

Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Yup by golly, it’s anyone who has spent even the slightest amount of time watching Joy Reid on her rather viewer-challenged show on MSDNC, that is no doubt fully aware of what a deeply religious and devout Christian Ms. Reid so very obviously is. And also, it is very easy to see how it is that God forms the basis of her very existence. Now if anyone noted the hint of sarcasm in that statement, it was certainly intended. And for those who did not pick up on that, they apparently have not wasted enough of their time watching her idiotic little program on MSDNC called, ‘The ReidOut.’

And it was recently, during yet another less than thrilling episode of “The ReidOut” that Ms. Reid chose to single out conservative member of the House Jim Jordan, who also happens to be a Republican. And it was in referencing Mr. Jordan that Reid claimed she was doubtful that God blessed what he stood for. Now granted, it’s not likely that whatever ‘God’ it is that this racist bitch believes in would bless anything that Mr. Jordan stands for, and that bothers me not in the least.  But I think that it was a rather odd remark coming from someone who is so very clearly an atheist.

Over the years Reid has made it very clear that she is devoutly against Christianity, and it’s values. And, as such, she is the last person who should be talking about who God will and will not bless. She said, “COVID cases are rising at an alarming rate as we head into the fall. The number of new infections this Labor Day was nearly four times of that one year ago, and the number of deaths due to COVID is nearly double. That’s thanks to the highly contagious Delta variant as well as the roughly 75 million Americans who are eligible for the vaccine but refuse to take it.”

And she went on to say, “The Washington Post reports in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi and Texas, more than 90% of the ICU beds in hospitals are in use. Then there’s also the Mu variant that’s now been detected in 48 states according to Newsweek, completely overshadowing the previous greek alphabet variant, Lambda. A large portion of the country is acting like nothing is going on. That’s certainly apparent in college football as we saw maskless fans packed into stadiums like this one at the University of Wisconsin in Madison this weekend.”

And Reid concluded her rather idiotic rant by saying, “Those scenes were celebrated on Twitter by Republican Congressman Jim Jordan who declared that, quote, ‘Real America is done with COVID. God bless!’ First of all, I doubt God bless is anything that you stand for, assistant coach Jim. COVID, it’s far from done. In fact, officials with the World Health Organization delivered the unwelcome news today that because of the virus continues to mutate among the unvaccinated, it’s likely here to stay.” Again we’re to believe that it’s all the fault of ‘we who are the unvaccinated.’

Reid claimed, “A large portion of the country is acting like nothing is going on.” Well, that would only be because nothing is going on, except a lot of lies and pseudo-science. And it’s Reid, like so many others in the ‘fake news’ business, on her network and others, cheerfully recites all of them, including the supposed “infection” rate of the ’Chinese virus.’ But this is what those on the left must now resort to for the very reason that they have nothing else. Those on the left, like Ms. Reid, don’t believe in God. They only believe in ‘global warming’ and the butchering of babies.

Reid has always ridiculed Christians and their values, weird that she would now talk about God and who he would, or would not, bless. Democrats all are confident in the fact that they know better than God. No borders, one world, and the progressive, Marxist, Socialist, and Fascist build back better theology. And again, it’s Reid and those like who, if they worship anything, worship the God of darkness and destruction. Reid is a Jew-hating, conspiracy nut, a proven gay-bashing homophobe and a liar. Which is just part of the reason her show has such low ratings. She’s toxic.

On the contrary, it’s the ONE and ONLY TRUE God that doesn’t bless anything that Ms. Reid chooses to stand for. He most certainly does not bless the slaughtering of millions of innocent babies, which is something she clearly stands for. And he doesn’t bless the LGBTQ agenda or that there are somehow more than two genders. These Leftists continually try to make the claim that ‘God ‘supports them because it’s their cause that is the more just, fair and equitable. Basically, most, if not all, of them are totally clueless about how their comments are totally contrary to His teachings.

She clearly has no logical thought process when it comes to the ‘Chinese virus,’ as do most on the left. With 75% of our country now having had at least one dose of the ‘vaccine,’ not to mention those with natural immunity, we have two times more hospitalizations compared to last year’s numbers. What does that tell us? That the vaccine is not preventing the spread of the virus. The Left has politicized this virus, the treatments and the vaccines, and bear sole responsibility for what we are seeing. They are doing all they can to vilify those who do not want, or need the vaccine.

And yet this racist bimbo prides herself as being a ‘journalist,’ when nothing could be further from the truth. Creating the news is not the same as reporting the news. The only reason Reid is where she’s at today is simply because of her skin color. What else could it be, it certainly isn’t because of her keen intellect, because she’s dumb as a brick. Jordan is right, it’s over. Just look at the CDC’s own Covid-19 tracker and you will see the much-touted cases and death have over-peaked and are in free fall. The pandemonium around this relatively weak virus is the dumbest thing I’ve seen my life.

Not only is Reid a purely partisan hack, but she also seems very bitter. And how is it that anyone could actually listen to this woman and not come away having anything but questions about her professional integrity and her total and complete lack of a moral compass. It’s always pretty hilarious whenever mentally ill liberals choose to mention God. It’s right up there with those times that they use words like ethics, morals and ‘American’ values. To refer to these people as merely being hypocrites does a grave disservice to hypocrites everywhere. They are liars, pure and simple.

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