

Thursday, December 16, 2021


It’s right about now that you have to be asking yourself, what’s the REAL reason behind the Democrats’ continuing effort to turn as many Americans as they can against President Trump? And just why is it that they are trying to hard and appear so desperate in doing do? Do they really think he represents a danger to our Republic or, is it far more likely that what they are truly afraid of is that he will be able to further expose how it is they who represent a far bigger danger to the Republic than they could ever accuse President Trump of being? And still Democrats refuse to realize that those who support him will never abandon him. That’s just not going to happen.

Which brings me to Jimmy Carville who, during an appearance this past Wednesday on MSDNC’s “The Beat,” hosted by that buffoon, and faux ‘journalist’ Ari Melber, said that Americans should “strap in” because the House select committee ‘investigating’ the January 6 ‘riot’ at the Capitol will expose President Trump was behind what he referred to as a “massive criminal act.” This is little more than wishful thinking on the part of loons like Carville. And you know, I’ve never really understood why it was that this loudmouth is considered to be some sort of a political genius. I mean just what is it that he has ever done the makes him deserving of such a moniker?

Carville only real claim to fame is that he was ‘Slick Willy’s campaign manager in 1992 when there was a very strong third-party candidate, Ross Perot, who ended up taking far more votes from the Republican candidate, George H.W. Bush, than from his guy. Might he have been just as successful in his effort had Mr. Perot not been part of the contest? While we’ll never know for sure, Carville certainly has been milking that ‘success’ for nearly 40 years. And why is it that he is continually being sought out and touted as being a Democrat Party ‘strategist’ is beyond me. Most sane people see him as being nothing more than what he is, a moron with a very big mouth!

Anyway, Carville went on to say, “It was a massive criminal act. The people who penetrated that Capitol were criminals. The people who helped them penetrate the Capitol were criminals. You’re a lawyer. You know this—if I drive the getaway car or I case the place out, I’m as guilty as the trigger man. That’s the way the law operates. They are going to find that members of Congress were aiding and abetting this, that Trump was behind it, major people in the administration were behind it. We have to remember this was a massive criminal attack. It wasn’t just an assault on the temple of democracy or whatever we say, were criminals in that building."

And he went on to say, “These were people on Fox who were aiding and abetting criminality. That’s not a good thing, not in a nation of laws. I hope they stay very, very aggressive and expose these criminals and the people that supported them to the very extent they possibly can. We’re going to find out a lot, a whole lot. Strap in, people. Strap in.” That this imbecile can sit there and accuse ‘Fox News’ of “aiding and criminality” really does tell you all you need to know about this piece of shit. Especially when every single day it’s those all across the ‘fake news’ media who continue to aid a abet the senile old fraud who now occupies the Oval Office.

Melber said, “Strap in. James Carville said it. Strap in.” Carville said, “Remember, the getaway car driver, the guy that cased the joint is just as guilty as the people that went in the bank. Never forget that. That’s the law.” Melber said, “It’s called felony murder for a reason. It means even if you didn’t do the strangling, if you committed a felony in the act, you can be held accountable. They were trying to murder democracy literally.” Yup folks, this is now what passes for ‘journalism’ in 2021 here in the good old U.S. of A. Pretty damn pathetic, and yet they all still think that they’re able to fool us when all they are doing is proving that they are fools!

Once again we see a liberal who has quite the knack when it comes to spinning a good yarn. And how it helps to have a ‘fake news’ media who has ZERO interest in honest reporting. Democrats have already chosen to fabricate evidence against President Trump to back up their false claims, a fact totally ignored by the media. They are desperate and corrupt and they have the media behind them, so who is it that’s going to call them out? This Soviet style inquisition isn’t gonna fly with anyone outside of the Democrat Party, but as we have seen so many times before from this group of mentally challenged losers, it isn’t going to prevent them from at least trying.

Even Carville can’t really be THAT stupid. I have no doubt that he knows what really happened. Just as he likely knows that it was just another false flag operation. But as is usually the case with this pathetic old blowhard, he’s either simply choosing to add fuel to the hate machine or he knows that this Kangaroo court fully intends to falsify whatever evidence they must in their ongoing effort to destroy President Trump. After all, it was old ‘Pencil Neck’ who has already done so. Look, Carville hasn’t been right about anything, ever. But here’s what is even more embarrassing, there are many Americans who agree with him. That’s how far gone we are as a country.

Carville’s big mouth notwithstanding, regarding this ongoing partisan witch hunt, it’s most reasonable people who would agree that if the Democrats had even a SHRED of evidence it would have long ago been leaked and then been wall to wall on MSDNC and CNN months ago. Also, if they had a SHRED of evidence then that moron ‘Pencil Neck’ wouldn’t have recently been caught badly faking text messages. And, AND, if they had a SHRED of evidence does anyone seriously think that it would be RINO Liz Cheney who would be out front, being the one to grab all the good soundbites. Democrats got nothing, they know it and EVERYBODY else knows it as well.

The fact is, if what we witnessed truly was an insurrection, none of this Democrat nonsense would be happening now. It would already be over. Traitors would have been taken out and exposed. Donald Trump would be re-installed as President. Fake news would be too terrified to say anything knowing what could happen to them. And conservatives would go down in history as the group which stood against tyranny from within. But they didn’t, they were just a bunch of unarmed protesters allowed into the building by Capitol Police and led by Marxists with commie tattoos and posing as supporters of President Trump. It was not what Democrats claim that it was.

The rally President Trump held on January 6 was pre-approved and legal. Requests to bolster the size of the police force around the Capitol were ignored by the Capitol Police chief. President Trump encouraged those in attendance at his rally to protest peacefully. There is no evidence he participated in, or planned, the subsequent ‘riot.’ After receiving recommendations from multiple sources to ask the rioters to stop, President Trump did so. The bottom line here, is that the Democrats are still afraid of President Trump! They know he will be easily reelected, if a fair and honest election is held! The heavily loaded January 6 committee is working to do just that!

Meanwhile it’s back here in the real world that we have far more serious issues that continue to be ignored by those in the very same party who claims to be so concerned about our supposed “democracy.” Things like: Rampant inflation, a wide open border, those left behind in Afghanistan, a ballooning national debt, the threat from Communist China, a dysfunctional supply chain, the rapidly escalating cost of energy including the price for gas, election fraud, a near impotent military, men taking over in women’s sports and so very much more. Oh, and then there’s the biggest of all, at least in Carville's view...SLUMPING POLL NUMBERS AND THE 2022 MIDTERM ELECTIONS.

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