

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


Much like a cop whenever you need one, it would seem that neither are those men in the white coats ever around when you find yourself in desperate need of their services. And while I am a supporter of President Trump, the worst decision he made during his entire time in office was to bring onto his ‘Chinese virus’ team that obvious quack, that raving lunatic and media whore, Tony Fauci. You may recall how it was, and in pretty short order, that old Tony became quite addicted to his being in the spotlight and more than a little infatuated with the sound of his own voice.

And it’s instead of now being locked up in a padded room in some out of the way insane asylum, that Tony is, instead, *president ‘Creepy Joe’ Biden’s chief medical advisor. And it is in that capacity that Tony declared just this past Monday on ABC’s “Good Morning America” that the United States had “done worse than most any other country” in the fight against the ‘Chinese virus’ pandemic. And it was former Clinton hack and now ABC anchor George ‘Stephy’ Stephanopoulos who asked, “Five hundred thousand Americans, families grieving all across the country. Did this have to be?”

And in responding, Tony spewed  he’s now known for, saying, “Well, certainly some of it, but not this bad, George. I believe that if you look back historically, we’ve done worse than most any other country, and we’re a highly developed rich country.” And Tony went on to say, “There were things back then, if you go back and think about what you might have done, the kind of disparate responses of different states rather than having a unified approach. But it’s so tough to go back and try to do a metaphorical autopsy on how things went. It was just bad. It is bad now.”

Tony continued, saying, “I think these numbers are so stunning. George, remember back in the late winter and early spring of 2020 when we were saying we could get as high as 240,000 and people were thinking, we were being hyperbolic about it and here we are with 500,000 deaths, just a stunning figure. The only thing that I would just encourage all of us is that rather than looking back and saying what the heck happened here, just saying, now let’s just go forward and be completely committed as a unified country to just go at this together. This is a common enemy.”

&But when you stop and think about it, should we really expect anything worthwhile from this garden gnome. After all, it has been since all of this started that he’s been doing little more than to play it all by ear, while doing his best to sound as if he actually knows what he’s talking about when he so very obviously does not. When you gets right down to it he doesn’t know any more than does the average person while he pretends to be an expert. He has contributed nothing of value his entire lifetime and still gets paid quite handsomely. The time for him to step aside is long overdue.

So Tony claims that we’ve done worse than most any other country? Now if that’s true, which I don’t think it is, might it be because far too many people have been listening to quacks like him and corrupt politicians like Andy Cuomo. We’re told that there have been 500,000 deaths classified as being caused by the ‘Chinese virus,’ and while some probably were, I have little doubt that due to the politics of the issue most were deemed ‘Covid’ deaths regardless of underlying conditions. Follow the money and ask yourself, do hospitals make more on a ‘Chinese virus’ diagnosis or not.

By making the claim that we’ve done worse than most any other country is reason enough to send old Tony packing. This guy has flipflopped or gone sideways more times than I care to count on everything from masks to appropriate distances to symptoms. The only thing that he’s been consistent on is handwashing. Being an advanced country with advanced everything and hearing your lead guy on the virus say such a things should make it obvious to just about everyone that he has absolutely no idea what he’s doing or talking about. Rarely does he even make a lick of sense!

There can be no doubt that Tony is a bona fide liar, and there is more than enough proof. For one thing, he knows full well where it is that the ‘Chinese virus’ originated, if for no other reason than because he was involved in funneling $3.7 Million U.S. tax dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology. Secondly, he also knows full well that Hydroxychloroquine is safe and could have been an effective prophylactic. And thirdly, he also knows full well that masks are pretty much useless when it comes to preventing the transmissions of airborne viruses. In short, he’s a quack and a fraud!

Perhaps we should ask Tony how many of the countries that we compare unfavorably with also changed their death reporting method to make comorbidities secondary instead of primary? And how many changed the RNA amplification to a level that produces false-positives as high as 95% of the time, only to reduce the amplification guidance after a certain political event? And how many more demonized and BANNED the use of a known-safe therapeutic medication based on specious studies, retracted papers, and political hatred only to rescind the ban after a certain political event?

Or perhaps we should also ask him how many of those countries forced nursing homes to house positive patients long after it was well-known that the elderly were most susceptible? The terrible U.S. response and results are a direct result of evil political calculations and a complicit media who covered it up instead of investigating. All to silence a few mean tweets. We, quite literally, have no idea how many people actually contracted the virus and how many actually died from it. The statistics are simply fraudulent, and everyone knows it. And nothing Tony says will change that!

Far from being praised Tony should be thoroughly investigated for his, and the NIH’s, role in Corona Virus technology as a bioweapon. There is a direct connection going from Chapel Hill, NC. to Vancouver, CA. to Wuhan Institute of Virology. Also, NIH had investments in Wuhan Institute of Virology. He should be in prison, not heralded as being some sort of medical genius. Plus, there is much circumstantial evidence that would seem to indicate that Tony was involved in the using of the ‘Chinese virus’ in what was yet another plot, the purpose of which was, to oust President Trump.

Look, Tony is nothing more than a tool to be used, a resource to be taken advantage of, and one who has been able to maintain his status by keeping his nose buried in the right place. He’s nothing more than a career bureaucrat. Also, I find it to be rather interesting that it’s on a list of his personal ‘friends’ that we find more than a few very prominent Democrats as well as many leftwing media hacks. So, is this really a guy that we should be putting so much stock in what he has to say? Personally, I don’t trust the little twerp as far as I could throw him, and neither should anyone else.

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