

Tuesday, September 6, 2022


It would appear that Joey B’s recent speech from Independence Hall, during which he chose to portray those who support President Trump as the most dangerous foe this country now faces, has since prompted all manner sleazy character to slither out from under their rocks. And we should not be surprised in the least to hear each and every one of them singing the very same song. That America has been made into a shithole not by Joey B and the Democrats but instead by we who comprise the evil MAGA folks. The latest of these scumbags, former CNN contributor Roland Martin, recently declared that he and like-minded people were “at war” with “evil” Trump supporters.

This past Saturday it was Martin who told “Cross Connection” host Tiffany Cross that “This means war. That is where we are.” Martin went on to say, “We are at war with these people. These folks are evil. They have allowed evil into their house with Donald Trump. He has now dominated the party. This evil is spreading. And when you are in a war footing, you have to respond accordingly. It is about time Joe Biden got tough.” This guy Martin is yet another example of a liberal plantation step-n-fetch-it, carrying dirty water for his white overseers, type of black. The left does evil things then accuses the opposition of doing those same evil things, they’re lying cowards.

Martin’s comments followed in the wake of a series of speeches *President Joey B gave during which he attacked Republicans. Joey claimed Republicans embraced “semi-fascism” during a speech on August 25 at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser, followed it up by attacking “MAGA Republicans” Tuesday and proclaimed Trump supporters were a “threat to democracy” Thursday. Few things resonate more Hitlerian than to declare 74 million of your fellow citizens to be “evil” and declare war against them and “you have to respond accordingly.” Liberals praised Joey B for his continuing attacks on those of us who continue to support President Trump.

And it was Martin ‘The Moron’ who said, “Stop being weak, stop being impotent, quit not fighting back.” And he added, “What these people want to do to this country is destroy democracy. They want to rig elections and so it requires you to stand strong. You don’t walk the comments back, you don’t wilt under the pressure.” Apparently, Martin took great offense to how it was that Joey B appeared to partly walk back the comments about those of us who continue to support President Trump. It was this past Friday when he was questioned by Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy. And Martin actually claimed, “This is about the future of our children."

On the contrary, it’s Democrat who pose the greatest threat. Those who have destroyed our country’s economy, decimated the energy industry, tacked on trillions in debt, created the highest inflation in over 40 years, set race relations back generations, destroyed trust in law enforcement, instituted a soft on crime policy that has given rise to a massive increase in crime, thrown open the border for any and all who wish to enter, and yet have somehow argue that it all the fault of President Trump and those who believe in America’s greatness and want to see it continue. They are like little kids blaming others when it is they who broke the cookie jar.

And I find it rather ironic that we now live in an age where believing the Federal Government should be our servant, rather than our master, is now considered as evil. That believing that there is something inherently wrong with butchering our babies by the millions, is also considered evil.  That thinking we should be governed by those whom we elect rather than faceless bureaucrats or judges on the bench, is evil.  That believing we have laws and those laws should be enforced equally and without preference for one group or another, is evil.  Believing there are only two genders is evil.  Thinking our ‘fake news’ media is corrupt, is evil. And yet here we are.

At this point those on the left seem driven by both panic and desperation in their attempt to avert that which has been predicted for them in a mere 63 days. I mean what is it that they have to run on? They’ve pretty much screwed up everything they’ve come into contact with, and yet the ones who they claim represent the greater danger are those who continue to stand in firm opposition to everything that they have brought about in the last 20 months. It’s not our fault that in that time the price of gas has doubled, that millions of illegals have been allowed to enter this country, or even that inflation is now the highest 40 years. It’s their fault.

If the American people are unable to remember where this country was, less than two years ago, and are unable to recognize the amount of damage, much of it likely irreparable, that has been to this country over such a relatively short period of time, politically speaking, then I fear that there may enough of those who might actually fall for the nonsense spewed by Martin, and those like him. But if they do remember then, to use Martin’s own words, instead it’s we must declare war on them And, we must also understand that “these folks are evil.” And it is we who need to “stop being weak, stop being impotent, quit not fighting back.” For the future of OUR children!!!

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