

Thursday, January 27, 2022


Never in my nearly 70 years of life have I ever, in any of my travels, come across a Democrat that I felt I could trust any further than I could throw him, or her. And as I have said many times before it’s that species once referred to as the ‘moderate’ Democrat that long ago went extinct. And while we continue to have those who try to convince us otherwise, it is in the end that they always show themselves to be just as radical as are the rest of those in their party. So excuse me if I’m no rush to applaud Joe Manchin who recently declared that there would be no rubberstamp for any Supreme Court nominee put forward by ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden. I just don’t trust him.

You see, it was Manchin who, just this past Wednesday, said he would take part in acting as a rubber-stamp for *president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden’s Supreme Court pick to replace Leftist Justice Stephen Breyer. Manchin claimed, “I take my Constitutional responsibility to advise and consent on a nominee to the Supreme Court very seriously.” And he went on to say, “I look forward to meeting with and evaluating the qualifications of President Biden’s nominee to fill this Supreme Court vacancy.” Manchin’s statement followed White House press secretary Jen ‘Circle Back’ Psaki’s confirmation that ‘Creepy Joe’ fully intends to nominate a black woman to the court.

In 2020, ‘Creepy Joe’ himself foreshadowed he would do so saying then, “I’m looking forward to making sure there’s a black woman on the Supreme Court, to make sure we, in fact, get every representation.” The appointment of a black woman has only one real purpose, that being, of course, to make it troublesome for the spineless Senate RINOs to block ‘Creepy Joe’s nominee in an election year. Democrats currently hold a 50/50 split tie-breaking vote in the Democrat ‘controlled’ Senate. And so whomever ‘Creepy Joe’ nominates, she will need to appease all 50 Democrat Senators, including the so-called ‘moderate’ Democrats, Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema.

Both Manchin and Sinema have proven a willingness to oppose ‘Creepy Joe’s radical “Build Back Better” agenda. It was Manchin’s home state of West Virginia that voted for President Trump in 2020 by nearly 40 points. Chuckie Schumer, also on Wednesday, announced that he would confirm ‘Creepy Joe’s nominee promptly, but deliberately. The Senate’s Judiciary Committee, chaired by ‘Little Dick’ Durbin, will conduct Senate hearings in the coming weeks. And I’m also quite sure that what further motives the Democrats in their desire to expedite these hearing is the possible role that the Court may end up playing in the approaching midterm elections.

Look, it’s everything that the Democrats have been doing, especially under our current fraudulent administration, that is borderline criminal as well as outright unconstitutional. Our southern border is being overrun by those who are then being flown to locations all across the country under cover of darkness. So pesky constitutional issues about choosing an unqualified person just because she’s a black, doesn’t really mean much in these days of total anarchy taking place in our cities! To them, it’s just a distraction that is to be ignored as they all move onto the next big thing to screw up after the affirmative action appointee is settled onto the Court.

There’s no doubt that ‘Creepy Joe’ already has his team beating the bushes for the most insanely radical individual they can find for him to nominate in the hopes that the enough Republicans, out of fear of being called racist, will vote to support his nominee no matter how radical they may be shown to be. They will play the race card to paint all Republicans as racists in an attempt to improve their precarious position regarding the looming midterm elections. Republicans need to grow a spine and approach the confirmation process methodically and systematically. They need to force the Democrats to explain why they need such a radical person on the court.

Manchin is all talk and no action. Except for ‘Creepy Joe’s ‘Build Back Better’ debacle, which he came dangerously close to supporting, Manchin has rubber-stamped pretty much everything in the Democrats’ far left agenda. He’s supposed to be voting in the manner that those in his very conservative state of West Virginia, a state that voted overwhelmingly for President Trump in 2020, elected him to vote. But he rarely does, instead voting the way that his party’s bosses tell him to vote. And let’s not forget that Manchin has also made it known, on more than one occasion, that he’s very much in favor of doing away with President Trump’s tax cuts.

And imagine the justifiable outrage by all Americans if it was any president who announced their nominee to the Supreme Court would come only from a list of those who were both white and male. America deserves a nominee, with NO consideration of race, color, gender or religious faith. They should be the BEST nominee based on talent, skill and merit, and must possess a full understanding of our Constitution in order to uphold the rule of law. And we mustn’t think for a moment that Manchin will allow ‘Creepy Joe’ to paint him as being a racist. That will never happen. Manchin will find any Black, female radical that ‘Creepy Joe’ chooses to be “highly qualified."

Personally, I have no problem with any woman, regardless of race, being selected to replace Breyer, but by announcing that he's going to make his appointment based upon such a narrowed pool of candidates, those who are black females, will forever cast doubt on whether or not she was the most qualified person for the job and was instead merely a diversity hire. So what ‘Creepy Joe’ is telling us that the next individual selected for the high court won’t be chosen based on merit. She will simply be chosen based on her race and gender. Yes, it’s a sad state of affairs. The nominee does not have to know anything, she only needs to be, black.

I’m sure that all of us who are old enough remember how the Democrats have treated every Republican nominee since Robert Bork. They’ve lied, made all manner of racist accusations, empty charges of sexual harassment, gender hate and on and on, doing everything possible in their effort to degrade every nominee. Now they expect clear passage with no questions asked of a Democrat nominee under threat of being called racist. Republicans must stand up, investigate, question and put the nominee on the spot. This is a lifetime appointment and if you’re afraid of being called racist by the most the most racist of politicians, the Democrats, you don’t belong in the Senate!

And we all know that it’s only the Democrats, driven by their need for power and their quest to control every aspect of our lives, who would think it’s ok to appoint, or to hire, someone based solely on their gender and the color of their skin which is, itself, blatantly unconstitutional. The only thing they should be looking at are a person’s qualifications, the soundness of their judicial opinions and, I think, most importantly when it comes to those nominated to the Supreme Court, how many times their decisions have been overturned by higher courts. That is what gives one a good understanding of how well they follow, and/or understand, the Constitution.

The Orwellian driven Democrats attempt to ‘rubberstamp’ all of their politically corrupt, criminal and treasonous agendas before they start their party before country crusades the purpose of which is to take and maintain their power. Wake up America, this will not end well if they are allowed to continue. Manchin surprised us with the ‘Build Back Better’ bill, and maybe he will surprise us again and by some miracle other Democrat may get onboard and actually do what’s best for America and the American people instead of what they think is best for their party. But I’m not holding my breath on that one. Americans need to wake up, the insanity has gone on long enough.

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