

Friday, July 28, 2023


It’s every single ‘Republican,’ except for perhaps this guy Ramaswamy and most definitely except for President Trump, now running for president that has made a career out of betraying the American people. They have repeatedly demonstrated a rather distasteful willingness to side with Democrats in their ongoing effort to systematically dismantle the United States. And yet, they persist in trying to convince us that they are on our side, just as they have for decades, only to then turn their backs on us once they’ve safely been put into office. These are the men and women whom we commonly refer to as RINOs, Republicans-In-Name-Only!

And what they all at least appear to fail to realize, or to understand, is that none of them really stand a chance in achieving their goal. There is simply no way that any self-respecting Republican is going to vote for any of them. And what I find to be rather amazing is that for people who have been in the business of politics for as long as they have you would have thought that they would have arrived at a much different decision than their decision to run for president. A decision that would have likely proved to be much more beneficial for every single one of them. Suppose they had decided to defend President Trump instead of to advance their own careers?

And it’s some of these very same RINOs now hoping to convince voters that they are the ones who can be trusted to defend the homeland against the leftist onslaught that seem not content with merely attacking President Trump but have also been very busy attacking those whose they need in order to win the contest. Take for instance a guy by the name of Will Hurd, a former Republican member of the U.S. House from Texas. You see, it was during an appearance just this past Thursday on “CNN Primetime” that Hurd declared that anyone who defended President Trump in the Mar-a-Lago documents case was “complicit in endangering America."

Anchor Abby Phillip said, “Now we see in this indictment pretty clear evidence, allegations here that Trump was the one who directed his aides to try to delete surveillance footage, delete the server so federal investigators would not see what was on them.” Hurd said, “Abby, I’ve never been indicted and I am not a lawyer, but if you are deleting evidence it is because you know you are committing a crime. Anybody who supports this, anybody who defends this, is complicit in endangering America, endangering men and women putting themselves in harm’s way every single day and every single night in order for us to enjoy these freedoms."

He added, “Let me be clear about this, Donald Trump is not running for president to make America great again. Donald Trump is not running for president to defend our interests overseas. Donald Trump is not even running to represent the people that voted for him in 2016 and in 2020. Donald Trump is running for president in order for him to stay out of jail. These are serious crimes, serious accusations, and Donald Trump is a national security risk and he needs to be beaten in a primary so we can be done with him once and for all.” Mr. Hurd sounds far more like some hired political assassin than he does as a man who claims to want to be our next president.

Here we have a guy, essentially a political nobody, who’s somehow been provided a spot on CNN. Rather odd, don’t you think. But then, all things considered, it would seem to be very easy to get free airtime on CNN, the only prerequisite that must be met is that one possess a willingness not only to attack President Trump, but his family and even his supporters. And the funny thing is, is that none of the accusations or claims even have to be true. Funny, right? President Trump is the biggest threat to ‘The Deep State’ since John Kennedy, and we all know how that ended. And we’ve seen how no stone will be left unturned in trying to bring him down.

When you get right down to it, this isn’t so much a personal battle against President Trump as much as it is a battle of good and evil. President Trump and his supporters are interfering with the demonic transformation being attempted by the American left and their allies. Moral degradation, sexual depravities, political persecution, Christian persecution, the elimination of capitalism, extinction of free speech, bioterrorism, poisonous vaccines and contaminated food supply to control population and lawlessness and chaos to keep the ‘rubes’ in line, is all part of the desired radical changes. The reality of it is, is that if dark side wins, we’re all doomed.

I think we can all agree, whether you love him or hate him, no one scares the corrupt ‘Washington Establishment’ more than a man who can’t be bought and who isn’t a member of their unique little clique. President Trump’s only ‘crime’ was crashing their little party. The supporters of President Trump are able to recognize a setup job when they see one, they’re not stupid, and no amount of badmouthing will shame them into abandoning the man they still recognize as being their president. The people will not stand for a corrupt federal law enforcement. To the contrary, anyone who attacks President Trump is complicit in the ongoing insurrection of America.

The underlying intent of “America First” was by no means a plan, or an agenda, to make America more dangerous. And the MAGA movement was not some trumped up scheme to perpetrate nationalism (patriotism/national loyalty) as a path to fascism. And it wasn’t President Trump who colluded with Russia, unleashed a viral pandemic, or brought the world to its economical knees and the brink of global nuclear holocaust. That’s all on the diabolical liberal Washington Establishment and their hordes of brainwashed zombies. It’s the Democrats who are destroying this country not President Trump. Since Joey took office this country has become a train wreck.

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