

Saturday, July 9, 2022


You really do have to hand it to the RINOs, because when it comes to President Trump, and his millions of supporters, they are, if nothing else, very persistent. But as persistent as they continue to be, they don’t seem to be making much headway in meeting what has clearly become their primary objective. That being, of course, the elimination of President Trump as a viable candidate by the time the 2024 presidential election rolls around. And it’s that pathetic loser, John Kasich, who is one of the many gutless RINOs taking part in the effort to damage President Trump.

And it was this past Friday that Kasich, during an appearance on CNN’s “Situation Room,” hosted by that proverbial dim bulb Wolf Blitzer, said that the hearings by the January 6 House Select Committee were causing President Trump’s “hard-core” supporters to become “mushy” in their defense of him. It was Blitzer who said, “Today’s testimony was behind closed doors, but it was recorded on video. So presumably, major portions of it could be made public during upcoming hearings, including as early as next week. What kind of impact would that have?"

Kasich said, “Well, what’s interesting to me, Wolf, is that these hearings were supposed to end sometime around June but what we see is they are not scheduling hearings as late as August, which means that little by little, they are finding more and more information and calling more and more relevant witnesses. So Cipollone is important in terms of the things that our guests have said here about confirming some things. But it also is really interesting how they keep finding more and more people who they want to call and have testify."

He added, “You know, there is one other thing happening that I have noticed, Wolf, and that is I like to say there are a group of what were hard-core Trump supporters, and I think they are getting like mushy. You know what that term means. They are mushy. They are getting weaker. They no longer stand up and defend him. They say, well, it’s time to move on. So these hearings, the accumulation of these hearings, highly watched hearings, are taking a real toll on him and providing space for other Republicans to think about running for president."

Now, first of all, I did find it rather ironic that Kasich would use the same word in describing supporters of President Trump that they have long used to describe him and every other RINO, albeit in a slightly different context. When used in describing them we mean not only to be weak, but spineless and useless. And, frankly, Kasich's brain is more than a little “mushy” if he thinks that supporters of President Trump care about the continuing circus surrounding the event of January 6. It’s more like wishful thinking on his part, as well as on the part of every other RINO and Democrat.

So, Kasich believes President Trump’s “hard core” supporters are becoming “mushy” in their defense of him. No, what we are becoming, is weary. These people who are apoplectic and overcome with hate for President Trump are blind and waste the government's time and money. As everything collapses, the Democrats, along with those like Kasich, believe they will take over the country. ‘Shitbag Joey’ has done much to contribute to the collapse of America. The Patriots will appear and, with the help of God, and maybe with guns, will overcome the enemy. Evil must not prevail.

These “hard core” supporters of President Trump supporters are very well aware that this entire January 6 shitshow is nothing but a desperate attempt by Democrats, and RINOs like Kasich, to sway public opinion and to try to convince them to turn against President Trump, as well as attempt to prevent him from running for President again in 2024. That’s all this is about. I’ve yet to come across a single Trump supporter who has turned their back on him. Anyone who claims that they can’t, or won’t, support him anymore because of January 6, is not a true Trump supporter, and never was.

Kasich continues to show his true colors by continuing to go on CNN to backstab Republicans! And each time he does so he makes it clear that he’s someone only to be ignored. By going on CNN it tells you that he knows FULL well what he’s doing and that tells you all you need to know about his lack of character! He wants President Trump gone so that he can throw his hat into the ring for 2024! He doesn’t stand a snowballs chance in Hell of becoming President! He hasn’t yet realized that either side cares about him. Liberals are using him, and Republicans will never trust him.

Kasich’s insistence on it being better to lose in a dignified manner than to put up any kind of a fight against the left existed long before President Trump successfully made a fool of him. Kasich, Cheney, Kinzinger and the like represent a sub-class of Republican politician that has no equivalent in the Democrat Party. Democrats are lockstep monolithic. That’s precisely why Democrats maintain an intrinsic advantage over Republicans. Until people like this are purged, the Republican Party will never be able to effectively represent and project long-term conservative policies.

Even the participants of this ongoing circus know it for what it is. The only reason they continue with it is because it’s free advertising during an election year. Even the dumbest campaign manager knows that the masses who vote are mostly uninformed morons and name recognition is what they vote for, so any chance to get their name in front of the public is free advertising. But the joke is on them, because the only people watching or listening to them are people who were going to vote for them anyway or people who are paid to listen to them, like faux ‘journalists’ and such.

I find myself wondering if there is a warehouse somewhere where failed politicians, former cabinet ministers and RINO pundits are kept in suspended animation until the progressive media needs them and they can then pull them out, dust them off, and trot them out to opine about how it is that President Trump is sure to be indicted, or how the Republicans are done at last, or how ‘Shitbag Joey” is doing an absolutely stellar job. Or perhaps Kasich plans on running himself, in 2024. Maybe he believes he can team up with Liz Chaney to lead the Republicans from the MAGA desert?

And finally, Kasich is among the LAST people on Earth that I’d ask to provide a meaningful update on the January 6 goings on, which have earned ZERO credibility, the same as Kasich. Is there a more out of touch politician, anywhere? He claims to be a Republican but no conservatives like, or respect, him. He will gladly sell his wares to CNN or MSDNC or anyone else willing to pony up the funds. He’s figured out that bad mouthing President Trump is the only way he can get anyone to listen to him. Kind of pathetic really, trying to stay relevant by being incredibly unlikeable.

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