

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


As far as I’m concerned if the Republicans do regain control of Congress come this fall’s midterm election, (God willing), if they succeed in doing nothing more than to get rid of this fraud, Tony Fauci, they will have done all of humankind a yuge favor. One for which it will be very difficult, if not impossible, for us to repay them. I have seen some real egomaniacs and narcissistic personalities in my life, with almost all of them being in politics and/or the entertainment business, but I’ve never seen one quite like Fauci. Nor have I ever seen anyone who took themselves quite so seriously.

And it was during his recent testimony before the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pension, just this past Thursday, that old ‘Doc Tony’ was heard whining on the subject of Sen. Rand Paul’s campaign for him to be fired as *president ‘Creepy Joe’s chief medical adviser. Fauci held up the document to draw attention to Sen. Rand Paul’s initiative on his website to raise money to fire Fauci. So now, Fauci is an ‘astute’ politician and believes HE has the right, and/or, authority to tell the Senate Committee how to ‘be’ a Committee, and how it should be run?

And it was Fauci who said the following about Sen. Paul’s initiative: “What happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that… kindles the crazies out there and I have life threats upon my life, harassment of my family and my children with obscene phone calls because people are lying. It makes a difference… on December 21st, a person was arrested who was on the way from Sacramento to Washington, DC at a speed stop in Iowa. And they asked the police to ask him where he was going and he was going to Washington, DC to kill Dr. Fauci."

And Tony concluded his little bitch session by saying, “So go to Rand Paul website and you see fired Dr. Fauci with a little box that says contribute here. You can do five dollars. Ten dollars, twenty dollars, a hundred dollars. So, you are making a catastrophic epidemic for your political gain.” Threats on his life because “people are lying.” Look, since the very beginning of this ‘plandemic’ it’s been very clear who it was that was doing all of the lying. That would, of course, no one other than the good doctor himself who has been lying. A predator now pretending that he’s the prey.

Merely having him fired goes nowhere near far enough when it comes to how this man should be dealt with. His actions, regarding the ‘Chinese virus’ must be thoroughly investigated, and then after being found guilty on all charges, he needs to spend whatever time it is that he might have left on this Earth, rotting away in solitary confinement in the worst prison we have in this country! Fauci is a lying sociopath, responsible for unmeasurable death and suffering. And it’s every penny of his ill-gotten gain that should go to the families of those whose death he’s responsible for!

Pure narcissism, he needs to be removed from his position and indicted for treason for funneling taxpayer funds to a known enemy and developing a bioweapon. Tony is dirty to the core. He is incompetent, He has covered up and lied from the beginning. He’s responsible for all that we have been made to deal with related to this virus. And just here in the U.S., but throughout the WORLD. And the fact that he continues to be provided with a platform from which to spew his narrative is clear evidence that he has no conscience. He’s lied repeatedly and has yet to suffer any consequences.

This sanctimonious little twerp actually thinks that we care enough about what he says to threaten his life and family's life? This is just more lies coming from this attention-seeking boob who has essentially sold his soul to the Devil. The Democrats won’t allow Tony to be fired, not YET anyway. Not as long as they think he is still some use to them. He still has another ‘variant,’ or two, up his sleeve that has yet to be unleashed on us. Omicron has been a big disappointment to the left. Tony had better make the next one scarier and more potent, if he knows what’s good for him.

The louder he get, the more guilty he looks. The fact that he came prepared with this information means that he knew how things were likely to go. But it only served to detract from him having to answer questions too close to his illegal dealings. Fauci is nothing more than a ‘mad scientist.’ He knows this was a result of gain of function research and he’s getting rich from patents on these supposed ‘vaccines.’ He knows that Hydroxychloroquine works and Ivermectin works, but the effectiveness of both needed to be downplayed of the vaccines would never have been forced upon us.

This pathetic little creep is a perfect example of why the government is now such a mess. This little exchange that took place was quite telling. No concern for the millions who have died because of what he intentionally did. Nope. Nothing for them or the families. It’s all about him and those who are supposedly accusing him “of things that are completely untrue.” Fauci is just like an arsonist firefighter that starts the fire and pretends to extinguish it to become the hero. Once the truth comes to light, he claims to be the victim. He is such a pathetic narcissistic sociopathic liar.

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