

Tuesday, September 21, 2021


So, since when is it that any of us would need a poll to tell is that President Trump is a far more popular guy then the demented meat-sack who now occupies the Oval Office? And why is it that we should be shocked by news of a newly released poll that shows President Trump being more popular that *president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden? But it was on Monday that a Harvard CAPS/Harris poll, released by the Hill, made just that point. But then, let’s face it, President Trump was also far more popular with registered voters on Election Day in 2020 than was ‘Creepy Joe.’ Just sayin’

And so, it was according to the Hill that, “Forty-eight percent of respondents say they have a positive view of Trump compared to 46 percent who say they have a favorable opinion of his successor.” In addition to respondents’ more positive view of President Trump than ‘Creepy Joe,’ 51 percent believe President Trump was actually “a better president than Biden.” Frankly, the ONLY thing that I find in any way shocking about this poll is how it indicates that it’s 46 percent of registered voters who, after all that has taken place over the last 8 month, still have a positive view of ‘Creepy Joe.’

It was during President Trump’s tenure that the United States succeeded at hammering out fair and equitable trade deals, constructing historic Middle East peace agreements and created a booming economy that resulted in real wage growth occurring for many varying demographics. In striking contrast, it’s ‘Creepy Joe’s presidency that has been defined by the deadly evacuation/retreat from Afghanistan that left hundreds to thousands of U.S. documented residents stranded behind enemy, skyrocketing inflation and threats made against those who remain unvaccinated!

The Hill, which we all know is nothing other than another establishment ‘fake news’ media outlet with a pretty hard left bias, actually admitted the poll’s numbers are “remarkable” for ‘Creepy Joe,’ “who repeatedly out-performed President Trump’s favorability numbers throughout the early months of his presidency.” The publication asserted the “bruised public perceptions of Biden” are due to his mismanagement of the ‘Chinese virus’ and virus messaging along with the Afghanistan hostage crisis. But those things are, in reality, only the tip of a very sizable iceberg of incompetence.

Regarding the ‘Chinese virus,’ ‘Creepy Joe’ implemented vaccine mandates on medium to large size businesses while choosing to scold the unvaccinated for refusing to get the “effective” ‘vaccine,’ and suggesting the unvaccinated are causing the vaccinated ill health. His confusing communication on the vaccine’s effectiveness has resulted in only 48 percent of U.S. adults approving of his ling of the ‘Chinese virus’ with 49 disapproving, according to polling by Quinnipiac University. In August, those numbers were flipped, with 53 percent approving and 40 percent disapproving.

We had the greatest president in recent memory and the media fought him every single day. And now that we have the worst president in all of our history the same media carry his water every day. After all, it would be hard for anyone, let alone President Trump, to match the eloquence and the grasp of international affairs possessed by ‘Creepy Joe.’ ‘Given how well the problems with immigration, the ‘Chinese virus,’ inflation and crime are being managed now, I can see why so many refuse to entertain the possibility that the election may have been compromised.

None of this is news to anyone with an IQ above room temperature. Everyone knows President Trump won the 2020 presidential election. I seriously doubt anyone genuinely believes that the senile old dolt now occupying the White House actually received anywhere near 81,000,000 votes. For sure, there are a lot of stupid people out there able to vote, but nowhere near THAT many. We most certainly can chalk it up to Democrat cheating and Democrat lying. In China they have communists. In Afghanistan and Iran they have Moslem terrorists. In America we have Democrats.

Assessing ‘Creepy Joe’ after eight or nine months, and comparing him to President Trump, is not an accurate reflection of how bad this is very likely going to end up. This is just a brief snapshot into a four-year term he will either stagger through or hand to a ‘BO’ sock puppet. ‘Creepy Joe’ & CO. made their intentions clear from ‘Day One’ regarding the direction it plans to go in terms of disrupting our entire way of life. We are headed on a steady, rapid and downward trajectory with NO END in sight and the sure promise of more rigged results in the next two elections.

So, what might be the solution to our current dilemma? Use the 25th Amendment to get rid of ‘Creepy Joe?’ Then what, with ‘The Giggler’ in the wings who would be far worse than ‘Creepy Joe?’ And getting rid of ‘The Giggler,’ we get Pelosi. So I don’t really see an up side here, the problem now is that there is no good alternative. Work to take back Congress in 2022 and then we can at least shut down the crazy spending and slam the brakes on what ‘Creepy Joe’ mission to destroy America. There’s no real solution until 2024, and by that time the U.S. will be Cuba without the good weather.

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