

Monday, November 7, 2022


Ok, so who is it that’s surprised by this news? Of the 30 cities in this country with the highest murder rates, it’s 27of them that are under complete Democrat control. Wow, I certainly didn’t see that coming, how about you? And I’m sorry, but I find it more than a little difficult to feel sorry for those living in these cities because it’s something that they have essentially brought upon themselves by choosing to vote for Democrats. And what’s worse is the fact that it’s these same people who continue to vote for Democrats and thus vote for allowing the violence to continue. The solution for ending the violence is a very, VERY simple one…STOP voting for Democrats!!!

So there was a study recently published by the Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Judicial and Legal Studies which showed that 27 of the 30 cities with the highest murder rates are all controlled by Democrats. And within those same cities there are at least 14 “rogue prosecutors” either backed by, or inspired by, Democrat sugar-daddy, billionaire Democrat supporter George Soros. And it’s this same study that undercuts Hitlery’s claim that Republicans’ emphasis on crime and violence in Democrat-run cities isn’t valid. Hitlery has said that Republicans were “just trying to gin up all kinds of fear and anxiety in people” in “an effort to scare voters."

Democrats love to blame the crime problem in Democrat controlled cities on everything but their own policies. Never forget that New York City was a cesspool of violent crime and murder. Then a Republican, Rudy Giuliani, took office and implemented sweeping tough on crime policies. In a few short years crime levels had dropped and the city was now called the safest big city in America. Tourism soared, businesses returned, people were safe on the streets and in Central Park again. But New Yorkers weren’t happy with that and again put Democrats in charge. Democrats then started taking power away from the police and the city started to slide.

Democrats claim to have all the answers, but in cities where they have had free run to implement ever policy they can think of, the crime rates are still out of control. The people in these cities don’t mind the crime increases because they have the opportunity to vote for more ‘free’ stuff. The more the Democrats ruin the cities they govern, the more of their opponents flee and they thus gain even more power. It’s 13 percent of the population that commits over 50 percent of the violent crimes and they congregate in big cities. And, 70 percent of them grow up in a one parent household, usually without the father. That too is the fault of Democrats.

One could argue, I think, that a contributing factor to our out-of-control crime can be traced directly back to that which was the brainchild of LBJ known as the ‘Great Society.’ LBJ said himself that he would have ‘blacks’ voting Democrat for the next 200 years. The plan was to destroy the black family by simply throwing public money at blacks and to promote a culture of dependence and in the process encourage diminishment and ostracization of the black father and replace him with the government happily taking on his role. Democrats need that culture of dependence in order to survive, it’s why they are now importing millions of illegal immigrants.

Public largess has denigrated blacks spiritually and genetically. When government is the primary means of support to many Black women and their kids, they have no incentive to select mates who are disciplined, hardworking, sober, responsible, and law abiding. And it worsens with each passing generation and will continue to worsen as long as this unending welfare train keeps giving. Democrats are like drug dealers generously doling out ‘free samples’ of their ‘product’ to stoke addiction and lifelong dependence. Democrats are pushers. Like any ruinous addiction, step one of improving one’s lot is to break the cycle of dependence fostered by the pushers.

It was rich white liberal elites, back in the 1960s, who set out to purposely destroy the black family. Before that, blacks married and had children, in that order, and actually worked harder than most white people, albeit for less pay. But the 1960s was a time of promiscuity, feminism and normalized drug experimentation. That all gave birth to single parent families, drug addiction and a criminal subculture that arose from the drug trade. And all of this has gotten us to the point where you are no longer safe on the streets and no longer safe in your own homes. Democrats want to free the criminals to attack you and those in your family. It’s all by Democrat design.

The Democrats have managed to bring chaos out of order, even in small cities. Democrats are like a plague, wherever they are in control, violence and death are the result. The crime rate here the U.S. has shot up because of misguided leftwing policies. Democrats dream of a "better world", but the end results of those dreams, when implemented, are a disaster. Large cities are becoming majority populated with "minorities" who vote for Democrats and have no problem being dependent on government. If you remove the top 10 cities from the statistics for gun related death in the U.S. and we go from the top 10 globally to nearly last as a nation.

The Democrats issue their daily talking points to their many minions in the ‘fake news’ who are then tasked with repeating them ad nauseam. This week, in response to Republican claims about rampant crime in Democrat owned districts, the talking point is that "red states have higher murder rates than blue states." It's a statement made to mislead, essentially claiming that you are in more danger walking through rural Missouri than you are walking through downtown Chicago. The truth is that the murder rates in those red states are escalated by clumps of blue cities within them. It's the kind of statistic that stupid liberals think they can use to fool people.

And finally, in an effort to make a long story short, it’s been over the course of the last 22 months that the Democrats have made it very clear that they have virtually no interest in addressing our skyrocketing crime problem. And claims to the contrary are made only because an election is looming. If we’re being honest, it seems as if the Democrats are only trying to make our current crime problem even worse. I mean what other explanation can there possibly be for some of the policies that they are calling for? So the bottom line here, as we prepare to march off to the polls, is if you want more crime, and not less, all you have to do is to vote for Democrats!

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