

Thursday, October 14, 2021


Does anyone happen to remember just how many times it was that President Trump had to go begging oil companies to produce more gas in an effort to reduce gas prices? Now I could be wrong, but I believe it was, NONE! Of course, he had a slightly different tack in that regard than does our current *president, ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden. Because where President Trump actually encouraged drilling, and made more federal land available for drilling, it’s been ‘Creepy Joe’ who, since taking office, has been doing the completed opposite. It’s here in my area that the price if a gallon of gas has gone from being about $1.60 in January to now being $3.15 a gallon. Thanks Joe!

Which brings me to how the White House has now confirmed that they are speaking with oil and gas producers in the United States about reducing rising energy prices, just days after ‘Creepy Joe’ boasted about suspending drilling in Alaska. It’s being reported that White House officials have now reached out to energy companies as the world faces record high prices for oil and a shortage of supply. Now keep in mind that it was just a week earlier that *president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden had boasted, during a White House event on national monuments, that he had suspended oil and gas drilling on federal lands in Alaska. So what the Hell did he think was going to happen?

It was on Friday of last week that ‘Creepy Joe’ said, “Alaska is pretty big. There’s an awful lot we need to protect.” And our senile dolt of a *president went on to say, “That’s why I’m refusing to sell out the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve to oil and gas drilling.” And it was back in June that ‘Creepy Joe’ suspended oil leases in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge after President Trump opened the area up to drilling in 2017. ‘Creepy Joe’ also halted new oil and gas leasing and drilling permits on federal lands in January. The price of U.S. crude oil hit $80 a barrel this month, a seven-year high. As they say, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

Oil production remains about two million barrels a day lower than the nearly 13 million barrels per day produced by the U.S. in 2019, prior to ‘Creepy Joe’ cheating his way into the Oval Office. The U.S. government announced Wednesday that households could see heating bills jump as much as 54 percent. And just last week that the White House blamed September’s Hurricane Ida for the spike in energy costs in the fall, but said that the *president’s priority was to shift to cleaner sources of energy. ‘Circle Back’ Psaki told reporters, “Certainly, we all want to keep gasoline prices low, but the threat of the climate crisis, certainly can’t wait any longer."

I hope every Democrat, and every spineless, self-righteous Republican voter that could not handle President Trump’s tweets are proud of themselves regarding what it is that they have done. The morons who didn’t like President Trumps tweets, and harsh statements likely thought demented *president ‘Creepy Joe’ would be a safe, harmless replacement. They paid no attention to his voting record, or the fact that he appears to be quite the pervert, as he frequently swam nude in front of female Secret Service agents. Can you imagine being a responsible for the safety of the vice president and having to look at that old decaying body nude? Yuck!!! He’s disgusting!

But if, and it’s a big IF, we are able to replace enough Democrats in both the House and the Senate, in this coming election cycle, with genuinely conservative Republicans we could lock up Congress in direct opposition to ‘Creepy Joe’s insane anti-America policies. After that we can work toward a return to sanity courtesy of another Trump presidency. This is the only way to avoid our country being destroyed. But, and again it’s a big BUT, we would also have to change the leadership teams we now have in both the House and Senate and rid ourselves of those RINOs who are currently in those leadership positions in order to succeed in our goal.

And you have to ask yourself, why should the oil companies agree to ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden’s request, just to make him look less bad? He has scuttled more drilling and the Keystone XL Pipeline, which would have beneficial for both the U.S. and Canada! He’s done everything he can do to boost oil and energy prices! And somehow we’re supposed to blame the oil companies? Hardly! Look, I’m no fan of the oil companies, but if they had their way prices would be cheaper, because we would have secured new energy sources. But whoever is holding ‘Creepy Joe’s leash will likely threaten them and muscle them to serve his political well-being. We need to stop him, not them!

And so, our country that was, just one short year ago, totally energy-independent has now been reduced to begging for scraps of oil from sub-standard hostile sources and jumping through hoops among enemy nations for fuel. Thanks Joe! And readily available and easily accessible domestic supplies, facilities and pipelines, which could easily supply our energy needs, now lie abandoned and idle. Thanks again, Joe! Their employees were forced from their jobs at the point of a government bayonet. Their families have been jeered and insulted by callous bureaucrats who told them ‘they have better options now.’ This is the insanity of those on the left!

Add to that the fact that our smooth-running supply lines have now been pretty much shut down. Hundreds of trucks now sit idle because Democrats are paying drivers more to stay home and watch ‘Jerry Springer’ than they would make by working. Fuel for our trucks and ships has been cut off by Democrats who shut down the production facilities which kept them running. Hundreds of cargo ships now fight for parking spaces off the west coast, unable to deliver their shipments because Democrats are using ‘Covid restrictions’ to block them from docking. States across the country are enduring crippling shortages of basic necessities because of the Democrats.

That infamous image of ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden, cringing and whimpering behind a podium, looking like he is tearfully praying for someone to come rescue him, will be THE defining image of his fraudulent regime. Democrat rule and policies have destroyed peace, security, prosperity and safety here in America, replacing it with unrest, fear, violence, poverty and destruction. I hope you take heed, Democrats - because THIS is what it’s like when you get what you want. Hail, Democrats. You must be so proud. Unfortunately, those of us who voted correctly, and what was actually best for the country, have now been made to suffer right along with you.

Some 10-15 years ago it was Senator John Kerry Heinz who opposed drilling because he said “it would take us ten years to drill our way to energy independence.” But I guess energy companies weren’t listening and drilled anyway, and lo and behold we did become energy independent until another blithering fool of a Democrat threw a monkey wrench into the works. But it isn’t going to work this time, because we know that we have more oil under our feet than in all of the Middle East and serval times over. And there is no reason why we shouldn’t be able to go after it. We aren’t ‘fearful’ of energy shortages today, like we were in 1973, instead we are FURIOUS!

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