

Tuesday, July 26, 2022


You do have to laugh at all of those who are members of NeverTrump, Inc. That group comprised of those who have long claimed to conservatives but have, especially since the arrival of Donald Trump onto the political scene, continued to demonstrate that not only are they NOT conservatives, but very clearly never have been. And in what appears to yet another bizarre attempt on their part to prevent President Trump from regaining the White House they have made it very clear how foolish we were to have ever taken them seriously. And it’s one of the primary players in this rather twisted cast of characters that is the biggest fraud of all, none other than Bill Kristol.

And in what could be dubbed, “Operation Desperation,” is how Kristol is actually suggesting to the Democrats, via Twitter, that perhaps they should recruit left-wing pop star John Stephens, aka John Legend, to replace *president Joe Biden in 2024, calling the “So High” singer “our version of [Ukraine President Volodymyr] Zelensky.” Kristol wrote, “I’ve been saying for a while that we need as our next president our version of the admirable Volodymyr Zelensky.” He added, “Today I got another ‘personal message,’ i.e., mass e-mail, from @johnlegend on behalf of Democrats.” He added, “Which leads me to ask: When Biden steps aside — John Legend in 2024?"

And readers quickly took to social media to mock Kristol for his suggestion, as well as express their confusion over his rather idiotic remarks and the presumption here is that “our version of Zelinsky” is a good thing. But this was not the first time Kristol has made social media users scoff over his comments. In March, Kristol was torched on Twitter for comparing *president Joey’s dangerous call for a regime change in Russia to former President Ronald Reagan’s iconic “tear down this wall” speech. And the last time I checked, this guy Zelensky had managed to bungle his way into an existential war that will likely lead to the total destruction of his country.

It cannot be said enough that President Trump disrupted all of the cheaters, liars, connivers like Kristol which resulted in their ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’ (TDS). Donald Trump broke many people by being elected in 2016, and most have never recovered. I’m all for it happening again in 2024. I find it very interesting how one man, former President Trump, has so thoroughly upset the entire world? President Trump owns the 2024 election. He is the only person who can save America, and the people like Kristol know it. Kristol hasn’t had any credibility ever since he refused to get on the Trump train. He’s been walking the rails and complaining ever since.

President Trump is the most successful President in recent history. More so than even Ronald Reagan. We need him now more than ever, and more like him, not the same old tired corrupt politicians of both parties. And while i believe there was a time when Kristol was actually respected, it’s these days he sounds more like a court jester. Kristol has jumped the shark, he’s so irrelevant that he has to say provocative things to stay in the spotlight. Kristol played the upper middle class twit conservative role on panel shows. He played the unlikable nerd character to the hilt. Now he’s playing himself and doing a great job of being a horrible and authentic Leftist idiot.

John Stephens? A below average singer and so that somehow equates to being presidential timber? Yes, by all means, we need someone like Stephens, a BLM racist in the White House with his putty face wife from too many plastic surgeries as our First Lady. The real story here is that Kristol had to say something this stupid just to finally get noticed. Kristol picked the wrong horse in 2016 and has been bitter about it ever since. I stopped listening to him when he went full anti-Trump and I regret ever having listened to him in the past. That’s what Trump really did. He exposed everyone for who/what they really are, and I think that’s why they hate him so much.

EVERY time one of these faux conservative imbeciles opens their mouth to spew some absolute stupidity, they add a name to the list of people that I just can’t take seriously. It wasn’t that long ago that Kristol was someone I thought of as making a lot of sense. Now I can’t look at him without laughing. And that list is growing pretty rapidly! Every time some moron tries to tell me what type of car to drive and how many mpg it should get, every idiot that mentions a carbon tax, every dimwit that thinks that socialism is somehow good, or even functional. every loon who doesn’t want me to have a gun because they are scared, I realize what frauds they are.

Finally, Krystal along with George Will and the rest of the pseudo conservative Republicans became irrelevant when they insisted that Donald Trump would never be the Republican nominee, let alone be elected President of the United States. Donald Trump proved all of them wrong and the people turned their backs on these NeverTrumpers relegating them to the fake news ash heaps of CNN, MSDNC, WaPo, NYT and so many others. Hey Bill, you did your father’s legacy a great disservice. Your second mistake was naively believing that people will eventually come around to your rather warped way of thinking which has now been proven to be a fool’s errand.

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