen to get lucky, to destroy it.

It was this past Sunday, during another appearance on CNN’s ‘State of the Union,’ that Jamie Raskin, who has represented Maryland’s 8th congressional district since 2017, said that President Trump was disqualified from holding office because a majority of senators voted to convict him on an impeachment charge of inciting an insurrection at the U.S. Capitol. I guess he must have read that in the Constitution right next to where it talks about the right to an abortion. President Trump was convicted of nothing. Raskin, like all Democrats, wants things to be true even when they aren’t. The Establishment’s fear is growing exponentially as President Trump’s poll numbers continue to go up.

Anyway, it was then that Raskin said, “We’ve been saying all along that section 3 of the 14th Amendment presents a clear and unequivocal statement that anyone who has sworn an oath of office, and not just a president but members of Congress and others who hold federal office, who engage in insurrection or rebellion, having sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution against enemies foreign and domestic, could never serve again in federal or state office. This is added after the Civil War as a general constitutional principle. We have to abide by it.” These Democrats can’t define what a woman is, but they somehow know what an insurrection is. How convenient.

And this dolt then continued, “Donald Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives for inciting an insurrection against the union and then 57 of 100 senators determined as a Constitutional fact that Donald Trump had incited an insurrection. So I think you have robust bicameral and bipartisan majorities that have already established this is a fact.” Raskin added, “I agree with the law professors out there saying, as well as Mr. Hutchinson, that Donald Trump is disqualified as if he were running and not a born U.S. citizen and if he were running and 24 years old.” Raskin should himself be disqualified because of his insurrection activities in 2016.

Raskin, and the Democrats, in general, neither understand nor care how our justice system is supposed to work. The Senate cannot simply vote President Trump into disqualification no matter how badly they may wish that they could. They seem to think themselves able to bend, fold, spindle, mutilate, and distort ‘justice’ to mean whatever it is that they want it to mean. And to Hell with anybody and/or anything, like the Constitution or the rule of law, that may get in their perverted way. Frankly, I’m sick of Democrats acting as though they have the final say over who gets to run for president, especially when we’re talking about who Republicans get to choose.

So here we have another example of a Democrat bloviating about that which he so very clearly has no clue. Raskin has always been pretty much of a useless moron. It’s these days that I believe that “do rag” on his head might be a little too tight and smothering whatever brain matter he might still have left in his empty head. It’s pretty obvious what the Democrats are attempting to do here. They’re standing on their little pointy heads and doing everything they can to spin all manner of ‘Fractured Fairy Tale’ bullshit into law as they try to prevent President Trump from running again. Raskin is an idiot, which should disqualify him from running for Congress!

Clearly this boob doesn’t possess even the most basic understanding of our Constitution, which should come as no surprise considering who it is that we’re talking about here. Just another thumb sucking Democrat who either fails to understand or simply doesn’t care that Democrats needed 67 votes to convict and only managed to get 57. Oops!!! Democrats FAILED to provide sufficient evidence to convict, with most of the evidence presented being severely tainted. So Raskin can continue to whine. Perhaps he should take a basic civics course and learn? He has again opened your mouth and removed any remaining doubt that he’s a clueless fool.

Raskin has all of the qualifications need to be elected to high office as a Democrat. He possesses no morals, no principles, no ethics and no integrity. And it’s by his reckoning that Joey B should be able to hold office, despite the fact that he’s taken millions of dollars in bribes from foreign countries, all of which are hostile to the United States. But you’ll never hear Raskin, or any other Democrat for that matter, say anything like that. They’re all simply too corrupt. Democrats seem determined in their effort to prevent those on the other side the luxury of voting for whomever they choose. Democrats what to be able to dictate who we can, and can not, vote for.

In general, I do not think it an understatement to say that the majority of those in Congress, and most certainly the installed fraud currently occupying the White House, together represent the most dangerous enemy that this country now faces. And just when you thought you had heard it all from the likes of this guy, Raskin, out he comes with something even more idiotic. Keep in mind that Raskin was only one of many Democrats who voted NOT to confirm President Trump’s 2016 election victory and who endorsed all of the fraudulent evidence use to impeach President Trump. And asked to produce that concocted evidence we’re told that it had been illegally destroyed.

What big cajónes these people have. Talk about being above the law! They literally make shit up as they go along, and with such conviction. And never once are they ever asked by anyone in our joke of a ‘news’ media to substantiate any of their claims. Meanwhile, it has become crystal clear that Joey took enormous amounts of bribes directly from our enemies while he was vice president. If the Democrats succeed in preventing President Trump from running for re-re-election while essentially turning a blind eye to many crimes known to have been committed by our current *president, then this country truly is dead, and Democrats will have accomplished their mission.

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